Draft - 21.001: Medical Services



Initiated by:

Kenneth Johnson | Chief Medical Affairs Officer 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy provides for medical care for students and promotes the health of the academic community.  

  2. Prematriculation immunizations

    Ohio University requires that all residential students disclose their current meningitis, and hepatitis B vaccination status prior to residing on-campus.

    Students submit this information through a Vaccination Information form process administered by the Housing and Residence Life department.

  3. Tuberculosis testing

    Ohio University will require Tuberculosis Testing in accordance with the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines .

  4. Health insurance

    1. Coverage

      All F or J visa-holding students registering for at least one-half credit hour and all domestic students registered for five or more credit hours are required to maintain active health insurance. Athens students, and all OU-HCOM students regardless of their location, will be automatically enrolled in the university student health insurance. Students may apply for a waiver of the student health insurance on or before the third Friday of each semester, provided that the policy they submit for waiver approvals meets the university waiver criteria. 

      Domestic students enrolled in less then five Athens credit hours and all students enrolled through the regional campuses, including eCampus who meet eligibility requirements may enroll in the university student health insurance on a voluntary basis during the designated open enrollment periods each semester. 


      Ohio university students are encouraged to enroll their dependents in a health-insurance policy that meets the Affordable Care Act mandate for minimum essential health benefits. Students can enroll their dependents in the student-health insurance plan on a voluntary basis during the designated open enrollment periods each semester. Dependents will not be automatically enrolled and will require submission of an enrollment form each semester for coverage to continue. 

    2. Waivers

      1. Ohio university students who are already enrolled in a health-insurance plan that meets the university waiver criteria may complete the online waiver application to remove the charge for the student health insurance after registering for classes. Current health insurance coverage information must be submitted in conjunction with the waiver request. Information provided on the waiver application will be submitted to an independent third party to verify the alternate policy is active and meets the university waiver criteria.
      2. Approved waiver applications will remove the charge for the student health insurance from the student account for the entire academic year. The online waiver is the only accepted waiver format. Waivers must be submitted prior to the posted deadline. Waivers will not be available after the deadline has passed. Charges for student health insurance will remain on the student's account if a waiver is not processed prior to the posted deadline. 
  5. Eligibility for Service

    People in the following categories are eligible for the services at the student health center located within Hudson hall:

    1. Students

      Any student who is registered for the current academic term; or has preregistered or intends to enroll for the following academic term; or during the summer is beginning or continuing a graduate studies program in the fall academic term, even if as yet unregistered. This includes students enrolled on the Athens campus and on any of the regional campuses.

    2. Event attendees

      Anyone on campus attending special Ohio university programs, such as workshops, conferences, etc., for which a health fee has been paid.

    3. Exceptions

      Any other eligibility will be determined by the medical director of Ohio university campus care.

    4. Confirmation of eligibility

      Except in case of a medical emergency, a reasonable attempt will be made to confirm membership in one of the categories listed in this policy before services are provided.

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