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CSD Major (BS5327) Advising Update

On this page you will find:

· Clinical observation forms (see also 6/4/2020 update below)

· An update sent to CSD juniors and seniors on 6/4/2020

· An update sent to all CSD students on 4/18/2020

· An update sent to all CSD students on 3/28/2020

· An update sent to all CSD students on 3/20/2020

· CSD major program change information in April 2019

Clinical Observation forms

· Procedures for students to use Master Clinician

· Clinical observation hours record for Master Clinician : Use this form for Master Clinician only

· Clinical observation hours record for non-OU sites : Use this form for non-OU sites only

Email sent to CSD Juniors and Seniors on 6/4/2020


· Clinical observation hours

· Some courses will be taught only in 1 semester

Dear CSD juniors and seniors,

This is Dr. Lee, CSD's undergraduate coordinator. I hope you are all staying safe and well.

I write to offer an update on clinical observation hours (see my April 18 email to all CSD students; see also https://people.ohio.edu/leec1/advising_update.htm ). If you have difficulty finding observation opportunities on your own, you may accrue the hours when you take CSD 4420 in spring 2021. Please see the attached two documents for details:

· Procedures for students to use Master Clinician

· Clinical observation hours record

Please note:

· CSD 4420 will be taught only in spring 2021; it will not be taught in the fall.

· Clinical observation hours are *not* a CSD degree requirement (they are an ASHA prerequisite to graduate-level clinical work), therefore it is the student's responsibility to find and accrue the hours if you plan to attend graduate school.

· We understand the challenge of finding observation opportunities at this time. Therefore CSD is offering this alternative way for you to accrue the hours while taking CSD 4420.

I would also like to remind you again that the following required courses will be taught only in one semester during 2020-21:

· CSD 4420: Spring only

· CSD 3900: Fall only

· CSD 3100: Fall only

· CSD 2080: Fall only

You can find a comprehensive list of projected course offerings in my April 18 email to all CSD students (see also https://people.ohio.edu/leec1/advising_update.htm ). It is important to keep in mind the timing of these course offerings when you plan your schedule.

Take care,

Chao-Yang Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
CSD Coordinator of Undergraduate Education

Email sent to all CSD students on 4/18/2020


· Projected course offerings update

· CSD 4420 or CSD 3410, not both

· Clinical observation hours

· Alternative grading system

Dear CSD undergraduate students :

This is Dr. Lee, CSD's undergraduate coordinator. I hope you continue to stay safe and well.

Since my last update (3/28), CSD faculty have received questions from you and updates from the university. I would like to respond to some of the frequently asked questions and share an important update about grading.  Please read  the following carefully:

1. Projected course offerings: CSD 4710 (Aural Rehab) will be offered in both fall and spring in 2020-21. (In my 3/28 update, only fall was listed.) An updated list is attached.

2. Pre-professional course: Some students have asked whether they can take CSD 4420 for Tier 3 after completing CSD 3410. The answer is NO because the content of these two courses are too similar. If you have already taken CSD 3410 and are looking for a Tier 3 course, you must take a Tier 3 course that is not CSD 4420. You can easily obtain a list of all Tier 3 courses by using Course Offerings and checking "General Education Tier 3".

3. Clinical observation hours: Some of you have asked about alternative ways of obtaining the 25 clinical observation hours since in-person observation opportunities are hard to come by in this pandemic. CSD faculty are trying to identify alternative ways of helping you obtain those hours. I will let you know as soon as I have more information. *Note that clinical observation is not part of the CSD degree requirement (it is an ASHA prerequisite to graduate-level clinical work).

4. Alternative grading system: The university has announced an alternative grading system that allows you to choose Satisfactory/No Credit (S/NC) instead of a letter grade for this spring semester. I would like to highlight the following facts and my interpretations to help you evaluate your options :

4.1. Details of the S/NC option can be found here: <
https://www.ohio.edu/news/2020/03/alternative-grading-system-update >. In particular, S and NC grades will have no impact on your OU GPA. That means if you choose S/NC for a course, the grade will not be included in OU's GPA calculation.

