Understanding the standard software available in classrooms

Tags Software


Computers and devices set up and managed by OHIO IT in University classrooms will come with the latest version of the below software packages installed, unless otherwise specified.


Windows devices in classrooms, Mac devices in classrooms


Windows devices

The following software packages will be automatically installed on all Windows devices found in University classrooms:

Mac devices

The following software packages will be automatically installed on all Mac devices found in University classrooms:

Department classrooms

Some classrooms and learning spaces across campus are controlled by individual departments. The departments handle updating the equipment and scheduling the space. If you are in a department space and would like OIT assistance for updates or troubleshooting, please submit a ticket via the Technology Help Center

Outcome: You should now understand the standard software packages that are automatically installed on all devices found in University classrooms.

Get help from OIT

Additional resources

  • Submit a Technology Review for desired software that the University currently does not have access to.

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Article ID: 531
Fri 9/30/22 11:50 AM
Wed 11/22/23 12:17 PM
