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This study group will provide an opportunity to increase transparency about the University budget, insight into how the budget is formed, and input on budget processes and communication.
To protect the educational experience of our students and service to our region, I have approved, with solemn contemplation, the decisions implemented today by our deans and academic leaders.
We are doing everything within our control to continue to fulfill our mission, to support our students, to ease financial impacts, and to ensure that you stay on track toward completion.
Robin Muhammad, chair of Faculty Senate, and Elizabeth Sayrs, executive vice president and provost, shared some additional information about this semester’s final exam week with OHIO faculty.
Spring semester changed suddenly and in significant ways due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we recognize the unexpected shift to all remote learning following Spring Break may impact your coursework.
Ohio University will continue to deliver all classes on all campuses through remote and online instruction through the summer.
Today we are pleased to share that we have developed a flexible, alternative grading system as well as additional adjustments to key academic policies for Spring Semester 2020.
President M. Duane Nellis recorded this message of thanks and support to the students, faculty, staff and alumni who have come together during an unprecedented time.
While coronavirus presents a significant academic disruption for the student body, we are committed to the continuity of your high-quality education and to your ability to complete your education.
Thank you for your supportive responses to this unprecedented situation.
We know this is a time of uncertainty that is evolving daily, but the well-being of students, faculty, staff is our top priority, followed by our commitment to our students’ education.
I write to share with you that today, Dr. Chaden Djalali and I have come to a mutual agreement that it is time for a leadership transition with the direction of our academic affairs division.
Cary Roberts Frith has been named chief of staff for Ohio University’s Executive Vice President and Provost Chaden Djalali.
Ohio University is about to take a bold new step in its research and educational programs in Ecuador.