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General Faculty Resources

This webpage contains information about Patton College faculty and student forms, policies and procedures, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Assigning Graduate Advisors

The current process for Graduate students’ advisors' input into Peoplesoft is the same for degree-seeking and non-degree graduate students.

  • Graduate advisors for degree and non-degree students are input and/or changed by the PCOE Graduate Records Office, upon receipt of the "Advisors to Input Spreadsheets" from the departments. 

  • Note: we can only input advisors in Peoplesoft if the student is fully admitted and enrolled by the term of input.

Please be sure all columns are filled in, with complete information in each, per-column heading.  We cannot input advisors without complete, accurate data on the spreadsheet.

Example:faculty full name, there are several faculty with the same first initial and last name.  We also need full academic year and admission data, e.g. Fall 2023-24. 

Double-check students’ first, and last names and PID numbers before sending spreadsheets to us. We often find anomalies.

About 24 hours after an advisor is input in Peoplesoft, the student will show up in the advisor’s list, and the advisor will have access to view their DARS, and the DARS will contain the advisor’s name.

Contact the PCOE Graduate Records Office , or your Department Chair, for the blank spreadsheet template.

Support Services for International Faculty/Students

Departmental Information

How do I know when my program and/or department meetings are scheduled?

Each program and department holds regular meetings. Meeting times and locations can be found on the Patton College calendar . Typically meeting information is also sent via email. Departmental administrative specialists may place the meeting times on your calendar.

Anyone with an OHIO ID can add meetings or other PCOE events to the Patton College calendar by logging in with your OHIO credentials (the same password you use to check your email).

How do I pay for a conference?

Check with your department chair.

Do I need to hold office hours?

Yes. Full-time faculty members must have formal office hours scheduled and communicated to students. Faculty should check with their department chair on specific requirements.

Where do I find my syllabus? If I need to create one, are there specific things that must be included? Is there a master syllabus?

Each department should have a file of all approved syllabi. Departmental syllabi are also located on the Patton College shared drive. (See below for directions for accessing the shared drive.) If the syllabus is not there, contact the Department Chair.

If a syllabus needs to be created, specific items must be included (e.g., contact information, evaluation criteria, disability statement, national/state accreditation standards). To ensure consistency, contact your department chair for guidance.

How do students gain permission to enroll in a class?

The class permission process (formerly known as a green slip) is available online. Students can initiate a permission request online and the instructor will be notified to approve or deny the request. If approved, the student will finalize their registration using their My OHIO Student Center.

Can I make changes in my courses or do I need to seek approval?

Any substantial change in a course needs to obtain department, college, and university approval. Course changes or new course approvals are submitted in OCEAN (OHIO Curriculum Enhancement and Approval Network). You should direct questions to your program coordinator and department chair. Information about course guidelines can be located on the Individual Course Committee guidelines

What textbook do I need?

Textbook information should be listed on all course syllabi. If you are unsure of what textbook you should use, please contact your program coordinator and/or department chair. If it is a new class or if you have the option of selecting a new textbook you can obtain a desk copy of the book to review before selecting that text.

Additionally, State of Ohio law requires all textbooks that are required for a course to be listed on the course offerings website. To list your textbooks in this system, faculty are required to go to the Registrar’s website and log in with the “ Textbook and Materials ” button.

How can I see my course in course offerings and find where the course is taking place?

All OHIO course offerings are located on the University Registrar  in the  Course Offerings . Once a course is selected, click the arrow to the left of the course number for additional course information (e.g., course description, class location).

How do I find my class list?

The Ohio University Faculty and Advising Center is available from the University Registrar website. Faculty must use their OHIO login information to access the system. Select the Teaching dropdown menu and select the term and course. Click on the icon next to the magnifying glass of the people to see the class list.

What do I do if I have to cancel a class?

If you need to cancel class, you should notify your students via email. All student emails are located on your class list in the Faculty and Advising Center . If it is a last-minute cancellation, you may also notify your administrative specialist and ask to have someone post a sign on the classroom door.

Classroom/Office Supply Logistics

Who do I see to get a key to my office?

Building keys are distributed by Bre Demko in the Dean’s Office suite.

How do I get into the building and my department suite outside of normal business hours?

