Getting started with individual workstations

Table of Contents

Common tasks for individual workstations

Connecting to double or widescreen monitors

  1. Connect the mouse and keyboard to your laptop with one cord via the provided USB-3.0 plug. 

  2. Connect your laptop to the “” box via your device’s USB 3.0 or USB-C port. 

    1. Determine your laptop’s connection type (USB 3.0 or USB-C)

      • USB-3.0 ports are often blue in color or labeled with this symbol: SS logo: USB 3.0 port symbol

    2. Connect the plug directly to your device 

      • USB 3.0: Connect the plug directly to your device.

      • USB C: Secure the adaptor to the end of the plug, then connect to your device.

    3. Both cables should be connected for proper use (Steps 1 and 2) 

    4. Note: Your device screen should automatically mirror to the Samsung television. 

      USB-3.0 cord and port and USB-C cord and port

  3. Log into your device to begin using the monitors as a  mirrored device. 

Extending the display

By default, the monitors will mirror your device screen. However, you can change your device settings so the monitors function as an extension, allowing you to display various content across multiple screens. 

Windows 10 machines 
  1. Right-click any free space on your desktop. 

  2. Select  Display settings

  3. Under “Multiple displays”, select  Extend these displays or  Extend on 1 and 2 from the drop-down menu. 

  4. Select  Keep these display settings.  

To change the order of the laptop and monitor screen(s): 

  1. Select  Detect. (The number of available displays should be noted). 

  2. Select  Identify to determine the current screen order. 

  3. Drag the monitor icons to the desired position.  

  4. Click  Apply to update display settings.  

Mac machines 
  1. Access “System Preferences” from the dock or the launch pad app. 

  2. Select  Displays > Arrangement

  3. Uncheck the box labeled  Mirror displays

To change the order of the laptop and monitor screens, drag the monitor icons to the desired position. (The selected monitor will be outlined in red on the screen.) 

Disconnecting from the monitors

Remove the display and mouse/keyboard plugs from your laptop. 

Troubleshooting widescreen monitors

Sometimes the widescreen monitors will be blank or not turned on. Press and hold the power button on the monitor located directly under the LG symbol (shown below) for 3-5 seconds.

LG logo

Supplying power to your laptop and USB devices

A desktop power supply is provided for laptop and other device charging.  

There is an additional USB power supply to charge mobile devices and other USB compatible devices.   

  • This device can also be used to access files on a USB flash drive after connecting a laptop to the “Blackbox”. 

Power supply black box, with an arrow pointing to the USB charging ports

Video conferencing

Video conferencing functions the same as it does in your usual work space. 

Note: For participation in virtual meetings that may include sensitive information, relocate to a semiprivate or private space. Otherwise, utilize headphones and the meeting chat to communicate sensitive information.  

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