The Williams Lab will be at SICB 2025 in Atlanta!

Come see talks and posters by the lab and our collaborators! If you are interested in joining my lab, send me an email so we can meet up -- we are recruiting a post-doc!

Sat, January 4

Talk: The oral sensory system and dynamic modulation of the tongue during chewing in carnivorans by Rachel Olson et al. (This is part of the Symposium "Fleshing it out: recent advances in form, function and motor control of biological hydrostats")

Sun, January 5

Poster: Skunk tongue kinematics in response to oral sensory nerve blocks by Moriah Wood et al. 

Poster: Using diceCT to characterize the 3D architecture of the ceratohyoideus muscle in A. carolinensis :  by Jacob George

Tues, January 7

Talk: The jaw joint, mandibular symphysis, and hemimandibular movements during chewing in Carnivorans by Stephane Montuelle et al.