

Davis, Jillian Summer, Stephane J Montuelle, and Susan H Williams. (2025) 2024. “ Symphyseal Morphology and Jaw Muscle Recruitment Levels During Mastication in Musteloid Carnivorans ”. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological and Integrative Physiology 341 (2): 163—171.
In studies of mammalian mastication, a possible relationship has been proposed between bilateral recruitment of jaw adductor muscle force during unilateral chewing and the degree of fusion of the mandibular symphysis. Specifically, species that have unfused, mobile mandibular symphyses tend to utilize lower levels of jaw adductor force on the balancing (nonchewing) than the working (chewing) side of the head, when compared to related species with fused symphyses. Here, we compare jaw adductor recruitment levels in two species of musteloid carnivoran: the carnivorous ferret (unfused symphysis), and the frugivorous kinkajou (fused symphysis). During forceful chewing, we observe that ferrets recruit far more working-side muscle force than kinkajous, regardless of food toughness and that high working-to-balancing side ratios are the result of increased working-side force, often coupled with reduced balancing-side force. We propose that in carnivorans, high working-to-balancing side force ratios coupled with an unfused mandibular symphysis are necessary to rotate the hemimandible for precise unilateral occlusion of the carnassial teeth and to sustain laterally oriented force on the jaw to engage the carnassial teeth during shearing of tough foods. In contrast, the kinkajou s flattened cheekteeth permit less precise occlusion and require medially-oriented forces for grinding, thus, a fused symphysis is mechanically beneficial.
Montuelle, Stephane J, and Susan H Williams. (2025) 2024. “ Prolonged Use of a Soft Diet During Early Growth and Development Alters Feeding Behavior and Chewing Kinematics in a Young Animal Model ”. Journal of Morphology 285 (5): e21696.
In infants and children with feeding and swallowing issues, modifying solid foods to form a liquid or puree is used to ensure adequate growth and nutrition. However, the behavioral and neurophysiological effects of prolonged use of this intervention during critical periods of postnatal oral skill development have not been systematically examined, although substantial anecdotal evidence suggests that it negatively impacts downstream feeding motor and coordination skills, possibly due to immature sensorimotor development. Using an established animal model for infant and juvenile feeding physiology, we leverage X-ray reconstruction of moving morphology to compare feeding behavior and kinematics between 12-week-old pigs reared on solid chow (control) and an age- and sex-matched cohort raised on the same chow softened to a liquid. When feeding on two novel foods, almond and apple, maintenance on a soft diet decreases gape cycle duration, resulting in a higher chewing frequency. When feeding on almonds, pigs in this group spent less time ingesting foods compared to controls, and chewing cycles were characterized by less jaw rotation about a dorsoventral axis (yaw) necessary for food reduction. There was also a reduced tendency to alternate chewing side with every chew during almond chewing, a behavioral pattern typical of pigs. These more pronounced impacts on behavior and kinematics during feeding on almonds, a tougher and stiffer food than apples, suggest that food properties mediate the behavioral and physiological impacts of early texture modification and that the ability to adapt to different food properties may be underdeveloped. In contrast, the limited effects of food texture modification on apple chewing indicate that such intervention/treatment does not alter feeding behavior of less challenging foods. Observed differences cannot be attributed to morphology because texture modification over the treatment period had limited impact on craniodental growth. Short-term impacts of soft-texture modification during postweaning development on feeding dynamics should be considered as potential negative outcomes of this treatment strategy.


Olson, Rachel A, Stephane J Montuelle, and Susan H Williams. (2023) 2023. “ Characterizing Tongue Deformations During Mastication Using Changes in Planar Components of Three-Dimensional Angles. ”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 378 (1891): 20220555.

Understanding of tongue deformations during mammalian mastication is limited, but has benefited from recent developments in multiplanar imaging technology. Here, we demonstrate how a standardized radiopaque marker implant configuration and biplanar fluoroscopy can quantify three-dimensional shape changes during chewing in pigs. Transverse and sagittal components of the three-dimensional angle between markers enable characterizing deformations in anatomically relevant directions. The transverse component illustrates bending to the left or to the right, which can occur symmetrically or asymmetrically, the latter sometimes indicating regional widening. The sagittal component reflects 'arching' or convex deformations in the dorsoventral dimension symmetrically or asymmetrically, the latter characteristic of twisting. Trends are detected in both the transverse and sagittal planes, and combinations thereof, to modify tongue shape in complex deformations. Both the transverse and sagittal components were also measured at key jaw and tongue positions, demonstrating variability particularly with respect to maximum and minimum gape. This highlights the fact that unlike tongue position, tongue deformations are more independent of jaw position, likely in response to the ever-changing bolus shape and position. From a methodological perspective, our study showcases advantages of a repeatable three-marker implant configuration suitable for animals of different sizes and highlights considerations for different implant patterns. This article is part of the theme issue 'Food processing and nutritional assimilation in animals'.


