School of Hearing and Speech Sciences

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Lindley Hall

Norman Garber, Director

The school grants a B.S. in Hearing and Speech Sciences, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in audiology and speech-language pathology. A bachelor's degree is considered preprofessional. Graduate school admission is competitive, and most programs require at least a 3.0 overall g.p.a. to be considered for admission. The master's programs in speech pathology and audiology are accredited by the American Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology of the American Speech Language-Hearing Association. Information about major programs and requirements can be obtained from the school office in Lindley Hall.

Practicum training occurs in the campus Speech and Hearing Clinic, regional speech clinics, public schools, centers for individuals with special needs, and other off-campus clinical or educational settings. Consultation concerning all types of communicative disorders may be scheduled with the coordinator of clinical services. Remedial experiences and diagnostic evaluations are provided to university students at no cost. The audiological division evaluates all types of hearing problems, including hearing aid evaluations, in people from infancy to old age. Fees are charged for speech and hearing services provided to anyone who is not an enrolled Ohio University student. Research in therapy, acoustics, and other areas of communication is conducted in well equipped laboratories that house four soundproof rooms.

All undergraduate students desiring to major in Hearing and Speech should see the undergraduate coordinator to establish a file and obtain an advisor. You are expected to see your advisor during each preregistration period. Hearing and speech majors who desire education certification should apply during the third quarter of the freshman year to the College of Education for admission to teacher education. (See College of Education section.)

Program Standards

All hearing and speech sciences majors must
  1. Maintain an overall g.p.a. of 2.0 (C) or better in all hours attempted at Ohio University.
  2. Earn at least a C (2.0) or better in each course listed under Major Requirements and Related Requirements. For teaching certification, you must also earn at least a C (2.0) or better in each course listed under Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification.

Note: Courses in hearing and speech sciences may be re-taken once. You must earn at least a C (2.0) in required courses. If a grade of less than C occurs, the undergraduate coordinator will inform you in writing of your probationary status. Before graduating, you must retake the course and earn a satisfactory grade. If you are placed on school probation, discuss the matter with your academic advisor, the undergraduate coordinator, or the school director.

To remain in good academic standing with the university, you must maintain an overall g.p.a. of at least 2.0 (See "Academic Policies and Procedures.")

Hearing and Speech Sciences

Major code BS5305

Major Requirements

HSS 108   Intro to Speech Disorders 4
HSS 240   Professional Orientation 3
HSS 309   honetics 4
HSS 310   Language Development 5
HSS 313   Anatomy and Neurology 4
HSS 341   Speech and Language Practicum 2
HSS 350   Speech Science 4
HSS 351   Hearing Science 4
HSS 418   Articulation Disorders 5
HSS 419   Organic and Structural Disorders 5
HSS 422   Diagnostics 3
HSS 442   Senior Methods/Practicum 3
HSS 444   Disorders of Language 5
HSS 470   Basic Audiology 5
HSS 471   Aural Rehabilitation 5

Required Related Courses

PSY 275        Educational Psychology 4
HCCF 160      Intro to Child Development 4
or PSY 273     Child and Adolescent Psychology
EDM 201       Use of Library Resources 3
EDSP 271      Intro to Ed. of Exceptional Children and Youth 4
or PSY 332     Abnormal Psychology
or PSY 376     Psychological Disorders of Childhood
HLTH 227     First Aid 3
or HLTH 228   CPR or 1
HSS 300      Comm. Disorders of the Elderly 4
or PSY 374    Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
or SW 381     Counseling Older Adults
INCO 101     Fund. of Human Comm. 4
INCO 103     Fund. of Public Speaking 4
LING 280     Language in America 4
or any LING course 300 or above except 350 or 5
LING 350     Intro to Gen. Linguistics 5
PHIL 101     Fund. of Philosophy 5
or PHIL 120   Principles of Reasoning or 4
or PHIL 130   Intro to Ethics or 4
PSY 101      General Psychology 5
PSY 120      Elem. Statistical Reasoning 4
or PSY 221    Stats. for Beh. Sciences or 5

Biological or Physical Science Requirement

BIOL 101      Principles of Biology 5
or BIOS 103    Human Biology
or BIOS 170    Intro to Zoology
PHYS 201     Intro to Physics 5
or PSC 101L   Physical World
or PSC 105L   Color, Light, and Sound

Computer Literacy Requirement

CS 120      Computer Literacy 4
or HS 309    Microcomputer Applications or 4
or MIS 100   Intro to Microcomputers or 3

Foreign Language Requirement

HSS 379   Basic Manual Comm. 4

One quarter of a foreign language if you have had two or more years of foreign language in high school or two quarters of a foreign language if you have had less than two years of foreign language in high school

Language and Cultural Relationships Requirement

ANTH 101     Intro to Cultural Anthropology 5
or LING 275   Intro to Language and Culture or 4
or INCO 410   Cross-Cultural Commun. or 4

Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification

EDCE 410         Human Relations 3
EDCI 301         Educ. and Cultural Diversity 2
EDEL 311, 311L   Teaching of Reading in Elem. School and Lab 5
EDSP 270        Classroom Mgt. of Children w/Behavior Problems 4
EDSP 474        Intro to Specific Learning Disabilities 4

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

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