Thomas N. Massey


San Jose State University B.S. 1978

University of California, Davis M.S. 1980

University of California, Davis Ph.D. 1988


Research Asssociate Professor Ohio University 2007- present

Research Assistant Professor Ohio University 1994 - 2007

Research Scientist Ohio University 1989 - 1994


Nuclear structure studies using in-beam-gamma spectroscopy, gamma ray spectroscopy of beta decay, transfer reactions and (n,n 'g ) experiments. Measurement of (z,n) reactions, neutron elastic and inelastic cross sections using time-of-flight techniques. Calculation of reaction cross sections using combined shell-model R-matrix approach. Calculation of level density information using moment methods and random sampling in a large basis shell model.


``Use of Organo-Metallic Reactions for the Isolation and Study of Short-Lived Selenium Fission Products and Simultaneous Suppression of the Daughter Bromine Activity", K. Rengan, J. Lin, T.N. Massey, M. Zendel, R.A. Meyer, Radiochem. and Radioanal. Lett. (Switzerland) 50, 385 (1982).

``Multigamma-Ray Calibration Sources", R.A. Meyer and T.N. Massey, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 34,1073 (1983).

``The Ground State Mass of 147 Gd from Single-Neutron-Transfer Reactions and Its Impact on Derived Mass Values", B. Rubio, A. Ercan, G. de Angelis, P. Kleinheinz, J. L. Tain, B. Brinkmöller, D. Paul, J. Meissburger, L.G. Mann, D.J. Decman, T.N. Massey, G.L.Struble, H.J. Scheerer and J. Blomqvist, Z. Phys. A 256, 27 (1986).

``Modification of a Gas Jet Transport System for the suppression of Heavy Mass Fission Product Homologues", M. Zendel, S.G. Prussin, K. Rengan, T.N. Massey and R. A. Meyer, Z. Phys. A 256, 180 (1986).

``Particle Octupole Coupling in N = 83 Nuclei from Neutron Transfer Studies with Polarized Deutrons", H. Kader, G. Graw, F.J. Eckle, G. Eckle, P. Schiemenz, P. Kleinheinz, B. Rubio, G. de Angelis, T.N. Massey, L. G. Mann and J. Blomqvist, Phys. Lett . B277, 325 (1989).

``Occupancy of Single-Proton Orbitals in 148 Gd", L. G. Mann, D.J. Decman, H.E. Martz, T.N. Massey, G. L. Struble, P. Kleinheinz, H. J. Scheerer, D.J. Burke and G. Kajrys, Z. Phys. A 337, 301 (1990).

``Collective Excitations in 148 Gd Populated in the pp ' -Reaction on a Radioactive Target", G. de Angelis, P. Kleinheinz, B. Rubio, J. L. Tain, K. Zuber, B. Brinkmöller, P. von Rossen, J. Romer, D. Paul, J. Meissburger, G.P.A. Berg, A. Magiera, G. Hlawatsch, L. G. Mann, T.N. Massey, G. L. Struble and J. Blomqvist, Z. Phys. A . 336, 375 (1990).

``Spectroscopy of 10 He", A.N. Ostrowski, H.G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, S.M. Grimes, R. Kalpakchieva, Th. Kirchner, T.N. Massey, W. von Oertzen, Th. Stolla, M. Wilpert and Th. Wilpert, Physics Letters B388, 13 (1994).

``Spectroscopy of Excited States of 11 Li", H.G. Bohlen, R. Kalpakchieva, D.V. Aleksandrov, B. Gebauer, S.M. Grimes, Th. Kirchner, M. von Lucke-Petsch, T.N. Massey, I. Mukha, W. von Oertzen, A.A. Ogloblin, A.N. Ostrowski. Ch. Seyfert, Th. Stolla, M. Wilpert and Th. Wilpert Zeitschrift für Physik A351, 7 (1995).

``Nuclear Structure Studies of Very Neutron-Rich Isotopes of 7-10 He, 9-11 Li and 12-14 Be via Two-Body Reactions'', W. von Oertzen, H. G. Bohlen, B. Gebaure, M. Von Lucke-Petsch, A.N. Ostrowski, Ch. Seyfert, Th. Stolla, W. Wilpert, D.V. Alexandrov, A. A. Korsheninnikov, I. Mukha, A. A. Oblobin, S. M. Grimes and T. N. Massey, Nuclear Physics A588129c (1995).

