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Faculty & Academic Planning

Instructional Faculty (Non-Tenure) Promotion

Instructional faculty ranks:

  • Professor of Instruction
  • Associate Professor of Instruction

Promotion salary increases for instructional faculty:

  • Promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction: $4,670 (starting in July 2024)
  • Promotion to Professor of Instruction: $6,670 (starting in July 2024)
  • (pro-rated based on part-time / full-time appointment status)

Timeline for Instructional Faculty Promotion

  • On or before the last day of fall semester exams
    • Chair/Director (or equivalent) notifies faculty member in writing of departmental decisions regarding promotion
  • On or before the first day of spring semester 
    • Chair/Director (or equivalent) forwards dossiers for faculty receiving positive recommendations for promotion, along with the own written letter of support, to the college 
  • On or before March 1
    • Dean notifies chair/director/others and candidate in writing of rejection of departmental recommendations for promotion
  • College deansends select portions of dossiers, for faculty receiving positive recommendations for promotion, along with his/her own written letters of support, electronically to the Vice Provost for Faculty Development Katie Hartman ( )
    • Note: each college should submit all the dossiers at the same time.
  • March 1 - March 31
    • Dossiers under review by the executive vice president and provost and the president.
  • April 1
    • Executive vice president and provost notifies dean, chair, and candidate in writing of rejection of department recommendation for promotion.
  • First week of April
    • EVPP office sends notifications to candidates of president's and executive vice president and provost's approval of departmental recommendations for promotion.

Throughout the promotion review process, the Instructional Faculty Review Form (Word) (effective 7/1/24) must accompany the dossier. This form has been sent to the deans, chairs, and directors.

Only certain materials from the promotion packet are submitted to the executive vice president and provost and the president for their review. For a list of these materials, scroll down toward the bottom of the page.

Information regarding instructional faculty definition, hiring, and promotion may be found in the Ohio University Faculty Handbook

Instruction Faculty Promotion

Documents Submission Guidelines

Only the documents listed below should be submitted to the executive vice president & provost (EVPP) and the president for review. These documents should be removed from the promotion packet and assembled in the order indicated. Documents must be submitted electronically as a PDF before they are reviewed by the EVPP and the President. 

Submit documents electronically (via email or OneDrive folder) for all persons being considered for promotion, from each college, at the same time to:
Vice Provost for Faculty Development Katie Hartman ( )

Materials are due on or before March 1.

Promotion Dossier Guidelines

Section One - Introductory Documents

  1. Review form for promotion (signature sheet)
  2. College dean letter
  3. College promotion committee letter (if applicable)
  4. Chair/Director letter
  5. Department/School promotion committee letter
  6. Regional campus dean non-decision, input letter (optional, if applicable)
  7. Annual evaluation letters and any promotion progress letters
  8. Copy of the faculty member's offer/appointment letter (most recent if it was ever modified)

Section Two - Promotion Summary Documents

Note: For sub-section 4a (below), faculty should follow the guidelines described in Version 1 or  Version 2. Faculty with start dates prior to August 15, 2024, may choose either Version 1 or Version 2. Faculty with start dates after August 15, 2024, are required to use Version 2.

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Academic Preparation
  3. Professional Experience
  4. Instruction and Advising
    1. Teaching Load - Courses taught over the past 3-5 years. Any changes in teaching assignments
    2. Teaching Effectiveness 
      1. (Version 1) - Evidence of course organization, presentation and requirements. Student evaluation information. Teaching awards and recognition. Selection for teaching in special programs. Participation as a student in teaching enhancement programs. Other evidence of teaching effectiveness (Example: supporting letters from faculty peers
      2. (Version2) - e.g., self-assessment narratives, sample course materials, teaching observations, student evaluations of teaching, peer reviews of teaching, student achievement of learning outcomes, participation in continuing education programs, participation in teaching enhancement programs, and/or teaching honors/awards) must be included to support at least one of the following criteria to demonstrate teaching effectiveness:
        1. Preparation (i.e., planning for teaching)
        2. Engagement (i.e., delivering content and managing the student learning process)
        3. Inclusion (i.e., serving the learning needs of all students)
        4. Subject Expertise (i.e., maintaining/developing expert subject knowledge)
        5. Pedagogical Competence (i.e., maintaining/developing timely knowledge and skills in the theories and practice of teaching and learning)
        6. Outcome (i.e., achieving desired teaching results)
        7. Improvement (i.e., revising teaching practices over time)
        8. Adaptability & Innovation (i.e., navigating the evolving nature of teaching and learning) 
    3. Interdisciplinary Teaching
    4. Advising and Supervision
    5. Professional Associations
  5. Committees and Service
  6. Interdisciplinary Contributions
  7. Other Factors

Section Three - Curriculum Vitae and Promotion Guidelines

  1. Attach a current, comprehensive, curriculum vitae.
  2. Department/School/Campus promotion guidelines.
  3. College/RHE promotion guidelines.
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