Once you have picked up your Ohio University Faculty/Staff ID card from the Bobcat Depot send a request including your OU PID# to Helen Watson.

If you accidentally lock yourself out during non-business hours, you will need to contact your department chair or another individual within your department to be let back in.

Ohio University Police, Facilities Staff, and CTOP are NOT permitted to unlock doors or rooms therefore please do not attempt to contact them with such requests.  

All Athens campus graduate students in The Patton College are granted access to the building via the use of their student ID.   Contact Helen Watson to request access if you cannot get in.

General and College-Wide Information

What are the different faculty classifications?

Tenure-track faculty are either full or part-time and are designated as an assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Tenure-track faculty are eligible for tenure and/or promotion.

Instructional faculty are non-tenure track, full or part-time, and are designated as assistant professors of instruction, associate professors of instruction, or professors of instruction. Instructional faculty are eligible for promotion but not tenure.

Fixed-term contract faculty are non-tenure track, full or part-time, and may be temporary. Full-time temporary faculty that earn benefits are Visiting Professors while part-time, temporary faculty are Instructors.

What is my PID number?

All Ohio University employees have a Personal Identification Number (PID). Upon hire, all employees should go to the Bobcat Depot located on the bottom floor of Baker Center to obtain their OHIO ID. The PID is located on the ID card.

What do I do if I lose my ID card?

Obtain another one at Bobcat Depot on the lower floor of Baker Center; Fees will apply.

Who do I contact with a maintenance issue that needs attention?

Maintenance issues within your department should be directed to your department's administrative specialist. Larger or more urgent maintenance issues need to be reported to Helen Watson (740-593-4405) or April Crabtree (740-593-4401) in the Dean’s Office. **After-hours maintenance emergencies Facilities Management (740-593- 2911).

Can I reserve a meeting room?

Yes. There are several “seminar” rooms throughout the building. These rooms vary in size and hold between 16-24 people. The Shared Services Team will be able to offer instructions for reserving one.

If I have a problem with a colleague or student whom should I turn to for help?

Faculty should follow the chain of command, beginning with the program coordinator when possible. If a situation arises that you are not comfortable with, you should talk to your department chairperson. In an emergency call OUPD at 593-2911 and report it to the Dean’s Office as soon as possible.

Faculty can complete a formal disposition assessment on a student. This alerts the Office of Student Affairs about the concern and initiates a formal review process conducted by the Credential Review and Candidate Progress Board to ensure due process. If you intend to submit a disposition assessment, please contact Assistant Dean Coon in Student Affairs for the appropriate form.

There is also an Ohio University Code of Conduct. The Ohio University’s Office of Community Standards & Student Responsibility will be consulted if a student’s conduct seems problematic.

How do I turn in grades?

Several weeks before the end of the semester you will receive an email from the registrar indicating that you can go into the Faculty and Advising Center . Only faculty should submit grades including special grade requests .

What is an “I” and a “PR”?

“I” = incomplete – This grade turns into an F, after six weeks.

“PR” = Progress – grade changes form

What is “Turn-it-In”?

Turn-it-In is a built-in element in our LMS that can check any documents for plagiarism. If used through Blackboard or Canvas, this is a free service to any OHIO faculty or student. In The Patton College, all theses and dissertations are submitted to a Turn-it-In review as a part of the final submission process and reviews at department and college levels.

What is One Drive and how do I access it?

Ohio University’s secure cloud storage utilizes Microsoft One Drive. Use One Drive to share files and collaborate with multiple individuals across campus or elsewhere. To activate your free OHIO One Drive account visit the OIT website and follow the prompts.

How do I reserve one of the college vans?

Contact Bre Demko in the Dean’s Office for details on van usage policy and assistance making reservations.

How do I locate the contact information of someone at Ohio University?

You must first go to Ohio University’s home page . Located at the top right, click Search and then select People. Type the person’s name, starting with last name first followed by a comma then their first name. Example: Doe, John. Alternatively, you can search specific office names by selecting “”

Where can I park my vehicle?

You should call, visit, or email Transportation and Parking Services to check options that work best for you. Ohio University Parking Services

How do I get a temporary parking permit for a guest of the college?

At least one week before needing the permit contact the Administrative Specialist of your department with event details for assistance/direction.