Olson, Rachel A, Stephane J Montuelle, Hannah Curtis, and Susan H Williams. 2021. “ Regional Tongue Deformations During Chewing and Drinking in the Pig ”. Integrative Organismal Biology (Oxford, England) 3 (1): obab012.
As a muscular hydrostat, the tongue undergoes complex deformations during most oral behaviors, including chewing and drinking. During thesebehaviors, deformations occur in concert with tongue and jaw movements to position and transport the bolus. Moreover, the various parts of the tongue may move and deform at similar timepoints relative to the gape cycle or they may occur at different timepoints, indicating regional biomechanical and functional variation. The goal of this study is to quantify tongue deformations during chewing and drinking in pigs by characterizing intrinsic changes in tongue dimensions (i.e., length and width) across multiple regions simultaneously. Tongue deformations are generally larger during chewing cycles compared to drinking cycles. Chewing and drinking also differ in the timing, relative to the gape cycle, of regional length and width, but not total length, deformations. This demonstrates functional differences in the temporal dynamics of localized shape changes, whereas the global properties of jaw-tongue coordination are maintained. Finally, differences in the trade-off between length and width deformations demonstrate that the properties of a muscular hydrostat are observed at the whole tongue level, but biomechanical variation (e.g., changes in movements and deformations) at the regional level exists. This study provides new critical insights into the regional contributions to tongue deformations as a basis for future work on multidimensional shape changes in soft tissues.
Olson, Rachel A, Stephane J Montuelle, Brad A Chadwell, Hannah Curtis, and Susan H Williams. (2025) 2021. “ Jaw Kinematics and Tongue Protraction-Retraction During Chewing and Drinking in the Pig ”. The Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (7): jeb239509.
Mastication and drinking are rhythmic and cyclic oral behaviors that require interactions between the tongue, jaw and a food or liquid bolus, respectively. During mastication, the tongue transports and positions the bolus for breakdown between the teeth. During drinking, the tongue aids in ingestion and then transports the bolus to the oropharynx. The objective of this study was to compare jaw and tongue kinematics during chewing and drinking in pigs. We hypothesized there would be differences in jaw gape cycle dynamics and tongue protraction-retraction between behaviors. Mastication cycles had an extended slow-close phase, reflecting tooth-food-tooth contact, whereas drinking cycles had an extended slow-open phase, corresponding to tongue protrusion into the liquid. Compared with chewing, drinking jaw movements were of lower magnitude for all degrees of freedom examined (jaw protraction, yaw and pitch), and were bilaterally symmetrical with virtually no yaw. The magnitude of tongue protraction-retraction (Txt), relative to a mandibular coordinate system, was greater during mastication than during drinking, but there were minimal differences in the timing of maximum and minimum Txt relative to the jaw gape cycle between behaviors. However, during drinking, the tongue tip is often located outside the oral cavity for the entire cycle, leading to differences between behaviors in the timing of anterior marker maximum Txt. This demonstrates that there is variation in tongue-jaw coordination between behaviors. These results show that jaw and tongue movements vary significantly between mastication and drinking, which hints at differences in the central control of these behaviors.


