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2024 Graduates

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Ohio University Chillicothe students are passionate, intelligent and driven. It's no wonder our alumni make a difference in our community and our region.

Associate in Applied Science in Nursing
Mackenzie Anderson

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because I was very impressed with their nursing program and what they had to offer.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this?
W hen I passed my third semester in nursing, knowing that I was going to make it! 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
My favorite professors were Britney Hamman and Lindsey Shotts. They are a true blessing to the whole nursing community. They have impacted my life in forming me into the perfect future nurse. I couldn’t have done it without either of them. The way they care for their students is something that is very rare. They wish to see every student succeed.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
The hardest hill I had to climb was failing a course in nursing and having to wait a whole year to return and retake it. I did not give up and I came back ready to be the best version of me to get through nursing school and I did exactly that! You should never give up on your dreams.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories are the life-long friendships this campus has brought to me. They are once in a lifetime friendships and I’m so lucky to have met these friends.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Do NOT miss the opportunity to be a better yourself and participate in the activities your education program offers. That’s one thing that I wish I was more active in.

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
I plan to continue my education and start working at Ohio State University.

Bachelor of Social Work
Taylor Arledge

Chillicothe, Ohio

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major I decided to attend Ohio University Chillicothe because it is located close to my home and works well with my busy schedule. I chose Social Work as my major because I am passionate about helping people. Social work is a broad field with endless possibilities, providing me with numerous opportunities to serve individuals and make a difference in their lives!

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”? My ah-ha moment was when I began my field practicum. My placement helped me gain so much confidence in myself. I was even offered a position at my placement!

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path? As a student, my hardest challenge has been dealing with anxiety. I worried about whether I am capable or deserving of the position I am in. However, now that I am at the ends of my college career, I have come to realize that I have put in a lot of hard work, time, and effort to get to where I am. I deserve to be here and proud of my achievements.

What are your favorite OHIO memories? My favorite memories of OHIO are the moments when I got to meet my peers. They are all such lovely people! 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss? I would tell new students at OHIO to participate in campus events and make as many connections as possible! Study with your classmates!

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work?/What are your next steps or plans for the future? I plan to use my social work degree to serve my local community. I have lived in Ross County my entire life and have witnessed the daily struggles. These people are my friends, family, neighbors, and more. They all deserve to live the most fulfilling and happy lives.

Bachelor of Science in Applied Management
Mary Basham

Mary Basham, a resident of Chillicothe , serves as a dministrative services associate, supporting Student Services and the Testing Center at Ohio University Chillicothe.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
 I was able to continue working my fulltime job and take classes at the same time

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
I was taking classes kind of randomly, then realized I was actually working on a business degree!

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
There were many professor who have made lasting impressions on me in different ways. They were all supportive to me as a non-traditional student. Some of my favorite professors were Professor Lang, Professor Nickles, Dr. Obi, and Professor Schor.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Working full-time makes you value your "off" time even more. I took time to get the homework and classwork done with the support of my loving and understanding husband. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
Strangely I remember the times I was forced to step outside of my comfort zone the most. In Dr. Obi's class, especially, we had to respond to tough discussion questions. Being able to civilly disagree with someone is very important in today's world. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
You are the most important thing you can invest in, and a good education is the best investment you can make.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I will continue to work at OHIO Chillicothe and use my degree to help me be a better employee overall.

Bachelor of Social Work
Jessica Bowles

A member of  Phi Alpha Honor Society, Jessica is from Chillicothe, Ohio.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because it was my hometown university and allowed me to get a college education and be there for my kids. They understand that I am more than just a student. OHIO Chillicothe also has more to offer students besides material learned in typical in-class courses. OHIO Chillicothe provides relevant field experience for students through internships and volunteer experience through services provided to the community by the student social work association. These out of school learning opportunities create great experience as well as good resume builders for students following graduation.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
Junior year when we started using more of our career interests for assignments. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
A professor who had an impact is Dr. Saunders-Adams because she used real world situations to help me learn the material. I learn more when it’s applied to situations I will encounter in my career rather than typical textbook. The material she has taught me will follow me through my career as a social worker. She has helped me build a great foundation of knowledge to start my journey into this profession.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
 The hardest hill I had to climb while at Ohio Chillicothe was trying to balance motherhood with pursuing a bachelors. I had many wonderful and understanding professors that worked with me and a super supportive husband to push me through the hard times. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories are those involved in my time spent in Student Social Work Association and other activities including my fellow social work classmates. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
I would tell new students not to miss voluntary events on campus. These events can bring the student body together and do good for building connections.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? My next steps are enrolling into Ohio University's graduates program to pursue a master’s degree in Social Work. My plans for the future include working towards becoming a perinatal social worker. I want to work in maternal and infant health care which means supporting women through pregnancy to birth and the postpartum period following childbirth. 

