The music program in the Honors Tutorial College is designed for excellent scholar-musicians who wish to work closely with dedicated faculty through tutorials, individual lessons, and ensembles. The program balances a commitment to breadth and rigor, while providing opportunities for self-disciplined and highly motivated students to creatively explore fundamental and cutting-edge issues.
The four-year program includes a tutorial each term, applied study and upper-division music courses, language courses, and collateral studies. Individualized instruction and a flexible curriculum allow each HTC student to pursue a course of study tailored to his or her interests, including music history, theory, composition, performance, or some combination.
Program Description
This program is for high ability students who prefer a more independent approach than is usually available in traditional programs. This rigorous and comprehensive educational experience is sensitive to the needs and interests of the individual student.
Students have the opportunity to progress well beyond material covered in conventional courses, and the program provides excellent preparation for graduate study.
Students take a total of eight tutorials in four years. The tutorials for the first two years have a fixed content: the first year focuses on theory, musicianship, and functional keyboard skills, while the second year focuses on music history, with more intensity and depth than the core theory and history courses otherwise available to students. Third-year tutorials allow students to pursue areas of interest, while fourth-year tutorials focus on the completion of a thesis.
Additional Music Courses
- Five upper-level history and literature, composition, or theory courses
- Two years of a major ensemble on the major instrument
- Two years of applied courses on the major instrument; regular School of Music jury requirements apply
Language Courses
- Two years of the same foreign language (or equivalent as established by placement, AP, etc.)
Additional Courses
The tutorial program offers students the opportunity to design a curriculum specifically tailored to the needs and interests of the individual. The only constraint is that the student's curriculum must have the approval of the Director of Studies.
BA students are expected to take approximately 42 credits outside of music to complete their degree. One freshman HTC seminar, one freshman composition course, and one 3000-level writing course are also required. Students must also participate in a community service project.
HTC students are required to complete a thesis. The Director of Studies for the tutorial program assists the student in finding a tutor to serve as his or her thesis advisor. The thesis advisor, in consultation with the student, develops an individual plan of instruction and provides guidance during the entire thesis process.
Applicants are selected on the basis of superior academic ability, superior musical ability, and the potential for self-motivated study and research.
In addition to the requirements for admission to the HTC, students must also pass an audition with the School of Music on the primary instrument/voice. A personal interview with the Director of Studies is also required for entry.
Director of Studies

Roger Braun
Director of Studies
Music Tutorial Program
601 Glidden Hall
(740) 597-1675
B.M. with Highest Honors, Percussion Performance, University of Michigan
M.M., Percussion Performance, Eastman School of Music
Scholarly Interests
In addition to teaching all areas of percussion, Professor Braun has taught university courses in jazz performance and history, music technology, music theory, and American popular music.
Braun's performance experience demonstrates great diversity and spans the idioms of contemporary, classical, jazz, popular, and world music. He has performed with many well-known and diverse artists including Keiko Abe, Lyle Mays, Kathleen Battle, Billy Taylor, Bob Mintzer, and Ghanaian master xylophonist Bernard Woma. Braun is a founding member of Biakuye , an African music and dance ensemble; solo marimbist/percussionist in Los Viejos Blanquitos , a Latin jazz ensemble; and member of the New World Percussion Duo .