Montuelle, Stephane J, Rachel A Olson, Hannah Curtis, Sophia Beery, and Susan H Williams. 2020. “ Effects of Food Properties on Chewing in Pigs: Flexibility and Stereotypy of Jaw Movements in a Mammalian Omnivore ”. PloS One 15 (2): e0228619.
Chewing is a rhythmic oral behavior that requires constant modifications of jaw movements in response to changes in food properties. The food-specific kinematic response is dependent on the potential for kinematic flexibility allowed by morphology and modulation of motor control. This study investigates the effects of food toughness and stiffness on the amplitude and variability of jaw movements during chewing in a typical omnivorous mammalian model (pigs). Jaw movements were reconstructed using X-ray Reconstruction Of Moving Morphology (XROMM) and kinematic data associated with the amplitude of jaw pitch (opening-closing) and jaw yaw (mediolateral rotation) were extracted for each cycle. Between-food differences were tested for the amplitude of jaw movements during each phase of the gape cycle, as well as in their respective within-food variability, or stereotypy, as indicated by coefficients of variation. With increasing toughness, jaw pitch amplitude is decreased during fast close, larger and more stereotyped during slow close, smaller but more variable during slow open, and more variable during fast open. In addition, when chewing on tougher foods, the amplitude of jaw yaw during slow close only increases in a subset of individuals, but all become less variable (i.e., more stereotyped). In contrast, increasing food stiffness has no effect on the amplitude or the variability of jaw pitch, whereas jaw yaw increases significantly in the majority of individuals studied. Our data demonstrate that food stiffness and toughness both play a role in modulating gape cycle dynamics by altering the trajectory of jaw movements, especially during the slow-close phase and tooth-food-tooth contact, albeit differently. This highlights how a generalist oral morphology such as that of pigs (e.g., bunodont teeth lacking precise occlusion, permissive temporomandibular joint allowing extensive condylar displacements in 3 dimensions) enables organisms to not only adjust chewing movements in their amplitude, but also in their variability.
Montuelle, Stephane J, Rachel A Olson, Hannah Curtis, and Susan H Williams. (2025) 2020. “ Unilateral Lingual Nerve Transection Alters Jaw-Tongue Coordination During Mastication in Pigs ”. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 128 (4): 941—951.
During chewing, movements and deformations of the tongue are coordinated with jaw movements to manage and manipulate the bolus and avoid injury. Individuals with injuries to the lingual nerve report both tongue injuries due to biting and difficulties in chewing, primarily because of impaired bolus management, suggesting that jaw-tongue coordination relies on intact lingual afferents. Here, we investigate how unilateral lingual nerve (LN) transection affects jaw-tongue coordination in an animal model (pig, Sus scrofa ). Temporal coordination between jaw pitch (opening-closing) and 1 ) anteroposterior tongue position (i.e., protraction-retraction), 2 ) anteroposterior tongue length, and 3 ) mediolateral tongue width was compared between pre- and post-LN transection using cross-correlation analyses. Overall, following LN transection, the lag between jaw pitch and the majority of tongue kinematics decreased significantly, demonstrating that sensory loss from the tongue alters jaw-tongue coordination. In addition, decrease in jaw-tongue lag suggests that, following LN transection, tongue movements and deformations occur earlier in the gape cycle than when the lingual sensory afferents are intact. If the velocity of tongue movements and deformations remains constant, earlier occurrence can reflect less pronounced movements, possibly to avoid injuries. The results of this study demonstrate that lingual afferents participate in chewing by assisting with coordinating the timing of jaw and tongue movements. The observed changes may affect bolus management performance and/or may represent protective strategies because of altered somatosensory awareness of the tongue. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Chewing requires coordination between tongue and jaw movements. We compared the coordination of tongue movements and deformation relative to jaw opening-closing movements pre- and post-lingual nerve transection during chewing in pigs. These experiments reveal that the timing of jaw-tongue coordination is altered following unilateral disruption of sensory information from the tongue. Therefore, maintenance of jaw-tongue coordination requires bilateral sensory information from the tongue.
Thompson, Cynthia L, Susan H Williams, Kenneth E Glander, Mark F Teaford, and Christopher J Vinyard. (2025) 2020. “ Getting Humans Off MonkeysBacks: Using Primate Acclimation As a Guide for Habitat Management Efforts ”. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60 (2): 413—424.
Wild primates face grave conservation challenges, with habitat loss and climate change projected to cause mass extinctions in the coming decades. As large-bodied Neotropical primates, mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) are predicted to fare poorly under climate change, yet are also known for their resilience in a variety of environments, including highly disturbed habitats. We utilized ecophysiology research on this species to determine the morphological, physiological, and behavioral mechanisms howlers employ to overcome ecological challenges. Our data show that howlers at La Pacifica, Costa Rica are capable of modifying body size. Howlers displayed reduced mass in warmer, drier habitats, seasonal weight changes, frequent within-lifetime weight fluctuations, and gradual increases in body mass over the past four decades. These within-lifetime changes indicate a capacity to modify morphology in a way that can impact animals energetics and thermodynamics. Howlers are also able to consume foods with a wide variety of food material properties by altering oral processing during feeding. While this capability suggests some capacity to cope with the phenological shifts expected from climate change and increased habitat fragmentation, data on rates of dental microwear warn that these acclimations may also cost dental longevity. Lastly, we found that howlers are able to acclimate to changing thermal pressures. On shorter-term daily scales, howlers use behavioral mechanisms to thermoregulate, including timing activities to avoid heat stress and utilizing cool microhabitats. At the seasonal scale, animals employ hormonal pathways to influence heat production. These lines of evidence cumulatively indicate that howlers possess morphological, physiological, and behavioral mechanisms to acclimate to environmental challenges. As such, howlers plasticity may facilitate their resilience to climate change and habitat loss. While habitat loss in the tropics is unlikely to abate, our results point to a potential benefit of active management and selective cultivation to yield large, interconnected forest fragments with targeted phenology that provides both a complex physical structure and a diversity of food sources. These steps could assist howlers in using their natural acclimation potential to survive future conservation threats.