Bachelor of Science in Education
Braiden Collins-Dalton

Chillicothe resident Braiden Collins-Dalton was selected as an Outstanding Program Graduate this year. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because I loved how close everyone was! The professors really care for you and help you with whatever they can.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"? 
I think it really sunk in and I knew “I can do this” when I did my student teaching! It was the best experience and I got to fully see what it’s like to be a teacher:)

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
I had multiple professors that helped me. Professor Ogle helped push me not only with the time I had her in class but she is still helping mold me into the teacher she knows I can be. Professor Wolfe has helped me with any questions I have had and has pushed me to my full potential. Professor Buskirk helped immensely with Edtpa and helped calm down any nerves I had. And Professor Domo really made it clear that you can have fun in class and still learn and grow. Professor Dalton also showed us you can have fun in class and learn at the same time. All of these professor helped shape me into the teacher I have become already.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Hardest hill was the Edtpa just because it was so time consuming and it had some many parts to it, but I overcame it by the support I had from the professors! Professor Corcoran, Buskirk, and Dalton really went above and beyond to make sure we were all prepared for it!

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
One of my top memories would be dropping an egg from the bridge on campus. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Don’t miss out on the friendships/ relationships you can make with not only students but with your professors as well!

What are your next steps or plans for the future? Right now I am employed at Chillicothe Intermediate School. I plan to continue to grow as a teacher and to enjoy this new journey that I am on!

Bachelor of Social Work
Molly Chaffin

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major? I chose the social work major at Ohio University Chillicothe was not only having the convenience of the University in my hometown, but I knew some alumni who raved about the effectiveness of the program. I felt confident I was making the right choice. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”? My “ah-ha” moment at OHIO when I knew I got this was when I was struggling with a specific course and reached out to the faculty members for assistance. The support I received from them was refreshing and I realized I was not going to be alone in my educational journey. I knew if I received this support now, I would receive it again if I ever needed it. I felt secure in that moment.

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path? The hardest hill I had to climb as a student was managing my responsibilities as a college student, full-time employment and being a mother. There is a lot on my plate. Ohio University Chillicothe faculty have been amazing with meeting me where I was and helping me create a course schedule tailored to my needs so I could be successful in all three areas.

What are your favorite OHIO memories? My favorite OHIO memories are the ones where I created friendships with my classmates. We started out as strangers and have grown to be each other’s support network.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss? One thing I would tell new OHIO students not to miss is joining the Student Social Work Association. Not only is it fun, but it is also a great way to connect with the student body and community. 

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work? What are your next steps or plans for the future? I plan to use my social work degree to give back to the community that has helped me so much. I am in recovery and helpers in the field have supported me through this journey. I hope to do the same thing. I plan on continuing my education by enrolling into the Social Work master’s program.

Bachelor of Science in Education
Hope Crabtree

Hope Crabtree served as co-president of the Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society at OHIO Chillicothe where she focused in early childhood education.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe? I liked the idea of staying near my husband and my family.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this?
My ah-ha moment was just recently when I passed my OAE exams. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
 Amy Wolfe supported me from day one. She continuously encouraged me and helped me get through any hardships. I only had Jeanie Dalton for online classes but she always makes me laugh! Inna Ogle was one of the teachers that helped me actually understand the foundation skills of teaching students literacy. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
My hardest hill that I climbed was not getting the “college experience” especially in the first couple of years because all of my classes were online. I struggled with not having friends and the support group I thought I would need to get through college. I overcame this when we started in-person classes. The sweet friends I have gained stood by me at my wedding and continue to show up for me! 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
I loved doing the egg drop with Jennifer Domo! I also am very grateful for the clinical experience my professors set up for me! They have given me the opportunity to network and build great relationships in a lot of our local schools. 