What assistance is available to me at Alden Library?

The Patton College has two specific Support Librarians, Chris Guder who specializes in education (740-597-1975), Alden Library 206 and Sherry Saines who specializes in social sciences (for Patton College – specifically RSPCS) (740-593-9587), also housed in Alden Library.

Technical Support

Canvas Help for Instructors Digital Measures Access
Drupal Website Guidelines Movie Maker Editing Tutorial
MS TEAMS Tutorials Lab Reservation
Video Compression Tutorial Technology Requests for Events & Meetings

Who should I contact if I have a computer issue?

The Patton College OIT department asks you to email the Service Desk with your computer issue and they will respond and open a “help ticket” to address the issue. If it is something that needs immediate attention between 9 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday, then start by calling Don Weekley (740.593.4450) or send him a Teams Chat Message.  The staff ar listed below and the link to the website is highlighted so you have access to more information about CTOP services.

Center for Technology and Online Programs Front Desk: 740.593.4451

  • Faculty Equipment rentals, group study room, computer lab  or, webcast/podcast studio reservations

Don Weekley : 740.593.4450

  • Computer, technology, equipment, and classroom tech support.

Lisa S. Dael:  740.593.9925

  • Online program coordination (inquiries, application & registration), and course evaluations.

Tasha Attaway: 740.593.4784

  • Social media postings and graduate recruitment

What resources are available in the Center for Technology and Online Programs (CTOP)?

  • Rental Equipment
  • Projectors
  • Video and digital cameras
  • Digital voice recorders
  • PowerPoint clickers
  • Camera tripods
  • Laptops & iPads (Faculty ONLY)
  • Webcams and omnidirectional microphones Computer Lab, Laptop & iPad cart for classes
  • Web conferencing assistance (webcam setup) for Skpye, Adobe Connect, conference calls, etc. Technology workshops and training
  • LMS Support
  • Qualtrics
  • Social media
  • Educational Apps 
  • Online course preparation and consultations
  • Reserving the Computer Lab
  • Group Study Room Reservations

Do I need to use Outlook for the calendar? How does it sync to my phone?

Ohio University and The Patton College regularly use Outlook calendar to send meeting invitations. It is strongly encouraged that you keep your schedule up to date. The Ohio University Bobcat Depot can assist you in syncing your emails/calendars/memos to your smartphone.

How do I create meetings? How do I see others’ schedules?

To see someone else’s calendar, click "Open Calendar" and find the person or room in the directory whose calendar you wish to view. (NOTE: it will only show boxes of time marked as "Busy”. It will not show you their meeting details unless you have been permitted to do so.)

What is “Clutter” in my email?

The "CLUTTER" folder is for emails that the server has determined that, though legitimate, is of little or no value to you based on your email reading habits. Think of this as someone sorting out the magazines and newsletters that you only read once in a while or not at all anymore and have not yet unsubscribed from them or just keep getting them anyway even though you are no longer interested in them. If you want to start or would rather see something from the "CLUTTER" folder, simply move it to your "INBOX" and the server will learn that you want to see/read this particular type of email more often.

Something to keep in mind is to check both of these folders once in a while in case something you want is misfiled. They do help keep your inbox cleaner, but they are not perfect.

Purchasing and Concur

Do I need a P-Card?

Yes, if you plan on doing any traveling or purchasing things for OU business. Only tenure-track and instructional faculty are eligible for a P-card. Special circumstances should be discussed with your department chair.

How do I obtain a P-Card? What if I lose my P-card?

There is an application online that you fill out and submit to your department chair – you can go to the Finance website or seek assistance from Shared Services.

What am I allowed to purchase using a P-Card?

An explanation of all allowable purchases as well as the necessary documentation can be found by clicking on the Buying Guidelines link from the OHIO P-Card Services .

You may not ship anything purchased with any Ohio University funds (including RI, Start-up, Professional Development, Foundation, and Grants) to a personal (or home) address. Everything shipped must be shipped to an Ohio University address.

You may not purchase supplies for personally owned equipment. The Ohio ethical interpretation of this regulation is that there is no way to ensure that everything purchased for such equipment is used for Ohio University business. For example, copy paper and printer ink in your home can be used for things other than OU business.

