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Celebrating OHIO Lancaster's Graduates

Congratulations Class of 2023!

Ohio University Lancaster students are passionate, intelligent and driven. It's no wonder our alumni make a difference around the world.

Please enjoy these selected graduate spotlights from the Class of 2023.

Matt Bates

Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I plan to start a career in events planning.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

When I was helping plan Spring Fest 2022. I realized at that moment that I wanted to do event planning and everything was going to be alright.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster? OHIO Lancaster was close to home and a big part of the community I grew up in.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

Dr. Nikki Blau is very blunt but in a way that made me realize that not every issue is the end of the world and I can get through the road blocks. Dr. Candice Thomas-Maddox was the professor for my event planning class and she helped tremendously with realizing I have a passion for events and putting them on. And, Lillian Zarzar helped me realize that you may have these huge amazing accomplishments but you need to stay true to yourself and what you enjoy. She also taught me to be able to reflect on all the memories you have from traveling and different jobs.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

COVID made me realize that you really do have to just roll with the punches and not worry about things changing because there is always light at the end of the tunnel even if you don’t quite see it.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

My junior and senior year was when I finally got that taste of college life by getting to have events back on campus and to be part of some amazing student organizations.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

I would tell them to join student organizations! Even though you are on a regional campus, that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun and have an awesome college experience!

Jack Drager

Hometown: Pickerington, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I’m on my job hunt and looking to relocate to Arizona.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

When I pledged with Alpha Phi Omega.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

OHIO Lancaster was close to home and had a much more personal feel within my classes.

Who was your favorite professor and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

Dr. Candice Thomas-Maddox helped me significantly throughout college and gave me the spark I needed!

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

COVID and the ZOOM era! We had to adapt and make do with what we were thrown into during that time. I learned how to connect and reach out to my professors for extra help after class.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

Definitely Spring Fest 2022

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Alpha Phi Omega!!!

Early Childhood Education
Taryn Evelyn

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I will be teaching 3rd grade with Lancaster City Schools

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

I was awarded the Outstanding Early Childhood Education award and I was shocked.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

It was so close to home and the professors are amazing

Who was your favorite professor and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

Deborah Downing was so encouraging and helpful. She made me feel like I could succeed!

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

All the wonderful people and friends I have made.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Get involved !!!!! There are so many wonderful groups!!

Social Work
Abagail Gordan

Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I am going to grad school part-time and getting a job in the field.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this”?

Meeting my supportive professors and cohort. I don’t think I would have made it this far without them!

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I love the small community and how supportive every instructor is.

Who was your favorite professor and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

Lisa Skeens was by far my favorite instructor. She was so supportive every single step of the way. She always made sure I had the tools I needed to exceed. She encouraged me every step of the way, even when I felt I couldn’t do it anymore.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest hill I had to climb was fixing my GPA after dealing with my mental health. Unfortunately, my grades weren’t the best when I first started. Thankfully, I had a great support system at OHIO and within my family, so I was able to work hard and bring my GPA back up. It took a lot of hard work and determination on my end as well, but I couldn’t have done it without my support system.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

The closeness and the support from my social work cohort.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Take advantage of everything OHIO offers! I regret not partaking in events earlier in my educational career. They put on so much for the community, you definitely don’t want to miss out on it.

Communications, Business & Technology
Jake Howard

Hometown: Canal Winchester, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

Upon graduation, I will be joining Local Union 189 which is the plumber & pipefitters union for Columbus. In the future, I would love to become a high school athletic director for Canal Winchester or a school in the area.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this”?

My "ah-ha" moment at OHIO Lancaster was when I was sitting in one of my sophomore COMS classes realizing that I was almost halfway finished. I knew in two years I would be graduating and that’s when I thought to myself, "I’ve got this.”

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I chose OHIO Lancaster because it was close to home, cheaper than any main campus, and I enjoyed smaller classes where I could ask questions and build relationships with my professors. In addition, they offered sports and my desire was to continue playing basketball. Unfortunately, COVID cut things short and I was only able to play for one additional year.   

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

My favorite professors/staff included Dr. Blau, Jeff Whitehead, and Professor Zarzar. Dr. Blau was the first professor I talked to when I became a COMS major. Whenever I had a question, she would schedule a meeting or email me back no matter when it was. Dr. Blau was extremely helpful to me, especially the past couple of semesters. She helped me schedule my classes so that I would graduate on time. Jeff was a very important person to me. In my opinion, he is a "jack of all trades" on the campus. He was the athletic director, basketball coach, and just about everything in between. In my freshman year, Jeff helped me schedule classes, contact professors when I needed help, and introduced me to some great people. Finally, Professor Zarzar was always happy. I never once saw her without a smile. Professor Zarzar's smile became contagious. I was always excited to go to her class to learn. She was always such an encouragement and a sweetheart who put a smile on my face.  