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I plan to teach at a local school. I plan to share my love of reading with my students and hopefully light that spark in them and make a difference in education! 

Bachelor of Science in Education
Sarah Crabtree

A resident of Waverly, Ohio, Sarah is graduating Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose Ohio Chillicothe because of its proximity to home and its reputation for providing quality education and strong support systems. The small, tight-knit community was also a major draw for me.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
My "ah-ha" moment at Ohio Chillicothe came when I completed and passed the edTPA with the invaluable support of my professors and peers. It was then that I truly felt confident and capable in my abilities as a future educator 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Karen Corcoran and Dr. Amy Wolfe hold a special place in my heart as my favorite professors at Ohio Chillicothe. Their guidance and expertise in the field of education have been invaluable to me. Beyond their impressive knowledge, it's their genuine care and unwavering support that truly set them apart. They went above and beyond to mentor me, offering encouragement and advice every step of the way. Their passion for teaching ignited a similar passion within me, and their dedication to their students inspired me to strive for excellence in my own career. Thanks to these professors, I not only gained valuable knowledge but also the confidence to pursue my goals with determination. Their impact on me extends far beyond the classroom, shaping not just my education but my entire outlook on life and career.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
The hardest hill I had to climb at Ohio Chillicothe was the transition from the Athens campus. Initially, I was apprehensive about the change, but I quickly realized that I was surrounded by an incredibly supportive community at Chillicothe. Whenever challenges or obstacles arose, I leaned on the support network of faculty, staff, and fellow students. Through open communication and seeking guidance when needed, I found ways to navigate through difficulties. Additionally, staying focused on my goals and maintaining a positive mindset helped me overcome any hurdles along the way. Ultimately, the supportive environment at Chillicothe made the transition smoother than I anticipated, and I emerged stronger and more resilient as a result.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories at Ohio Chillicothe revolve around my elementary education cohort. From group texts about projects, to classes together, we shared laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable experiences that enriched my education and forged lifelong friendships.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
G et involved. Make new friends, join groups, and immerse yourself in the vibrant campus community. These experiences will not only enhance your education but also create lasting memories and connections that will enrich your college experience.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? To pursue my future goals, I plan to seek employment at a local elementary school in the area. 

McKenzie Evans
McKenzie Evans

Bainbridge resident McKenzie Evans is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Middle Childhood Education focused in English and Social Studies.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose Ohio Chillicothe because it is close to my small hometown where I live and I knew Ohio Chillicothe would help me succeed while still being efficient in cost and commute. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!"?
My ah-ha moment was when I entered in the Patton College of Education and I met the clinical educators that were going to help us obtain our licensure in teaching. The professors and clinical educators in the teaching program are absolutely wonderful and I knew I would succeed with them cheering us on.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
My favorite professors have been Dr. Kevin Cordi, Dr. Jacqueline Yahn, Dr. Tony Vinci, and Karen Corcoran. They have helped shaped me in the best way possible for my career. Each professor has shown me unique perspectives on teaching, writing, creating, and professionalism. I left each of their classrooms inspired and with skills that I will implement into my future career. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
The biggest obstacle I have had to face throughout my time at Ohio Chillicothe would be balancing full-time course work, a full-time job, and life. It’s no secret that balancing life while in school is no easy feat. I found my self overwhelmed and burnt out at times but I continued to push forward. I overcame these challenges in a few ways of which I learned to prioritize self-care and my mental health. Another way I overcame this challenge was the support of my fellow classmates who were going through the difficult ride with me. Lastly, I was lucky enough to have professors who cared about their students' wellbeing and encouraged us to take care of ourselves.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
Some of my favorite memories at Ohio Chillicothe are by far meeting incredible people that I may not have met otherwise. I’ve gathered a few great friends throughout my time at OUC that we rely on each other to get through the semesters together. Another memory I will cherish is the support from and time spent together with my fellow candidates and clinical educators.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
I would tell them to go to all of the events that interest them offered by the campus. It would be a great way to meet new and like-minded people. Many of which may end up in life long friends.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? My next step is to acquire a job in the teaching field to help make a difference in the lives of many students.

