Come see talks and posters by the lab and our collaborators! If you are interested in joining my lab, send me an email so we can meet up -- we are recruiting a post-doc!
Sat, January 4
Talk: The oral sensory system and dynamic modulation of the tongue during chewing in carnivorans by Rachel Olson et al. (This is part of the Symposium "Fleshing it out: recent advances in form, function and motor control of biological hydrostats")
Sun, January 5
Poster: Skunk tongue kinematics in response to oral sensory nerve blocks by Moriah Wood et al.
Poster: Using diceCT to characterize the 3D architecture of the ceratohyoideus muscle in A. carolinensis : by Jacob George
Tues, January 7
Talk: The jaw joint, mandibular symphysis, and hemimandibular movements during chewing in Carnivorans by Stephane Montuelle et al.