Montuelle, Stephane J, Rachel A Olson, Hannah Curtis, JoAnna Sidote V, and Susan H Williams. (2019) 2019. “ The Effect of Unilateral Lingual Nerve Injury on the Kinematics of Mastication in Pigs. ”. Archives of Oral Biology 98: 226-37.

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the effect of unilateral lingual sensory loss on the spatial and temporal dynamics of jaw movements during pig chewing.

DESIGN: X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM) was used to reconstruct the 3-dimensional jaw movements of 6 pigs during chewing before and after complete unilateral lingual nerve transection. The effect of the transection were evaluated at the temporal and spatial level using Multiple Analysis of Variance. Temporal variables include gape cycle and phase durations, and the corresponding relative phase durations. Spatial variables include the amplitude of jaw opening, jaw yaw, and mandibular retraction-protraction.

RESULTS: The temporal and spatial dynamics of jaw movements did not differ when chewing ipsilateral versus contralateral to the transection. When compared to pre-transection data, 4 of the 6 animals showed significant changes in temporal characteristics of the gape cycle following the transection, irrespective of chewing side, but the specific response to the lesion was highly dependent on the animal. On the other hand, in affected individuals the amplitude of jaw movements was altered similarly in all 3 dimensions: jaw opening and protraction-retraction increased whereas jaw yaw decreased.

CONCLUSION: The variable impact of this injury in this animal model suggests that individuals use different compensatory strategies to adjust or maintain the temporal dynamics of the gape cycle. Because the amplitude of jaw movements are more adversely affected than their timing, results suggest that maintaining the tongue-jaw coordination is critical and this can come at the expense of bolus handling and masticatory performance.


Montuelle, Stephane J, Rachel Olson, Hannah Curtis, JoAnna Sidote, and Susan H Williams. (2025) 2018. “ Flexibility of Feeding Movements in Pigs: Effects of Changes in Food Toughness and Stiffness on the Timing of Jaw Movements ”. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (Pt 2): jeb168088.
In mammals, chewing movements can be modified, or flexible, in response to changes in food properties. Variability between and within food in the temporal characteristics of chewing movements can impact chewing frequency and rhythmicity, which in turn may affect food breakdown, energy expenditure and tooth wear. Here, we compared total chewing cycle duration and intra-cycle phase durations in pigs chewing on three foods varying in toughness and stiffness: apples (low toughness, low stiffness), carrots (high toughness, low stiffness), and almonds (high toughness, high stiffness). We also determined whether within-food variability in timing parameters is modified in response to changes in food properties. X-ray Reconstruction Of Moving Morphology (XROMM) demonstrates that the timing of jaw movements are flexible in response to changes in food properties. Within each food, pigs also exhibited flexibility in their ability to vary cycle parameters. The timing of jaw movements during processing of high-toughness foods is more variable, potentially decreasing chewing rhythmicity. In contrast, low-toughness foods result in jaw movements that are more stereotyped in their timing parameters. In addition, the duration of tooth-food-tooth contact is more variable during the processing of low-stiffness foods compared with tough or stiff foods. Increased toughness is suggested to alter the timing of the movements impacting food fracture whereas increased stiffness may require a more cautious control of jaw movements. This study emphasizes that flexibility in biological movements in response to changes in conditions may not only be observed in timing but also in the variability of their timing within each condition.