Stacia Francis
Stacia Francis

Chillicothe resident Stacia Francis is graduatin with her bachelor's degree in Middle Childhood Education- Math and English Language Arts.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
It's location close to home meant I could stay with my family and friends 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!"?
When all of the things on my DARS turned green

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Jeanie Dalton and Karen Corcoran. I Loved them both throughout my 4 years. When I lost my father this last spring they sent me flowers and did everything possible to make sure I made it to the finish line

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Virtual learning- I am better at in person classes. I overcame with the thoughts of being where I want to be once graduated and that is being a teacher

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
Making new memories with the small group of girls that are majoring in the same content.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Making connections with professors and advisors

What are your next steps or plans for the future?I plan to apply and interview locally for teaching positions. I hope to get a job at the Chillicothe Intermediate School.

Bachelor of Science in Education
Ashlynn Hendershot

Chillicothe resident Ashlynn Hendershot is graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Education with a focus in middle childhood education. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because I wanted to stay close to home. I wanted to be able to continue working while taking college classes. OHIO Chillicothe made this easy!

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
My favorite professor is Professor Karen Corcoran. She was not only my professor, but also my advisor. She helped me navigate all the obstacles I faced throughout my college experience to help me be successful. I knew that I could always turn to her with any questions or concerns I had. I will always appreciate her role in my journey at OUC. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
My "ah-ha moment" at OHIO Chillicothe was at the beginning of my student internship when I felt like OUC had successfully prepared me for my future role as an educator. I felt confident in myself and knew that I was in the right career field. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
The hardest hill I had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe was having my son during my senior year. I decided to take a year off to focus on being a stay-at-home mom. When I decided to return for my last semester, OUC made it easy. For my internship they placed me at a local school district that accommodated my needs for childcare and it all fell into place. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories at OHIO Chillicothe are meeting on campus for my education courses with my fellow peers. I love hearing stories and experiences through the eyes of others who are also in the same stage as I am.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
I would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss the activities that are provided on campus. Participating in these different workshops and activities is a great way for you to build connections and learn new skills. 

What are your next steps or plans for the future? My plans for the future are to become an effective teacher in a local school district. I hope to make a difference in my local community by inspiring, guiding, and serving as a role model to my future students. 

Associate in Science
Marissa Huff

A MacArthur resident, Marissa Huff is an early childhood education major graduating with an associate in degree. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
It offers all the benefits of a big college with a hometown feel. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Jeanie Dalton has been an inspiration during my time here at OUC. Her love and passion for education shines through and encourages me along my journey. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
When I first began my education at OUC in the fall of 2023 and realized no matter how difficult it was, the faculty and staff would always be there to support their students. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Not knowing anyone in my classes was incredibly intimidating when I began college. I soon realized that most of my peers had the same feeling. This gave me the confidence to speak up and form new friendships. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories are times spent talking to all the new people I have connected with at OUC. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Don’t isolate yourself. Going to a small school doesn’t mean you can’t make a multitude of new friends. Reach out to the people in your classes. 

What are your next steps or plans for the future?Continue my education at OHIO Chillicothe and graduate with a Bachelors in Early Childhood Education in Spring 2026.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
McKenna Hutchison

A Chillicothe resident, McKenna is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
My dad went here and so I had always heard good things and loved the idea of knowing everyone on campus. I have so enjoyed being a part of such a close-knit community of students and faculty.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!"?
Not until the last final was submitted! 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Camille Leadingham and Lindsey Shotts. Both are amazing professors and equip students to be life saving nurses 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My nursing cohort. Strangers became friends and friends became family.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Any opportunity to bond with your classmates and make memories. For us it was game nights and nurse parties.

What are your next steps or plans for the future?Working at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in the Progressive Care Unit float pool.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Cassade McNichols

A resident of Laurelville, Ohio, Cassade graduated Cum Laude.

