[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes 1/18/10

APhiO Secretary aphiosecretary at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 20:57:10 EST 2010
Chapter Minutes 1/18/10

·      Sit with Families

·      If you didn’t pick up a calendar at Rush, pick one up (or email aphiosecretary at gmail.com 

·      Rush

o   THANK YOU! Rush wouldn’t have gone as well as it did without your

o   St. Bernard Project video

§  Log onto Facebook and vote for them to get $1 million from Chase
Community Giving

§  Look for an email

·      Fellowship

o ouaphiofellowship at gmail.com 
o   Intramurals:

§  Volleyball: Mon. 5:30/6:15pm

§  Begins week 4

§  Be there 15 min early

§  No pockets!

o   Formal

§  Saturday Feb. 27

§  Burr Oak Lodge

§  Deadline is Feb. 14 NO EXCEPTIONS

§  No set price yet, plan on $30-$35

o   Fellowship of the week

§  Weekly fellowship begins week 4!

§  Slice Night at Courtside next Wednesday, 5-9

o   Email questions/ideas!

·      Potential new website

o   apoonline.org/deltagamma

o   Member area to register

o   Each member has own page

§  Can upload a picture

o   Keeps track of service, fellowship hours

o   Has all events: social, service

o   Blog

o   Can compete with other chapters

o   Top Brother

o   Shows attendance

o   Easy to use

o   In order to have this, costs $1 per member

§  Would make dues $30 starting next quarter

o   Voting on it next week

·      Service

o   Weeklys

§  Only new one is BBB Monday nights 6-8pm

§  Still have to contact Saturday lunch

o   WOUB Pledge Drive

§  Wednesday Feb. 3

§  Thursday Feb. 4

§  10 spots per 2 hour time slot

o   ATCO Basketball Games

§  Next one is Wed Jan 20, 7pm

§  Meet at Wendy’s 30 min. prior OR at the Convo 15 min. prior

o   ATCO movie nights

§  At Movies 10

§  Next one is Tuesday, Jan. 19

§  Meet there at 6:30

§  Cost $4.00

o   ATCO Valentine’s Day Dance

§  Sunday Feb. 21

§  5:30-7:30 pm

§  Baker Ballroom

o   ATCO Pool Tournement

§  At Baker

§  10 people to make ALL 3 dates

·      Feb. 9, 16, 23

§  4:30-5:45pm

o   Upcoming Service ideas

§  Haiti Fundraising/Awareness

§  Athens Street Cleaning

§  Athens Humane Society dog walking/washing

§  Service Snowflakes

§  GoodWorks

§  Habitat for Humanity

§  Another day for Last Chance Corral

o   Sign-Ins

§  Box in front of Chapter

§  Via email to service account

§  Blog of new website

§  NEED:

·      Name of service project

·      Date

·      Who attended

o   Blood Donations

§  Baker Center

§  Monday 25th, 2pm-8pm

§  Competing against Miami

·      Fundraising

o   Puppy Chow!

§  Every Wednesday 12-4pm

§  Drop off puppy chow at chapter

§  Limited to only 5 people

o   T-shirt dales

§  Parents’ weekend 2/6

§  Sibs Weekend 2/20

·      Membership

o   205 Pledges!!!!

o   Are you taking Little(s)?

§  Check and verify on the sheet

o   Need presents for your Littles by TOMORROW!

o   How to be a good Big:

§  Be there for your Little.  Give them your contact info and schedule

§  Call/email/text once a week a catch up

§  Invite them to hang out with you and your friends, see how classes are

§  Take initiative

o   Pledge Requirements:

§  Mandatory Events

·      Initiation

·      5 Pledge meetings

·      2 Retreats

·      5K

·      3 Chapters

·      History Night

·      Activation

§  12 Service Hours

·      2 hours with Big

·      2 hours for pledge service Project

·      2 hours for 5K

·      1 fundraising- pledge or chapter

§  5 Committee Hours

·      Can be with any committee- pledge or chapter

§  6 Fellowship Hours

·      2 Hours with Big

·      2 hours with Family (at least 4 people have to be there)

·      2 hours with some one you just met while pledging

§  Pay dues by January 31

§  Receive above 60% on Pledge quizzes

o   Initiation

§  This Thursday, Jan. 21, at 7:30pm

§  Bentley 236

§  Ceremony

§  Scavenger Hunt

§  Family Meetings

§  Finishing up the night at 11 Oak

§  Email J-Board (and Membership) if unable to attend


o   Scavenger Hunt

§  10 Locations

·      Each Pledge family will go to each location and end up at the place
with their Bigs

§  Family Locations

·      1. Front Room (Family 1)

·      2. Alden Rm. 250 (Family 3)

·      3. Jimmy John’s (Family 4)

·      4. Pita Pit (Family 8)

·      5. Cold Stone (Family 9)

·      6.  FedEx/Chinese (Family 2)

·      7. Donkey (Family 5)

·      8. Chipotle (Family 10)

·      9. Goodfella’s (Union) (Family 7)

·      10. BW3 (Family 6)

o   Big/Little Night

§  $5 social fee

§  Thursday, Jan. 28 at 9pm at Red Brick

§  Start thinking of family locations beforehand

§  Themed? Get excited!!!

o   Pledge Dates

§  First meeting: This Sunday at 6pm in Clip 194

§  First pledge Retreat: following Sunday

·      Announcements

o   Grades to aphio_jboard at yahoo.com 

o   DUES

·      Happy Can

·      Supportive Bro

Submitted by Secretary Anna Tabor
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