! controls for output
write_interval_for_terminal = 1
write_interval_for_terminal_header = 5
write_interval_for_history = 1
write_interval_for_profile = 1
output_directory = 'LOGS-GM12fixMR'
! controls for the solver
maximum_number_of_models = 10000
maximum_timestep = 0.0
! implies that max = tend-t
integration_tolerance = 1.0d-4
! limits on temperature: if a zone goes outside these bounds, reduce stepsize
min_lg_temperature_integration = 7.0
max_lg_temperature_integration = 9.5
! spatial resolution
target_resolution_lnP = 0.05
! macroscopic NS parameters
fix_core_temperature = .TRUE.
core_temperature = 9.35e7
fix_atmosphere_temperature_when_accreting = .FALSE.
atmosphere_temperature_when_accreting = 2.4d8
number_epochs = 9
! epochs
! 1. t = [-4563, 0] d (i.e., starting 12.5 years before end of accretion
! outburst), Mdot = 1.0e17 g/s
! 2. t = [0, 65.1] d, Mdot = 0.0. cooling, with record of obs. Teff made
! at 65.1 d after end of outburst, for comparing with observation
! 3. t = [65.1, 235.7] d, Mdot = 0.0. Record Teff at 235.7 d after end of
! outburst. And so on.
epoch_Mdots = 1.0e17,8*0.0
epoch_boundaries = -4562.5,0.0,65.1,235.7,751.6,929.5,1500.5,1582.9,3039.2,5311.6
! other routines
!use_other_set_Qimp = .TRUE.
!use_other_sf_critical_temperatures = .TRUE.
! extra controls for hook routines
! defined here
! 1. density at which to switch to high Q and neutron density at which to
! switch to high Tc
! 2. Q in the pasta
extra_real_controls = 8.13e13, 12.4
! core properties
core_mass = 1.389 ! Msun
core_radius = 11.373 ! km
! crust boundaries (pressure)
lgPcrust_bot = 32.495 ! cgs
lgPcrust_top = 27.13 ! cgs
! heating
turn_on_extra_heating = .TRUE.
Q_heating_shallow = 1.36
lgP_min_heating_shallow = 27.0
lgP_max_heating_shallow = 28.0
! shell Urca cooling
turn_on_shell_Urca = .FALSE.
which_neutron_1S0_gap = 'sfb03'
! atmosphere composition
lg_atm_light_element_column = 4.0
! impurities
fix_Qimp = .TRUE.
Qimp = 2.0