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose Ohio Chillicothe because it is a small college close to home. I wanted to be close to my family, although I probably wouldn't have made it this far if my classmates and professors hadn't become my second family.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
Is there ever an "I've got this" moment in nursing school? It was a challenge all throughout but I've known I wanted to be a nurse since before high school so I was determined to succeed. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
OHIO Chillicothe has the best professors. Each and every nursing professor I encountered has impacted my life in one way or another. Every professor showed how much they cared about me and my classmates. I will forever owe them for helping me get my degree and I appreciate them passing their wisdom on to me. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challeng...
In 2021 I was diagnosed with lymphoma. It was also my first semester of nursing classes. This was the hardest hill I had to climb in my life. I relied heavily on my friends and family during that time. I have to thank not only them, and my determination but also my professors and classmates for helping me through it. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
There are so many memories to list. I enjoyed my time at Ohio Chillicothe. There was rarely a bad day. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Don't miss the experience. Take the time to enjoy the next few years of your life. It will go by quickly. 

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
I plan to better the health of my community by working as a nurse in a local hospital. 

Bachelor of Science in Education
Madison Rice

Circleville, Ohio resident Madison Rice is graduating with a bachelor's degree in early childhood and elementary education. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I choose Ohio University Chillicothe because it aligned with my education preference of a close knit community instead of large lectures - without having to drive hours away from home.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!"?
I felt accomplished in Phonics/Structure of Language class when we were assessing students strengths and weaknesses through spelling inventory.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
 My favorite professors were Jeanie Dalton and Amy Wolfe. They are impactful professors showing enthusiasm not only around the material but outside the classroom.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
I was very stressed about successfully completing the state licensure requirements. All my professors helped set me up for success and steered me in the correct direction to best help me study.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memory from Ohio University Chillicothe was meeting a new best friend!

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
I enjoyed being inducted into Kappa Delta Pi. Don't miss out or overlook this opportunity!

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
I plan on teaching full time at a local school and leveraging the skills that I've obtained from Ohio University to help empower all students to succeed.

Bachelor of Science in Education
Rebekah Sears

Rebekah Sears, from Lancaster, Ohio, is graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Education with a focus in early childhood and elementary education. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe? I chose OHIO Chillicothe because it was near to my parents and provides a great education program.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this?"
My ah-ha moment came when I began to write lessons plans and be able to visualize how they could be implemented into a classroom.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Jeanie Dalton provided a safe space to learn and explore new ideas. She is supportive through every situation during my years at OHIO Chillicothe. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
When I had to retake geology, I recognized how overwhelmed my schedule was and I dedicated more time and energy to class.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
Spending time with my friends.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Make sure to always take time for yourself!

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I plan to enter the teaching field in a high need area to support the needs of students and the community.

Bachelor of Science in Education
Delanie Schobelock

Chillicothe resident Delanie Schobelock is graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Education with a focus in Adolescence to Young Adult Integrated Language Arts. 

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe?

I wanted to stay close to home to save money in the beginning. I didn't realize that I would be getting married, buy my first home in Chillicothe, and fall in love with the growing community of kids in the area as a teacher. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?

Some of the few professors who became more than an educator for me include Dr. Linda Rice (Athens), Dr. Brenton Goff (Athens), and Mrs. Karen Corcoran (Chillicothe). Not only are these three incredible educators, but they are mentors, friends, and a guiding path in the world of education. They are impressionable, compassionate, and deeply passionate about their work and the impact their teachings have on students in the educational field. I most certainly would not have graduated, nor had the desire to continue this degree field, without them. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

The moment I realized that I could push through my degree and graduate was once I had moved as a commuter to Athens campus and had to work twice as hard to get through my junior year; getting to come home and complete my internship through Ohio University Chillicothe made my college experience feel like it had come to a full circle. 

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest part of earning my degree through OHIO Chillicothe was having to leave my home campus to go to Athens campus. Being an Adolescence to Young Adult educator is hard when you can't finish your degree field on a regional campus. Making that change was hard: not only was the drive strenuous every day as a commuter, but making new friends on a campus that I no longer call my own was a difficult thing to leave behind as I returned home to OUC for my senior year. I am happy to be back in Chillicothe and come full circle on this journey, but making that transition during my career was a challenging time in my life that I won't ever doubt myself because of. 

What are your favorite OHIO memories?

