How to A Log DSME Visit to Patient


The Nurse Navigator Program and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program use Salesforce to log patient information at the time of intake as well as additional visits and education sessions. The article describes to how to log a DSME Session to a patient in Salesforce. 

Login to Salesforce

Salesforce can be accessed at the following link:

  • Please select "Log In with OHIO Login" and use your OHIO SSO information to sign in.

Find the Patient's Record or Create a New Patient

  1. After logging in, you will see a red square on your homepage for 'DI NNP Patients'. You can select this button to pull a recent list of patients you've worked with or search all patients. 
    • You can also use the ' Search' bar at the top of the page to search a specific name. 

2. If the patient does not have a record, please follow the instructions in this article to create one. 

3. Once you open the Patient Record, along the right-hand side, there will be a section titled 'DSME Sessions'. Here you will see a list of recent sessions (with the most recent on top) and have the ability to create a new record. To create a new session, select the drop-down arrow next to 'DSME Sessions' and click ' New'. 

4. The below window will appear. Fill it out to the best of your ability, then click ' Save'. 

5. Once you save the record, you will be able to see it in the log and return to it as necessary. 

Additional resources
