Work and Committees

Administrative Senate facilitates standing committees for each of the major themes of the Senate’s work. The committee structure enables members to develop specialized knowledge and familiarity with the topic under their jurisdiction. Each committee meets to discuss matters affecting their jurisdiction and recommends action to the full Senate when necessary. Each committee is led by a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.

The Standing Committees are supervised by the Vice Chair of the Administrative Senate and the Chair of each committee. Each committee Chair is expected to report to the Administrative Senate regularly on the committee’s activities and make recommendations to the Administrative Senate for approval.

How to Join a Committee

The Executive Committee (Senate leadership) appoints the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of each committee. Chairs and Vice Chairs must be senators. Chairs, in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint Senators and others to committee membership.  The membership of each committee may include administrators who are not Senators.If you are interested in joining a committee, contact the committee chair.

  • University Standing Committees

    University Standing Committees are separate from but related to Administrative Senate. Administrative Senate provides recommendations for administrative representatives to serve on University Standing Committees.

    Any constituent of Administrative Senate is eligible to serve on University Standing Committees as an administrative representative, including but not limited to the senators. Ultimately the chair of the “Committee on Committees” and the University President facilitates those nominations and appointments, respectively. 

    If you desire to serve on a committee, please contact Administrative Senate so that we can advocate for your nomination. 

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