Some of my favorite memories on OUC's campus include studying with friends in the newly renovated student study lounge, taking classes in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and watching educators adapt to an online lifestyle, as well as taking a college class with my now-husband when we were just two acquaintances in our small hometown. We look back on that time and are so happy we have that classic "We dated in college" type memory to share with our future children. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?

Don't feel like you are missing the "college experience" by staying local. You will make memories just as sweet, friendships just as loyal, and meet educators and others in your degree field that are just as incredible on a smaller campus close to home as you would anywhere else. It is not a downgrade to stay close to home; it's an opportunity to grow in your personal ties to home while growing in your education. 

What are your next steps or plans?

Following graduation, I am looking forward to getting hired to teach in my hometown of Chillicothe where I live with my wonderful husband, Jacob. 

Bachelor of Social Work
Dani Sheets

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major?

Choosing Ohio University Chillicothe and pursuing a major in social work felt like the right path for me, especially considering Chillicothe is my hometown. My decision was deeply influenced by my personal journey of sobriety spanning seven years. Through this process, I've witnessed firsthand the stigma and devastation that addiction inflicts on individuals, families, and communities. I wanted to become a beacon of hope and an advocate for those struggling with similar challenges.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

My "ah-ha" moment at OHIO came when I first stepped into admissions four years ago, feeling scared and uncertain. However, the overwhelming support from the staff and my fellow Bobcats reassured me that I belonged on this journey. The sense of camaraderie and encouragement propelled me forward.

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

As a nontraditional student returning to school, one of the toughest hills I had to climb was grappling with technology. Fortunately, Professor Mary Jane Preece in the HST department was there every step of the way, offering unwavering support and guidance. Her mentorship helped me stay focused and navigate the challenges of learning in a digital age.

What are your favorite OHIO memories?

Some of my fondest memories at OHIO revolve around the incredible friendships I've formed along this journey. These connections have enriched my college experience and made it truly memorable.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?

To new OHIO students, I would emphasize the importance of getting involved and connecting with fellow Bobcats. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back from embracing opportunities for community engagement and personal growth.

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work? What are your next steps or plans?

I'm passionate about putting my social work degree to work by supporting veterans and addressing trauma. I'm excited to continue my education in the accelerated master's program at Ohio University, where I hope to further sharpen my skills and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Bachelor of Social Work
Jamie Sherman

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major?

I chose OHIO Chillicothe’s social work program because I am passionate about the helping field. As a person who overcame addiction nearly six years ago, it is has become my God-given purpose to not only help support others who suffer from mental illness and addiction, but to fill them with hope that there is a better quality of life available to them.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that where you said to your point self, “I’ve got this!”?

I try to stay humble because the moment I feel “I’ve got this” I tend to get too comfortable and not bring my best to the table.

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest challenge I have had to overcome as a student is finding the balance between being a full-time employee, full time student, and being a single mother.

What are your favorite OHIO memories?

I get to attend class with a best friend who is also a coworker and coworkers who have become friends. We are all employed at Integrated Services for Behavioral Health. They are some amazing ladies who not only inspire me but have supported me along this journey.

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work?/What are your next steps or plans for the future?

My hope is to continue my education in the Master of Social Work program at Ohio University. After I successfully complete that I believe the sky is the limit. Our community has a need for social workers in so many genres and the class of 2024 and 2025 are a great group of qualified individuals ready to serve.

Bachelor of Social Work
Athena Smith

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major?

At first, when I first got to college, I had no idea what I wanted to do at all! That is, until I had my first Social Work class and I knew that I wanted to help people.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

This moment for me came the spring semester that I had my son. I finally realized that I wasn’t doing any of it for me, but I was doing it for others who were in situations like me through my life. And I was doing it for my son.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life? Stacey Saunders- Adams has been with me since nearly the beginning and has seen me grow not only in my studies but as a person and a mother! She never made me feel like I couldn't do it and was always in my corner. I do not think I could have done this without her! 

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest hill for me to climb was just learning to be a college student and how to set my own standards for my success. I had to figure out the best ways for me to study and learn and not let what others were doing convince me that my way was wrong, because for me it was right.

What are your favorite OHIO memories?

