Campus: Ohio University, Athens Campus
Department: Mathematics
Academic Year: 2016 - 2017
Term: Fall Semester
Course: Math 3110 and Math 5110
Title: College Geometry
Section: 100 (Class Number 3991)
Instructor: Mark Barsamian
Contact Information: My contact information is posted on my web page .
Office Hours: My office hours are posted on my web page .

This Course is Cross-Listed

  • MATH 3110 COLLEGE GEOMETRY Section 100 (Class Number 4111)
  • MATH 5110 COLLEGE GEOMETRY Section 100 (Class Number 4136)

Course Description: We will begin with an introduction to axiom systems and axiomatic geometry. Then we will consider plane Euclidean geometry from an axiomatic viewpoint.

Prerequisites: (3050 Discrete Math or CS 3000), (3200 Applied Linear Algebra or 3210 Linear Algebra)

Class Meets: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:55pm - 1:50pm in Morton Room 313

Syllabus: This web page replaces the usual paper syllabus. If you need a paper syllabus (now or in the future), print this web page.

Textbook Information
What is it?
The textbook is two volumes, spiral bound in gray covers.
  • Volume 1 is pages 1 - 324 and contains Chapters 1 - 15.
  • Volume 2 is pages 325 - 366 and contains Chapters 16 and 17 (the appendices).
The reason for binding the textbook in two volumes is that Volume 2 is used as a reference on quizzes and exams.
click on the book to see a larger image
click to enlarge
Is it required?
The printed book is required for students in MATH 3110 Section 100.
Where do you get it?
Beginning on Monday, August 22, 2016, the book will be available at Minuteman Press, 17 W. Washington Street, Athens (next to Donkey Coffee), (740) 593-7393.
The two-volume set costs $38.10 plus tax.
What do you ask for?
Tell them that you need the MATH 3110 book.
Online version:
There is an online version of the text at the following link: ( Geometry.Textbook ) But students in MATH 3110 Section 100 will still need to purchase the printed book when it comes out.

Special Needs: If you have physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities that require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible so that your needs may be appropriately met.

Attendance Policy: Attendance is required for all lectures and exams, and will be recorded using sign-in sheets.

Missing Class: If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to copy someone�s notes or download my notes from the course web page, and study them. I will not use office hours to teach topics discussed in class to students who were absent.

Missing a Quiz or Exam Because of Illness: If you are too sick to take a quiz or exam, then you must

  1. send me an e-mail before the quiz/exam, telling me that you are going to miss it because of illness, then
  2. then go to the Hudson Student Health Center.
  3. Later, you will need to bring me documentation from Hudson showing that you were treated there.
Without those three things, you will not be given a make-up.

Missing Quizzes or Exams Because of University Activity: If you have a University Activity that conflicts with one of our quizzes or exams, you must contact me before the quiz or exam to discuss arrangements for a make-up. I will need to see documentation of your activity. If you miss a quiz or an exam because of a University Activity without notifying me in advance, you will not be given a make-up.

Missing Class Participation: If you miss a class, your class participation score for that day will be a zero. That score cannot be made up. (There is no way to make up participation.) However, notice that if you attend all 36 lectures and are well-prepared for the discussion, your participation grade will be 108 points, which amounts to 8 points of extra credit. This is meant to give you a cushion in case you have to miss two or three classes.

Cheating on Exams or Quizzes: If cheat on an exam or quiz, you will receive a zero on that exam or quiz and I will submit a report to the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility (OCSSR). If you cheat on another exam, you will receive a grade of F in the course and I will again submit a report to the OCSSR.

Grading: During the semester, you will accumulate points:

Class Participation (36 class meetings, 3 points each *): 100 points possible
Quizzes (best 8 of 10 quizzes, 25 points each): 200 points possible
In-Class Exams (best 3 of 4 exams, 150 points each): 450 points possible
Cumulative Final Exam: 250 points possible
Total: 1000 points possible

(* Notice that it is actually possible to score 108 points through Class Participation. Any points scored over 100 will be considered as extra credit points.)

At the end of the semester, your Total will be converted to your Course Grade:

Total Score
900 - 1000
90% - 100%
You mastered all concepts, with no significant gaps
850 - 899
85% - 89.9%
800 - 849
80% - 84.9%
You mastered all essential concepts and many advanced concepts, but have some significant gaps.
750 - 799
75% -79.9%
700 - 749
70% - 74.9%
650 - 699
65% - 69.9%
You mastered most essential concepts and some advanced concepts, but have many significant gaps.
600 - 649
60% - 64.9%
550 - 599
55% - 59.9%
400 - 439
40% - 54.9%
You mastered some essential concepts.
0 - 399
0% - 39.9%
You did not master essential concepts.

Note that although this grading scale may look easy compared to the usual 90,80,70,60 scale, it is actually not easier. The reasons are:

  • The letter grades in this course mean the same thing as the letter grades in other courses.
  • When I grade homework and exams, I give out fewer points. (In this course, if you do grade C work on a 20 point exam problem, you will get between 11, 12, or 13 points for the problem. That is in the range 55% - 69.9%. But in somebody else's course that uses the 90,80,70,60 scale, you would have gotten 14 or 15 points for the problem. That is in the range 70% - 79.9%.)
  • There is no curve.

Course Structure: One learns math primarily by trying to solve problems. This course is designed to provide structure for you as you learn to solve problems, and to test how well you have learned to solve them. This structure is provided in the following ways.