"Study of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei with 14 C Induced Reactions" H.G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, T. Kirchner, M. von Luckepetsch, W. von Oertzen, A.N. Ostrowski , C. Seyfert , T. Stolla, M. Wilpert, T. Wilpert, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, R. Kalpakchieva, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, D.V. Alexandrov, I. Mukha, A.A. Ogloblin, C. Detraz, Nucl. Phys. A 583, C775 (1995)

``New Expansion Technique for Spectral Distribution Calculations", S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey, Physical Review C 51, 606 (1995).

``High Accuracy Determination of Neutron Energies from 300 keV to 5 MeV'', S.M. Grimes, T. Covell, D. Jacbos, Zhou Hongyu, F. B. Bateman, C. E. Brient, T. N. Massey, Nuclear Instruments in Physics Research B99678 (1995).

"Measurement of the 9 Be(p,n) Thick Target Spectrum for Use in Accelerator-Based BNCT", W.B. Howard, J.C. Yanch, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, S.I. Al-Quraishi, D.K. Jacobs and C.E. Brient, Medical Physics 23, 1233 (1996).

"Spectroscopy of Excited States of 8 He", Th. Stolla, H.G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, S.M. Grimes, R. Kalpakchieva, T.N. Massey, W. von Oertzen, A.N. Ostrowski, M. Wilpat and Th. Wilpert, Zeit. fur Physik A356, 231 (1996).

"Determination of the 29 Si Level Density from 3 to 22 MeV", F.B. Bateman, S.M. Grimes, N. Boukharouba, V. Mishra, C.E. Brient, R.S. Pedroni and T.N. Massey, Physical Review C 55, 133 (1997).

"Measurement of the Angular Distribution of Neutron-Proton Scattering at 10 MeV", R.C. Haight, F.B. Bateman, S.M. Grimes, C.E. Brient, T.N. Massey, O.A. Wasson, A.D. Carlson and H. Zhou, Fusion Engineering and Design 37, 49 (1997).

"Inclusion of Two-Body Effects in Calculating Nuclear Level Densities", S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey, Fusion Engineering and Design 37, 89 (1997).

``Neutrons Produced by Proton and Deuteron Bombardment of Beryllium''

T.N. Massey, T.W. Covell, S.I. Al-Quraishi, D.K. Jacobs, C.E. Brient, S.M.Grimes, W.B. Howard, J. Yanch, D.L. Smith and B.J. Micklich, FusionEngineering and Design 37, 57 (1997).

"Study of Weakly Bound and Unbound States of Exotic Nuclei with Binary Reactions", H.G. Bohlen, W. von Oertzen, T. Stolla, R. Kalpakchieva, B. Gebauer, M. Wilpert, M. Wilpert, A.N. Ostrowski, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, Nucl. Phys. A 616, C254 (1997).

"A Measurement of the 27 Al(d,n) Spectrum for Use in Neutron Detector Calibration", T.N. Massey, S. Al-Quraishi, C.E. Brient, J.F. Guillemette, S.M. Grimes, D. Jacobs, J.E. O'Donnell, J. Oldendick and R. Wheeler, Nuclear Science and Engineering 129, 175 (1998) .

"Measurement of the Thick Target 9 Be(p,n) Neutron Energy Spectra", W.B. Howard, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, S.I. Al-Quraishi, D.K. Jacobs, C.E. Brient and J.C. Yanch has been submitted to Nuclear Science and Engineering .

"Level Densities for Nuclei with 20 A 41", Po-lin Huang, S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey has been submitted to Physical Review C .

Conference Talks:

``Single Proton States in 149 Tb from the 148 Gd( t ,d) Reaction", D.J. Decman, L.G. Mann, T.N. Massey, G.L. Struble, D. H. Sisson, C. M. Henderson, H. J. Scheerer, P. Kleinheinz, K. E. Thomas, H. A. O'Brien, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (1984), p220.

``The Ground State of 147 Gd from Single-Neutron-Transfer Reactions", L.G. Mann, D.J. Decman, T.N. Massey, G.L. Struble, D. H. Sisson, C. M. Henderson, B. Rubio, P. Kleinheinz, J.L. Tain, G.P.A. Berg, P. van Rossen, H. J. Scheerer, K. E. Thomas, H. A. O'Brien, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (1984), p227.