You may not purchase gas for your personal vehicle with OU funds. Even though you may be on a business trip at the time, you can reimburse mileage, but you cannot purchase a tank of gas. This does not include rental vehicles. It is only regarding your personal vehicle.

Do I need training to use a P-Card?

Following the obtainment of P-card, people must enter their financial transactions into Concur. Specific training on Concur is available through Human Resources. It is important to note that all faculty, staff, and administrators are responsible for timely submissions of Concur reports.

The PCOE Shared Services Unit will be able to provide direction on signing up for the next Concur training session.

OHIO employees, with the exception of students have access to Concur regardless of whether they have a P- card. This is because personal reimbursements must be processed through Concur.

Where can I get help with Concur?

See PCOE Shared Services for instructions on how to sign up for Concur training.

Research Funds through PCOE

PCOE offers two-cycle of research funding ($2,500). Deadlines are November 1 and April 1.

  • Fall Cycle Application:
  • Spring Cycle Application: 

The Graduate College also offers several pools of funds for PCOE faculty to pursue research funding. For example, OU Research Council Funds, OU Baker Funds, and 1804 Funds. More details at the link below.

"Top of the Top Tier" (T3) Journal Publishing Incentive for Tenure Track Faculty

  • Purpose and Goals of the Incentive 
    The goal of the incentive is to engage and support collaborative scholarship with rigorous research design among tenure-track faculty, resulting in empirical data analysis in highly visible peer-reviewed publications. Moreover, this incentive’s purpose is to advance the national prominence of PCOE faculty and the College itself, resulting in enhanced support to faculty who desire to expand their visibility as national and international experts. Such visibility increases opportunities for recruiting and retaining top-quality students.
  • Financial award
    Authors of published articles meeting the parameters for the Incentive will receive remuneration in the form of a summer research stipend of $3,000 for single authors (or one Patton College author among a group of authors) and a total of $6,000 to be equally distributed among multiple authors (from PCOE) in recognition of the achievement. This compensation will be provided in the form of a summer (overload) appointment to support research endeavors in the summer term following the publication. Collaboration is encouraged. The incentive summer research support compensation is limited to Patton College's tenure-track faculty. Each Patton College tenure track faculty member may receive only one stipend per year.
  • Process for Summer Research Appointment
    PCOE Tenure track faculty members who author publications meeting the criteria should submit this Qualtrics Form to the Associate Dean for Research (1) evidence of the publication and (2) a brief outline describing the research work that will occur during the summer appointment. 

Upon approval, the Associate Dean will authorize the summer appointment, which will be executed for the period July 1 – August 15 during the summer session following the publication date.

Updated Journal Inclusion Criteria

Summary: Rather than including specific journals like the original T3 process, quantitative metrics are used for journal inclusion. The rationale is that many PCOE faculty might be publishing or attempting to publish in journals that were specifically on the T3 list, but by broadening the journal list, faculty may target more appropriate, high-impact journals within their field. For this reason, the inclusion criteria included the following metrics: Include all journals with a Current Year OR 5-year impact factor greater than or equal to 1.5 at the time of acceptance. The impact factor should be printed from the Journal’s homepage that clearly identifies the impact factor.

Two Other Additions for Journal Inclusion

The Journal of Counseling and Development will be included as a T3 journal, even though it does not currently meet the criteria listed above. This is the flagship journal for the Counseling Education program.

  • Consistent with The Patton College’s 2029 Strategic Plan and commitment to ensuring that we engage in practices that are inclusive of writing for broader audiences in more inclusive ways (Strategic Goal 9, Objective 4), The PCOE Dean’s Office requests the following journals be included to be in light with the 2029 Strategic Plan: ​Journal of Negro Education, International Journal for Qualitative Studies in Education, Race, Ethnicity, and Education, Urban Education

Stipend Eligibility (Revised Process) 

In addition to fully retrievable citation of the publication meeting the parameters of the incentive, “Online First” and “Advance” publications available on the journal’s homepage (e.g., not preprint repositories like SocArxiv, PsyArxiv) can be considered for the incentive pursuant to the time period and summer appointment mentioned above. The Impact factor will be considered at the time of initial submission OR at time of publication. The author submitting the T3 summer research request must attach all documentation to the submission.


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