I love to go to the home football games in Athens.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?

I would make sure to tell any new student to not miss the beautiful state parks that are all over the Southern Ohio Hills.

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work?/What are your next steps or plans for the future? 

I would love to work in the schools. As far as my plans for the future in general, I am looking forward to raising my children and making my family the best that we can be.

Associate in Science
Lillian Snyder

Chillicothe, Ohio

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because I wanted something affordable and close to home. It was a perfect fit for me and gave me the flexibility I needed to continue working fulltime and coaching two sports while earning me degree. I don't think I could have found a better place!

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
I couldn't decide on a major that fit me specifically, but I knew I loved science and wanted to do something in that area. I am so glad I pursued that specific major. We have so many great options to choose from at OHIO Chillicothe.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
A few of my favorites were Mary Preece, Anne Greenlea and Thomas Suter Jr. They made an impact on my life just by being great professors and great models for students. They were so genuine and down to earth. Ohio University has some pretty amazing professors to push us to be the best!

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
My favorite memories were just the friendships that were made and the lifelong impacts that our professors and peers will have on us for the rest of our lives!

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
I think college in general is stressful and something that all people want to accomplish but some fall short and that is okay, but you can't give up no matter how much you want to. There is no better feeling than submitting that last assignment and seeing that "congrats grad" in your ohio email. Even though it will be a tough couple years, just keep persevering and never give up! 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Just don't miss the deadline to apply! You won't regret the time you spend here! 

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I'll continue working for Ross-Pike Educational Service District where my degree has helped me step up into a role as a Behavior Specialist. I also coach Middle School Basketball and High School Softball at Huntington Local Schools.

Associate in Applied Business, Computer Science Technology
Seth Spencer

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe? It was a no-brainer as this is the town I want to stay in.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"? When I got past my first coding class and realized I actually could learn more than I thought I was capable of.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life? Joseph Tripplet. He was my first teacher and advisor. He made things seem simpler with his down to earth attitude, which helped calm a lot of my early anxieties with school.

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced? The hardest obstacle was probably COVID-19 throwing my entire semester for a loop. It was also a big challenge going from being homeschooled to learning in a whole new environment and overcoming those social anxieties.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories? The feeling of leaving that first ever class knowing I just began something special. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
D on’t worry about the small things. Control what you can, but let go of what you can’t. Do your best, and also try to go to the Shoemaker Center for an event. It’s a pretty cool place.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? Working in Information Technology, hopefully in a hospital or dentist office. 

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Cree Stulley

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe? I chose OHIO Chillicothe because it was close to home and it allowed me to stay close to my friends and family while getting my degree. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this?
My ah-ha moment was this semester as I began my preceptorship! This gave me the full effect of what is to come after graduation. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
The instructors that were most impactful for me were Professors Maughmer, Leadingham and Shotts. They were always so positive with each and every one of us and never let us doubt ourselves. 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Nursing school is hard and takes a lot of time. I was lucky enough to meet some of my best friends throughout the program and we have all been there to help and support each other through out the program. 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
When my nursing cohort ran the Buck Fifty. It was physically miserable but we had the best time together and it was a fun experience that we all shared. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Be involved with the different activities that either the school or your program put on! This is a great way to interact with fellow students and staff. 

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
I plan to take my boards this summer and begin working as a Registered Nurse! 

Bachelor of Social Work
Holly Sunflower

Holly is from Jackson, Ohio and traveled to Costa Rica on an experiential learning trip with other social work students this spring. 

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major? As a single mom pursuing my dream of completing my social work degree I choose Ohio University Chillicothe for its lower tuition rates with the same quality of education I would receive at the Main Ohio University Athens campus  and the opportunity to build professional connections within the community I grew up in.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”? My ah-ha moment at OHIO was during my field placement I realized my passion was for victim advocacy and social justice. I was hired for one of my dream jobs as a Victim Advocate and Prevention Specialist before I even obtained my degree due to my passion and work ethic.

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path? The hardest hill I have had to climb as a student is balancing being a full-time employee, a full-time student, being a mom to my beautiful daughter, and navigating all the challenges that arise. I overcome the challenges I face through the help of my monthly calendar to keep everything as organized as possible, self-care routines, and my support system I have found in my cohort, professors, and my closest friends and family.