  • Class Participation: The class meetings will be run as seminars, not lectures, so your participation is essential. Often, I will give you work to prepare for discussion in class. Your class participation grade will be a measure of how well-prepared you are for the class meetings, and how much you contribute to the discussions. The class participation grade for each class meeting will be either 0, 1, 2, or 3, computed as follows:
    • 0 point: Did not attend class.
    • 1 point: Attended class but did not participate in discussion.
    • 2 points: Attended class and participated in discussion, but had not prepared for discussion.
    • 3 points: Attended class and participated in discussion, with adequate preparation.
  • Exercises: The goal of the course is for you to be able to solve all of the exercises in the textbook. These exercises are not to be turned in and are not graded, but you should do as many of them as possible and keep your solutions in a notebook for study.
  • Textbook Readings: To succeed in the course, you will need to read the textbook. Some material for the course will be presented in the textbook and not discussed in class.
  • Quizzes and Exams: Quiz and exam problems will be based on textbook exercises and on material that I have assigned to you for the in-class discussions.


Class topics
Mon Aug 22
1.1 Intro to Axiom Systems. Primitive Relations, Primitive Terms, Interpretations, Models
Wed Aug 24
1.2 Properties of Axiom Systems I: Consistency, Independence
Fri Aug 26
1.3 Properties of Axiom Systems II: Completeness
(Quiz 1)
Mon Aug 29
2.1 Axiomatic Geometries: Introduction and Basic Examples
Wed Aug 31
2.2 Fano's Geometry
Fri Sep 2
2.2 Incidence Geometry
(Quiz 2)
Mon Sep 5
Labor Day Holiday: No Class
Wed Sep 7
3.1 Neutral Geometry I: Axioms of Incidence & Distance: Neutral Geom Axioms & First 6 Theorems
Fri Sep 9
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5: The Distance Function and Coordinate Functions
(Quiz 3)
Mon Sep 12
3.6: Theorems about Basic Properties of Distance Function; 3.7 & 3.8 Ruler Placement
Wed Sep 14
3.9: Ruler Placement in Neutral Geometry, 3.10: Rulers in High School Geometry Books
Fri Sep 16
In-Class Exam 1 on Chapters 1, 2, 3
Mon Sep 19
Ch 4: Neutral Geom II: 4.1 Betweenness; 4.2 Segments, Rays, Angles, Triangles
Wed Sep 21
4.3 Segment Congruence; 4.4 Segment Midpoints ( Worksheets on Properties of Relations )
Fri Sep 23
5.1 The Separation Axiom, 5.2 Theorems about Lines intersecting Triangles
(Quiz 4)
Mon Sep 26
5.3, 5.4 Angle and Triangle Interiors; Rays and lines intersecting them
Wed Sep 28
5.5 Triangle can�t enclose ray. 5.6 Conv. Quads. 5.7 Plane Separation in H.S. books
Fri Sep 30
Ch 6 Sections 1,2,3 Neutral Geometry IV: Angle Measure, Construction, Addition
(Quiz 5)
Mon Oct 3
Fall Semester Reading Day: No Class
Wed Oct 5
6.3 Angle Bisectors
Fri Oct 7
6.4 The Linear Pair Theorem
(Quiz 6)
Mon Oct 10
6.6 Right Angles and Perpendicular Lines
Wed Oct 12
In-Class Exam 2 on Chapters 4, 5, 6
Fri Oct 14
7.1 Axiom of Triangle Congruence, 7.2 Theorems about Congruences in Triangles
Mon Oct 17
7.3 Theorems about bigger and smaller parts Triangles
Wed Oct 19
7.5 Perp Lines; 7.6 Final Look at Triangle Congruence in Neutral Geometry
(Quiz 7)
Fri Oct 21
7.7 Parallel Lines in Neutral Geometry
Mon Oct 24
8.1 Lines Intersecting Circles
Wed Oct 26
8.2, 8.3 Theorems about Chords
(Quiz 8)
Fri Oct 28
8.4, 8.5 Tangent Lines, Angle Bisector Concurrence, Inscribed Circles
Mon Oct 31
In-Class Exam 3 on Chapters 7,8
Wed Nov 2
9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Parallel Lines and Triangles in Euclidean Geometry
Fri Nov 4
9.4 Euclid Triangles can be Circumscribed 9.5 Parallelograms
Mon Nov 7
9.6 Triangle Midsegments, Altitude Concurrence, 9.7 Median Concurrence
Wed Nov 9
Ch 10 (Euclidean Geometry II: Similarity) Section 10.1: Parallel Projection
(Quiz 9)
Fri Nov 11
Veterans Day Holiday: No Class
Mon Nov 14
10.2 Similarity; 10.3 Applications of Similarity
Wed Nov 16
Ch 11 Sections 1,2,3: Area; Using Area to Prove the Pythagorean Theorem
Fri Nov 18
Ch 11 Sections 4,5: Area of Similar Triangles; Area in High School books
Mon Nov 21
In-Class Exam 4 on Chapters 9,10,11 ( Exam Information )
Wed Nov 23
Thanksgiving Day Holiday: No Class
Fri Nov 25
Columbus Day Holiday: No Class
Mon Nov 28
Ch 12 Sections 1,2,3 Circular Arcs
Wed Nov 30
Ch 12 Sections 4,5 Cyclic Quadrilaterals, Intersecting Secants
(Quiz 10)
Fri Dec 2
Ch 13 Advanced Theorems
Fri Dec 9
Final Exam 10:10am � 12:10pm in Morton 313 ( Exam Info )

(page maintained by Mark Barsamian , last updated December 2, 2016)
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