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

My favorite memory was bowling night my freshman year. Bowling night was so much fun and everyone there had a great time. In addition, I met so many new people and friends that I still hang out with. My freshman year I played basketball. That season was a great experience that I would not trade for anything. I met many new friends, and we had a great season together.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

I would tell them not miss the Fall Fest bowling night. That night was filled with laughter and fun. Bowling night was free and everyone was there together just having a great time.

Criminal Justice & Communication Studies
Louis Hutchinson

Hometown: Upper Arlington, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

To start a career in law enforcement for the municipal courts.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this”?

Honestly, the second I walked through the doors at Ohio University Lancaster on my first day of classes. I knew that I was going to graduate and that everything would work itself out.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I would say it was due to the smaller class sizes, better one-on-one learning experience with professors, and the extremely significant price difference as opposed to going to the main campus.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

My favorite professors were Lisa Taylor, Sonja Rawn, James Stephens, Nikki Blau, Jennifer Steele, and Jim McKean. These professors were all very kind, understanding, and easy to work with. They truly care about their students and it shows in everything that they do, it was sincerely a pleasure getting know them and work with all of them.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

Passing my math class. I studied more and found a professor that was very easy to work with.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

Joining different clubs and honor societies. Also, getting to participate in university, club, and fraternity related events. Additionally, I would  say volunteering at all of the L.E.T. Us Help (student community service organization) events over the years.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

I would tell them to not miss out on anything that Ohio University has to offer. Go to every event you can, make as many friends as possible, join student organizations, appreciate the little things, and enjoy every second of college. You will never get the opportunity to do college over again, so make as many great memories as you can.

Early Childhood Education
Deven Harden

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

This August, I will be starting my teaching career with Lancaster City School District as a first grade teacher!

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

Amy Tate, Luann Ellis and Debra Dunning. If it was not for Dr. Tate I would not have the job that I have today. Because of her she helped me get my dream job. Dr. Ellis was always the highlight of my week. Her energy is very nice and she has very good advice about teaching. Dr. Dunning was also one of my favorites because she always reminded me to work even harder for what I want. She’s very good at what she does and she knows how to push future teachers into being the best educators they can be.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

COVID year. The online classes were definitely not for me, but my professors and classmates helped me through it all.

Middle Childhood Education - Math and Science
Paige Hynus

Hometown: Somerset, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

To obtain a teaching job in Licking County and someday get a Master's degree.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this”?

When I substitute taught for the first time.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

Because OHIO Lancaster is in a small town, you receive a personalized education experience.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

My favorite professors were Dr. Presutti, Dr. Yahn, Professor Jenni Domo, and Dr. Buskirk. They all truly care about their students and will do anything to empower and support them.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

Transitioning to school online while taking Calculus my second semester of college.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

Being part of OEA Aspiring Educators.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Go to every school event you can! It goes quickly and you don’t want to miss out!

Master in Curriculum and Instruction
Samantha Lowe

Hometown: Sugar Grove, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I am a second grade teacher at Tallmadge Elementary here in Lancaster. I graduated in 2022 from OHIO Lancaster with my Bachelors in Early Childhood Education and continued on with Ohio University to graduate with my Masters.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I chose OHIO Lancaster for the many opportunities the campus had to offer for education majors which included close partnerships with local schools.

Who was your favorite professors and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

Dr. Dunning has had a huge impact on my educational experience and continues to be a person I can go to for advice and support.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

I would say the hardest hill during my time at OHIO Lancaster would be when COVID hit my sophomore year. I had to really force myself to keep connected and was really blessed with the opportunity to step in with the local education group (OEA). I feel that this group really held a core group of upcoming educators together and kept us connected through a difficult season.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

Some of my favorite memories from OHIO Lancaster came from study sessions between classes in the library with fellow classmates.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Connect. Connect. Connect. I cannot emphasize this enough! You get out of this experience as much as you put in! Say hello to people you pass, sit next to someone new in class, get to know your professors. You will find your people here!

Computer Science and Technology
Collin Lyons

Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

To start a career in the information technology field.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

The second semester of my sophomore year when I declared my major

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I chose OHIO Lancaster because it was cheaper and close to home.

Who was your favorite professors and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

My favorite professor was Daniel Kline and he helped me so much by willing to explain anything to help make it easier and just going step by step.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

I did not do well the first semester of my freshman year.  But, I learned to study harder and focus. Staying organized was the biggest thing that helped me.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

My public speech class because it was fun listening to everyone's speeches.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

All the different shows that are preformed and the small fun activities at the campus. I would also say visit the other branch campuses because it helps you get to know other people and classmates.