4.2. You have until May 13, 2020 to make the choice. Faculty are expected to submit grades on May 6, 2020, and grades are traditionally available to students the next day. That is, there will most likely be a few days between knowing your letter grades and the deadline for filing the S/NC request. 

4.3. CSDCAS (Centralized Application Service for Communication Sciences and Disorders programs), which is used by many SLP/ AuD graduate programs to process graduate school applications, has indicated that they will not include non-letter grades in their GPA calculations. *Note that GPA calculated by CSDCAS may be different from the GPA calculated by OU.

4.4. For graduate programs that do not participate in CSDCAS, it is unknown how S/NC grades will be used in their GPA calculations or how the S/NC grades will be viewed in their evaluation of graduate applications. *Note that GPA calculated by each graduate program may be different from the GPA calculated by OU.

With the above facts, I would like to offer the following interpretations for you to consider :

4.5. Since you will most likely be able to see your actual letter grade before the deadline of filing the S/NC request, there is really no rush in filing that request now unless you are absolutely sure you want to switch to S/NC.

4.6. Specific scenarios

4.6.1. Easy decisions:
-If your expected/actual letter grade is A, obviously you should keep the letter grade.
-If your letter grade is D, it will automatically convert to S by OU.
-If your letter grade is F, it will automatically convert to NC by OU.

4.6.2. Decisions that may not be as straightforward:
-If your letter grade is B, it is your choice. OU's grading policy considers B a "good" grade.
-If your letter grade is C, it is your choice. OU considers C an "acceptable" grade.

In conclusion, there is no correct answer to whether you should or should not choose S/NC. All we know at this point is that S/NC will not impact your OU GPA or GPA calculated by CASCSD. However, how S/NC grades will be viewed or used is up to individual graduate programs.

If you wish to request the S/NC option,  please  contact the CHSP Student Services (
https://www.ohio.edu/chsp/undergraduate/student-services ).  Please  do NOT contact CSD office for this request. CSD office is NOT authorized to process the S/NC request.

Thank you for taking the time to  read  this email. If you have further questions,  please  contact your assigned faculty advisor first. If you have trouble getting a response from your advisor after repeated attempts,  please  contact me <leec1@ohio.edu>.

Please  stay safe and well!

Chao-Yang Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
CSD Coordinator of Undergraduate Education

Email sent to all CSD students on 3/28/2020


· New date for withdrawing from classes

· Projected course offerings

· CSD 4420 replaces CSD 3410

· Waitlist for ASL courses

· Early graduation

Dear CSD undergraduate students ,

This is Dr. Lee again, CSD's undergraduate coordinator. I hope you continue to stay safe and well wherever you are.

You should have received an email from me (dated Friday March 20 at 3:09 PM) about advising and registration for fall 2020-21. Pease read that email first for important information about CSD advising, which starts Monday March 30.

CSD faculty have obtained more information to help you plan for the next semester. Please read the following carefully :

1. New date for withdrawing from classes: OU has extended the deadline of withdraw to Friday April 24, 2020 ( https://www.ohio.edu/registrar ).

2. Projected course offerings: Attached is a list of projected CSD course offerings for 2020-21 . Note some courses are offered only in one semester due to instructor and resource constraints.

3. CSD 4420 (Pre-professional issues): CSD 4420 (a Tier 3 course) has replaced CSD 3410 (not a Tier 3 course) as CSD's new pre-professional course. That means CSD 3410 will no longer be offered. Note CSD 4420 will be offered only in the spring in 2020-21. That is :

3a. If you have taken CSD 3410, you must also take a separate Tier 3 course to fulfill OU's General Education requirements.

3b. If you have not taken CSD 3410, you can take CSD 4420 starting spring 2020-21 for the pre-professional requirement. CSD 4420 is Tier 3, so you do not need to take a separate Tier 3 course.

3c. If you are planning to graduate at the end of fall 2020-21 AND if CSD 3410 is the only course you have left before completing all graduation requirements, please contact me <LEEC1@ohio.edu> for further instructions.