``The Shell Model/R-Matrix Calculation of Reactions Contributing to the 9 Be Cross Section" T. N. Massey, D. A. Resler and H. D. Knox, presented at the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society Meeting October 23-27 1991, at East Lansing Michigan.

``Inelastic Neutron Scattering from 13 C" E.F. Saito, T. N. Massey, J.E. O'Donnell, J.F. Guillemette, and R. O. Lane, presented at the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society Meeting October 23-27 1991, at East Lansing Michigan.

``Analysis of Neutron Inelastic Scattering from 13 C Using Monte Carlo Techniques", E.F. Saito, T.N. Massey, J.E. O'Donnell, J.F. Guillemette and R.O. Lane, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 37, 902 (1992).

``The Shell Model/R-Matrix Calculation of Reactions in the 10 Be and 14 C Compound Systems", T.N. Massey and D.A. Resler, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc . 37, 1015 (1992).

`` 10 Be( a ,n) 13 C Angular Distribution Measurements", J.L. Guillemette, T.N. Massey, J.E. O'Donnell, E.F. Saito and R.O. Lane, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc . 37, 1264 (1992).

``Spectroscopy of 10 He", T.N. Massey, S.M. Grimes, A.N. Ostrowski, H.G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, R. Kalpakchieva, T. Kirchner, W. von Oertzen, T. Stolla, M. Wilpert and T. Wilpert , Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc . 39, 1392 (1994).

``Measurement of the Neutron-Proton Elastic Scattering Angular Distribution at E n = 10 MeV", R.C. Haight, F.B. Bateman, C.E. Brient, A.D. Carlson, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, O.A. Wasson, H. Zhou and Ch. Elster, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 40, 1614 (1995).

``Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Isotopes of He, Li, Be and B", H.G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, M. von Lucke-Petsch, W. von Oertzen, A.N. Ostrowski, Ch. Seyfert, Th. Stolla, M. Wilpert, Th. Wilpert, R. Kalpakchieva, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, S.M. Grimes, T.N. Massey, I. Mukha, D.V. Alexandrov, A.A. Ogloblin and H. Lenski, European Physical Society Conference on Low Energy Nuclear Dynamics, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 18-22, 1995 (World Scientific, Singapore), p. 217.

``Measurement of Neutron-Proton Scattering at 10 MeV", R.C. Haight, F.B. Bateman, S.M. Grimes, C.E. Brient, T.N. Massey, O.A. Wasson, A.D. Carlson and H. Zhou, International Nuclear Data Workshop, Del Mar, CA, December 4-6, 1995.

``Neutrons Produced by Proton and Deuteron Bombardment of Beryllium", T.N. Massey, T.C. Covell, S. Al-Quraishi, D.K. Jacobs, C.E. Brient, S.M. Grimes, D.L. Smith, B. Micklich, W.B. Howard and J. Yanch, International Nuclear Data Workshop, Del Mar, CA, December 4-6, 1995.

``Inclusion of Two-Body Effects in Calculating Nuclear Level Densities", S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey, International Nuclear Data Workshop, Del Mar, CA, December 4-6, 1995.

"The 58,60 Ni(n,) Reaction from Threshold to 50 MeV," R.C. Haight, F.B. Bateman, S.M. Sterbenz, M.B. Chadwick, P.G. Young, S.M. Grimes, O.A. Wasson, H. Vonach and P. Maier-Komor, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 41, 1235 (1996), Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Fall Meeting, October 3-5, 1996, Cambridge, MA.

"Low Energy Deuteron-Induced Reactions on 27 Al and 56 Fe," S. Al-Quraishi, C.E. Brient, S.M. Grimes, D. Jacobs, T.N. Massey, J. Oldendick, J.E. O'Donnel and R. Wheeler, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 42, 949 (1997), Spring Meeting, American Physical Security, Washington, D.C., April 18-21, 1997.

"Accurate Determination of the 27 Al(d,xn) Spectrum at E d = 7.44 MeV," T.N. Massey, S.M. Grimes, C.E. Brient, S.I. Al-Quraishi, R.T. Wheeler, J.F. Guillemette, J.E. O'Donnell and J.E. Oldendick, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, Italy, May 19-24, 1997.

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