Tao Lin

Tao Lin, portrait
Graduate Student

Year of Entry



Clinical Psychology


Dr. Timothy Anderson


PhD in Clinical Psychology (Expected 05/2024)
Department of Psychology, Ohio University
Adviser: Timothy Anderson, Ph.D.       

M.A. in Clinical Psychology (2017-2019)
Teachers College, Columbia University
Adviser: Barry Farber, Ph.D.

B.S. in Psychology (2013-2017)Beijing Normal University 

Research Interests

  • Psychotherapy process and outcome
  • Effectiveness and application of teletherapy
  • Scale development and validation
  • Meta-analysis

Selected Articles in Journals

Lin, T.& Farber, B.A. (2021). Trajectories of Depression in Psychotherapy: How Client Characteristics Predict Clinical Improvement. Journal of Clinical Psycholog y. 77(6):1354–1370. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23119

Lin, T., Stone, S. J., & Anderson, T. (2021). Treating from Afar: Mental Health Providers’ Challenges and Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Behavioral Medicine , 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/08964289.2021.1908217

Lin, T., Cheng, Y., Veldhuis, C., & Hughes, T. (In press). Research on LGBTQ health and well-being in China: 2011-2018. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health .

Pending Articles

Lin, T., Stone, S.J., Heckman, T.G., & Anderson, T. Zoom-In to Zone-Out: Therapists Report Less Therapeutic Skill in Telepsychology Versus Face-to-Face Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Under Review).

Lin, T., Heckman, T.G., & Anderson, T. The Efficacy of Synchronous Teletherapy Versus In-person Therapy: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. (Under Review).

Lin, T., Anderson, T., Austin, M., & Mischkowski, D., The Roles of Early Symptom Change and Early Working Alliance in Predicting Treatment Outcome. (Under Review).

Selected Conference Presentations

Lin, T., Stone, S.J., & Anderson, T. (2021, June). Therapists’ self-report superior ability to use therapeutic skills in face-to-face therapy versus telepsychology . Paper to be presented at the 37th annual meeting for the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Virtual Conference.

Lin, T.& Anderson, T. (2021, June). The roles of early symptom change and early working alliance in predicting treatment outcome . Paper to be presented at the 52nd International Annual Meeting for the International Society for Psychotherapy Research. Virtual Conference.

Benanzer, H., Lin, T., Stone, S.J., Engel, A., Anderson, T. (2021, June). Do helpers’ emotion and responses differ for difficult versus benign simulated clients?  Paper to be presented at the 52nd International Annual Meeting for the International Society for Psychotherapy Research. Heidelberg, Germany.

Lin, T., Briscoe, J., Jiang, J., Chen, Z., & Anderson, T. (2021, August). Does remote versus in-person therapy differ in efficacy? A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials . Poster to be presented at American Psychological Association 2021 virtual convocation.

Lin, T., Hughes, T.L., & Veldhuis, C. (2020, July) LGBTQ health and wellbeing in China: A trend analysis of English- and Chinese-language research, 2011-2018 . [Conference paper] International LGBTQ Psychology Online Conference.

Lin, T., Lee, A., Xu, C., Martinez, D., Tsang, S., Nunes, E.V., & Luo, S.X. (2019, June) Electroretinogram (erg) as a novel biomarker for dopamine release: comparing healthy controls and cigarette smokers [Poster session]. The 81st Annual Scientific Meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), San Antonio, Texas.

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