4. Requesting permission for American Sign Language (ASL) courses: If you wish to request permission to join an ASL class that is already full, you must use the waitlist system ( https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/waitlisting-faq ), which tracks all requests and automatically enrolls students based on waitlist position if seats become available.

In other words, please do NOT email individual instructors anymore; do NOT email the CSD main office either; and do NOT use the old "class permission system" anymore because none of them can add you to the waitlist for ASL courses. The waitlist system ( https://www.ohio.edu/registrar/waitlisting-faq ) is the ONLY way to put yourself on a waitlist for ASL classes.

5. Early graduation: The CSD undergraduate program is designed for 3-4 years of study after students start taking the introductory course CSD 1080. However, we have encountered students who expect to complete all CSD course requirements in less than 4 semester after they start taking CSD 1080. Although the goal is mathematically possible for students who join the major with substantial credits, it is NOT a valid assumption that you can always get into every class you want at the time you want it because of registration priority (set by the university based on accumulated hours), course availability (not all courses are offered every semester), and potential scheduling conflicts. It is important to keep these constraints in mind when estimating your projected graduation time. No one can guarantee early graduation for you with absolute certainty. Be assured, though, that all registration procedures apply fairly to every CSD student following OU's academic policies.

Again, please see emails from your faculty advisor for instructions on how you may communicate with them. If you have any questions, ask your advisor first. Your advisors are working as hard as you are in trying to adapt to this new mode of education. If you have trouble getting a response from your advisor after repeated attempts, please contact me <LEEC1@ohio.edu>.

Finally, I hope your first week of online learning is going well. I know I am still overwhelmed by the countless email updates from everywhere, and I suspect you feel the same way. Do take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Chao-Yang Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
CSD Coordinator of Undergraduate Education

Email sent to all CSD students on 3/20/2020


· New dates for advising and registration

· Communicating with your advisor

· Registration hold

Dear CSD undergraduate students ,

This is Dr. Lee, CSD's undergraduate coordinator. I hope you are all staying well. I know you've been getting a lot of updates lately, so I will keep this message brief. Please read the following carefully for important information about advising.

1. Changes to advising and registration dates: OU has postponed both advising and registration by a week to allow you and your advisor more time to plan for the fall semester. That is, advising will now start on *Monday March 30*. You will receive a notification shortly from the University Registrar with your new registration time. You can also find the new time in your *My OHIO Student Center*.

2. Communicating with your advisor remotely: Since in-person advising is no longer an option, your advisor will contact you shortly about how they wish to conduct advising remotely (for example, via email or Microsoft Teams). Please watch for an email from them. If you have difficulties connecting with your advisor after repeated attempts, please report it to me <LEEC1@ohio.edu>.

3. Registration hold: (1) If you are a *first-year student*, please follow instructions from your advisor Betsy Kunstel about what you need to do before she releases your hold. (2) If you are a *sophomore/junior/senior*, your hold will be released automatically before registration opens. That way you will have no barriers to registration even if you choose not to seek guidance from your advisor.

Finally, I know this is a very stressful time. Many of you are dealing with moving out/home, and some of you may no longer have reliable internet access. I am also sad about not being able to see you again before the end of this semester. Despite all the challenges, please know that we the CSD faculty and staff are doing our best to help you continue your education.

Take care,

Chao-Yang Lee, Ph.D
Associate Professor
CSD Coordinator of Undergraduate Education

CSD major (BS5327) program change information April 2019

See this page for the 2019 program change information that may still be relevant.


· CSD 4410 and MATH 1300 removed from program

· PSC 1051 added to physical science options

· Tier III options

· Observation hours options

Where can I get help if I have questions?

  • If you still have questions after reading this page, please contact your academic advisor for help.

If you have difficulties connecting with your advisor after repeated attempts, please contact Dr. Chao-Yang Lee, CSD’s Coordinator of Undergraduate Education, by email LEEC1@ohio.edu .

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