Communication Studies - Human Services
Dina Reasoner

Hometown: Pickerington, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

To serve in a full time vocation where I can fully utilize my education.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

The Fall of 2022 was a tough semester for me both personally and educationally. Once I made it through, I wasn't going to let anything stop me from finishing the home stretch strong.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

OHIO Lancaster allowed me to take classes and still work full time. It also was a less expensive option.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

Ohio University has a group of amazing women who are passionate about teaching Communication Study majors. The quality of their content and the zeal for the subject matter is incredible. I feel so blessed that I had the opportunity to learn from them. They have been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. My advisor Candice Thomas-Maddox never stopped believing in me, encouraging me, laughing with me, and now celebrating with me. When I didn’t believe that I could get through, she believed in me. She was understanding, compassionate, and kept me on track. I always looked forward to meeting with her and knew I could reach out and get solid feedback. I will be forever grateful to her. She is truly a brilliant light in this world. Dr. Pam Kaylor has been a true inspiration to me. I can honestly say that taking her classes have changed my life for the better. She is humble and compassionate. She is also highly intelligent and brilliant. Her passion for a better world drives her and she has surely made this world a better place by teaching students. Her insights challenged me to critically think in a way I never had before. Her passion for social justice is catching and inspiring. The positive ripple effects of her teaching will go on and on long after she is done teaching. Julie Newhouse was my first professor when I went back to school as an adult. I was scared and didn’t know what I was doing. She gave me the encouragement I needed at a very foundational time. She is incredible and I’m so grateful for her. I still think of her every time I put on my hiking boots.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

Statistics! Kristi Barnes taught my online statistics class. It almost broke me. I had given up on myself, but she didn’t give up me. She painstakingly walked me through problems until I knew how to solve them on my own. She is truly a hero to me.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

My classes with Dr. Kaylor and graduation!

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Intercultural Communications class!

Middle Childhood Education
Jake Smithers

Hometown: Canal Winchester, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I am looking forward to teaching middle childhood students Math and Science in the Central Ohio area.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

When I completed a semester with 22 credit hours. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of my OHIO Lancaster professors!

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

OHIO Lancaster is a campus close to home and local to the area where I wanted to student teach to gain experience.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

Dr. Cordi has been such an amazing mentor and guide for getting a start to my educational career. Dr. Presutti was an amazing Math professor I had for multiple courses throughout my time at OUL. She provided so much insight to Math education and an opportunity to hone my educational skills with a tutoring job at the learning center!

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

I mentioned earlier I had a semester where I took 22 credit hours, which is a lot! I had multiple times where assignments would be overwhelming. I simply communicated with my professors and worked with them to go through the courses and completed the semester on a high note.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

All of the times I got to sit and talk with my fellow education majors before and after classes. It was always nice to share ideas and situations we experienced out in the field.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Take advantage of the student events, like Spring Fest, that happen on campus!

Social Work
Rachel Wiseman

Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

To obtain my MSW and to work at providing mental and behavioral health support within my community.

Who was your favorite professor and how did he/she make an impact on your life?

Professor Lisa Skeens had a huge impact on my life. She consistently gave support for anything School or life related. She always spoke with such kind and motivating words. Lisa overall helped shape me into the best student I could be and gave amazing advice that I will always remember as I go into the future.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

The friends I’ve made and bonds I’ve built within the student organizations I was a part of.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

Student groups!!!

Communications & Associate in Social Science
Ian White

Hometown: Stockbridge, Georgia

What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I'm still unsure of what's next for me, nothing is set in stone, but I would like to be of service and help others.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

My ah-ha moment at OHIO Lancaster was after my very first semester. Once I figured out where my classes were, and figured out my class work, I knew I would get into a rhythm and be alright.

Why did you choose OHIO Lancaster?

I choose OHIO Lancaster mainly for the price of tuition and the proximity to where I live. I was originally unsure about going to OHIO Lancaster, but now I'm fully persuaded this was 100% the right college for me.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

One of my favorite professors was Dr. Mark Nevin who teaches history at OHIO Lancaster. Dr. Nevin is incredibly outstanding in his ability to get students to critically think and engage in history in such a way that it connect you personally. Some of my other favorite professors were Dr. Blau and Dr. Maddox. Both Coms professors helped me in many ways with learning how to better communicate and I learned so much from their various classes.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Lancaster? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest hill I had to climb at OHIO Lancaster was when I switched my major from history to communications. This was a hard time for me, because I considered dropping out of college because I could not find a major that really excited me. I overcame this obstacle when faculty and staff assured me that it was all okay, and that I should look into the communications program, which I did and was the absolute best choice for me.

What are your favorite OHIO Lancaster memories?

My favorite OHIO Lancaster memories were the classes and professors that I made connections with. I also really enjoyed hanging out in the library and bistro getting work done, as well as the various events OHIO Lancaster had such as Spring Fest.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Lancaster student not to miss?

I would say to get connected with students in your classes and the professors. Once you build connections, it opens the door to various possibilities of friendships and really good times, that enriches your college experience.

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