Development of U.S. unconventional oil and gas resources (i.e., shale) over the past decade has significantly influenced domestic and international energy markets. U.S. shale resource growth has caused a resurgence in both domestic energy infrastructure and chemical manufacturing. However, new issues need to be addressed: 1) management of waste water generated by unconventional oil/gas wells, 2) rapid production decline associated with unconventional wells, and 3) lack of Appalachian Basin petrochemical infrastructure to convert plentiful natural gas liquids (NGLs) into products.

ISEE’s shale R&D programming is focused on improving the environmental and economic sustainability of unconventional resources through technology development. Programming includes development of novel supercritical technologies to remediate high-salinity produced water generated by oil/gas wells; study of downhole geochemistry during shut-in periods using experimental, modeling, and spectroscopic techniques; and converting shale gas into value-added chemicals via high-temperature selective oxidation reactions.
Produced Water Treatment
- Ability to handle high-salinity produced water compositions (>100,000 mg/L).
- Generates water product for reuse applications.
- Small process footprint with flexible design to meet end-user needs.
Geochemistry Studies
- Scale Inhibition leads to higher hydrocarbon recoveries.
- Improved recovery, less refracturing, better overall well economics.
- Simulation tools to predict downhole chemistry during completion to improve well production.
Shale Gas Conversion
- Intensified modular process design with lower capital/operating costs than existing technologies.
- Utilizes solid oxide fuel cell technology platform to convert shale gas into value-added intermediates.
- Significantly lower capital cost in comparison to ethane cracking or gas-to-liquids technologies reducing investment risk.
- Able,C.M., Trembly, J. P. (2020). Advanced supercritical water-based process concepts for treatment and beneficial reuse of brine in oil/gas production. Desalination ; 481: p114333.
- Spencer, M., Garlapalli, R., Trembly, J. P. (2019). Geochemical phenomena between Utica-Point Pleasant shale and hydraulic fracturing fluid. AIChE Journal ; 2019: p16887.
- Trembly, J. P. (2018). Technique for removal of organics and dissolved solids from Aqueous Medias via Supercritical Treatment, U.S. Patent 9,950,939
- Able, C., Ogden, D., Trembly, J. P. (2018). Sustainable management of hypersaline brine waste: Zero liquid discharge via Joule-heating at supercritical condition. Desalination ; 444: p84.
- Ogden, D., Trembly, J. P. (2017). Desalination of hypersaline brines via Joule-heating: Experimental investigations and comparison of results to existing models. Desalination ; 424: p149.
- Dong, X., Trembly, J., Bayless, D. J. (2017). Techno-economic analysis of hydraulic fracking flowback and produced water treatment in supercritical water reactor. Energy ; 133: p777.
- Lopez, D., Trembly, J. (2017). Desalination of Hypersaline Brines with Joule-Heating and Chemical Pre-treatment: Conceptual Design and Economics. Desalination ; 415: p49.
- Fan, W., Liberati, B., Novak, M., Cooper, M., Kruse Daniels, N., Young, D., Trembly, J. P. (2016). Radium-226 Removal from Simulated Produced Water Using Natural Zeolite and Ion-Exchange Resin. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ; 55: p12501.
- Trembly, J. P. (2016). Supercritical vessel and related methods of separating dissolved solids from a fluid, Patent Pending (US20180147551, PCT/US2016/030740)
- Trembly, J. P. (2015). Fluid Processing System and Related Method, Patent Pending (US20170089608, PCT/US2015/021961)
Technology Readiness Level
- Joule-heating for Supercritical Water Desalination: TRL-5
- Electrochemical conversion of shale gas: TRL-3
Current Investigators
- Jason Trembly , Principal Investigator
- Chad Able, Graduate Student
- Michael Spencer, Graduate Student
- Ohio Water Development Authority
- U.S. Department of Energy - National Energy Technology Laboratory
- Ohio Third Frontier Innovation Platform Program