Viewing rotation schedule and preceptor information in eMedley
Overview: There are three reports to run for seeing information related to your rotation schedule and related preceptor and site information. You will select one of the following:
Clinical Schedules– a high level overview with preceptor name, clinical site name, rotation name, and start/end dates.
Student Clinical Sites and Preceptors– a more detailed report that includes the same information from the Clinical Schedules report along with Preceptor email, Instructions from Preceptor, Clinical Site address, site related information, etc.
Combined Schedules– a high level overview by date/time of both curriculum (didactic) and clinical rotation events and rotations.
Steps to run the reports:
- Once logged into eMedley, navigate to Clinical > edusched > Schedule Reports.
- You will then see the three options for the reports. Choose the report that you want to view.
- Once in the report use the Action drop-down in the top right corner to download reports as excel or CSV files.
Sample reports
Clinical Schedules
Student Clinical Sites and Preceptors
Combined Schedules
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