What are your favorite OHIO memories? One of my favorite OHIO memories is my entire cohort having a vent session during class and all of us reaching out to support one another. 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss? Do not miss the opportunity to study abroad. It may seem unrealistic financially, however there are plenty of grants and scholarships you can apply for that even cover your airfare. I am completing my study abroad during spring break in San Jose, Costa Rica.

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work?/What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I plan to put my social work degree to work by helping vulnerable, unserved populations in our region. My next steps for the future include completing my Master of Social Work at Ohio University on the Athens campus (I got accepted to the advanced standing program!), obtaining my LSW license, and working as a child abuse specialist who interviews children suspected to have experienced or witnessed violence. 

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Alyssa Thomas

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
It is close to me and I liked the smaller setting. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this?
I just knew I could. I have an amazing support system that encouraged me along the way.

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
I love all my professors especially Professor Tedesco!

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
It was pretty hard after my dad died but my professors never gave up on me.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
I love taking goofy pics with my classmates

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Dont miss out on all the student activities they have.

What are your next steps or plans for the future? I have a job on a pediatrics unit in Virginia as an registered nurse. 

Associate in Science in Nursing
Maggie Thullen

Waynesfield, Ohio 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe?
I chose OHIO Chillicothe because it was a very small campus so I knew I would be able to interact with my professors and classmates on a closer level.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got...
My “ah-ha” moment would be when I finally passed OB during my third semester of nursing school after failing it the first time. 

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
My favorite professors were Professor Shotts and Professor Hamman. They both really were there to support me through the hills and valleys of nursing school and I will forever be grateful for them! 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
My hardest hill I had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe would be when I failed nursing school for the first time. I have never failed a class, let alone my whole major and that was a major shock to me. I overcame this challenge by growing through the struggle of failing and getting back up and believing in myself and knowing that God was going to provide the second go-around for nursing school.

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
One of my favorite memories from OHIO Chillicothe would be the close friends I’ve made along the way during my time at college. I will cherish the memories I’ve had with them and the bond we share forever.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
I would tell a new student not to get too caught up in the “what’s next?”. Live in the moment that you are in right now because before you know it you’ll be graduating and in the “real world”.

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
I plan on working at Nationwide Children’s Hospital at the Main Hospital in the Urgent Care setting.

Bachelor of Social Work
Allison "Al" Trego

Why did you choose Ohio University Chillicothe and the social work major?

I chose to go to Ohio University Chillicothe because the campus is close to home. I chose the major because I want to help others.

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

When I got to my senior year it finally hit me that I had bettered myself.

What was the hardest hill you have had to climb as a student? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

The hardest hill I have had to climb is being a first-generation student. I did not know what I was doing at first but now I can help others who want to enroll in college.

What are your favorite OHIO memories?

I have met some of the most genuine people in the same degree I am in, as well as meeting one of my closest friends here.

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?

Making new friends.

How do you plan to put your social work degree to work?/What are your next steps or plans for the future?

I would like to work with the geriatric population. If I can’t get a job in this field, I’d like to work with kids at some point, if possible.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Madison Wallace

Madison Wallace is a resident of Washington Courthouse. 

Why did you choose OHIO Chillicothe? It was close to home and the class sizes were perfect for learning. 

What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO Chillicothe - that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this"?
Definitely during my preceptorship when all of the pieces of everything I learned over the years started falling into place!

Who were your favorite professors and how did they make an impact on your life?
Professor Shotts, Professor Hardiesty, Doctor Leadingham, Professor Fannin, and Professor Tedesco. They were all always so helpful with anything I ever needed! 

What was the hardest hill you had to climb at OHIO Chillicothe? And how did you overcome challenges you faced?
Definitely getting used to juggling clinical/lab/lecture at one time!! It was so much different than any other class I had been in, but I worked to ensure I was having a good balance of time! 

What are your favorite OHIO Chillicothe memories?
 All the student events! 

What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO Chillicothe student not to miss?
Go to all of the cookouts, ice cream parties, and events they have!

What are your next steps or plans for the future?
Serving as a registered nurse at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Pulmonary Complex Care Unit

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