Roberts, Patricia pr311506 at ohio.edu
Wed May 26 20:49:21 EDT 2010
There are TONS of positions (on pertains to community service!)
check out the Facebook group and read below. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=110191445692085&index=1 
Email me with any questions!

Hello Bobcats!

As this year comes to an end, Student Senate will be looking to recruit students who wish to be a part of Ohio University Student Senate! We are looking for students who will bring new, innovative and creative ideas to the table so that we can make 2010-2011 an extremely productive term. We have posted a list of positions for your convenience, and Dean of Students Ryan Lombardi has sent out an e-mail to all students with the application attached! Applications will also be available in front of the Student Senate office (Baker Room 305).
Please contact Vice-President Elect Matthew Beddingfield via e-mail ( mb448606 at ohio.edu 
) or phone number (412-523-4971) if you have any questions.
We look forward to reviewing your application, and hopefully working with you next year to better our university! Thank you!

Available Positions:

Chief of Staff: The Chief of Staff shall function as an advisor to the Executive Officers, recommend students for the Executive Staff, serve as a liaison between the Executive Officers and the Executive Staff, serve as a liaison between the Senate and the Executive Staff when necessary, and carry out any duty delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Chief of Staff shall serve no less than eight hours per week.)

Director of Media Relations: The Director of Media Relations shall be responsible for publicizing Senate activities, decisions, actions, events and meetings and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Media Relations Director shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Director of Public Relations: The Director of Public Relations shall be responsible for publicizing Senate activities, decisions, actions, events, and meeting to the general public, student body, and to members of the media, including but not limited to, newspaper, radio, and television; and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Director of Public Relations shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Director of Graphic Design: The Director of Graphic Design shall be responsible for planning, preparation and construction of such graphical publications, advertisements, and other images as deemed necessary for Student Senate; in addition to other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. Applicants should demonstrate both speed and proficiency within the field of graphic design. Students applying for this position should submit a brief portfolio of their work. (The Director of Graphic Design shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall advise the President or President pro tempore on matters pertaining to the Constitution, the Rules & Procedures of Senate, and Robert's Rules of Order; and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Parliamentarian shall serve no less than three hours per week.)

Intern Director: The Director of the Internship Program shall be a former intern. Special consideration shall be given to former senators and staff, except in the case that no suitable candidate exists. The Director shall be responsible for the internship program and the actions of the interns; and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Director of the Internship Program shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Director of Information Technology: The Director of Information Technology who shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the Student Senate website, maintaining the Student Senate office computers; and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. (The Director of Information Technology shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Director of Community Service and Social Activity: The Community Activity and Social Chair shall organize Student Senate projects in the community and other duties as delegated by the Executive Officers. The Community Activity and Social Chair shall coordinate social functions through the Social Committee which will be open to all members of Senate. (The Community Activity and Social Chair shall serve no less than three officer hours per week.)

Auditor: The Auditor of Senate shall conduct bi-quarterly audits of Senate and Student Activities Commission financial records. The Auditor of Senate shall issue a report of Senate’s financial affairs to Senate at the conclusion of all audits. The Auditor of Senate shall assist in all audits of SAC funded organizations. (The Auditor of Senate shall serve no less than three hours per week.)

Organizational Liason: The Organizational Liaison shall facilitate relationships between student organizations and the Ohio University Student Senate. (The Organizational Liaison shall serve no less than three office hours per week.)

Director of Research: The Director of Research shall be responsible for conducting research with measures including, but not limited to questionnaires, online polls, or student focus groups. The Director of Research or designee shall conduct all steps of the research project including, but not limited to, creating questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, leading focus groups, and evaluating research results. (The Director of Research shall serve no less than five hours per week.)

Veterans’ Affairs Director: The Veteran’s Affairs Director shall represent Veteran students who have grievances with the university, serve as a liaison with offices, departments, committees, and organizations involved with the concerns of Veteran students, inform students of relevant legislation pending or passed on the local, state, and federal levels. (The Director of Veterans’ Affairs shall serve no less than three office hours per week.)

*Positions can be created by the Executives to address specific issues. For example: Director of Environmental Affairs or Director of Health and Safety Affairs.

Greek Life Senator: The Senator shall be an active member of a Greek chapter that is recognized by the Office of Student Activities. The Senator for Greek Life shall serve as a member of the University Life Commission and shall represent the Greek community by working with individual fraternities and sororities, Inter-Fraternity Council, Women's Pan-Hellenic Association, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and other organizations as necessary. (The Greek Life Senator shall serve a minimum of five office hours per week.)

Please note that all Commissioners are responsible for advising the Executive Officers of Senate regarding the issues and concerns under the Commission's jurisdiction. Commissioners shall serve no less than five hours per week, two of which are hours to be completed in the Senate Office. Commissioners shall hold weekly Commission meetings (with elected senators, if applicable). Below you will find descriptions of each Commission.)

Vice Commissioners serve at the pleasure of the Commissioner and assist the Commissioner with address issues pertinent to the Commission. Vice Commissioners shall serve no less than four hours per week, one of which is to be completed in the Senate Office.

Academic Affairs: The Commission shall serve as a representative of student opinion on academic matters to the faculty and administration; promote an educational environment that is conducive to the interests of students; address academic grievances; and review as well as recommend academic policies and procedures. The Commission shall maintain relationships with the Admissions Office, Advising Council College Committees, Deans' Council, Deans' Offices, Curriculum Council, Office of the Provost, and all other offices or organizations dealing with academic matters. (This commissioner role includes advising and managing all College Senators.)

Black Affairs: The Commission shall assist African American students who have grievances with the university; serve as a liaison with offices, departments, committees and organizations involved with the concerns of African American students; gather and publicize information of importance to African American students and African American organizations; work in collaboration with the City and County and State and Federal Affairs Commissions to inform students of relevant legislation pending or passed on the local, state and federal levels; and promote cultural awareness and increase multicultural programs available to the student population.

City and County: The Commission shall serve a liaison between Senate and the City of Athens and Athens County, including all agencies and subdivisions thereof. The Commissioner, or designee, shall attend all Athens City Council meetings, maintain relationships with city and county elected officials, convey the opinion of Senate, and ensure that the rights of students are protected and interests advanced.

International Affairs: The Commission shall assist international students who have grievances with the university; serve as a liaison with offices, departments, committees and organizations involved with the concerns of international students; gather and publicize information of importance to international students and international organizations; work in collaboration with the City and County and State and Federal Affairs Commissions to inform international students of relevant legislation pending or passed on the local, state and federal levels; and promote cultural awareness and increase multicultural programs available to the student population.

LGBT Affairs: The Commission shall create an awareness of LGBT, bisexual and transgender issues on campus; gather and publicize information of importance to the students who fall under the commission's jurisdiction; sponsor Pride Week; work in collaboration with the City and County and State and Federal Affairs Commission to inform students of relevant legislation pending or passed at the local, state, and federal levels; and assist LGBT, bisexual and transgender students who have grievances against the university.

Minority Affairs: The Commission shall represent students traditionally underserved by the university community, including, but not limited to, students of various ethnicity's and nationalities, non-traditional students, students with learning disabilities, and students with physical disabilities. The Commission shall assist minority students who have grievance with the university; serve as a liaison with offices, departments, committees and organizations involved with the concerns of minority students; gather and publicize information of importance to minority students and minority student organizations; inform students of relevant legislation ending or passed on the local, state and federal levels; and promote cultural awareness and increase multicultural programs available to the student population.

Off-Campus Life: The purpose of the Off-Campus Life Commission shall include, but is not limited to, helping students with landlord- tenant problems, working with the Center for Student Legal Services, and other issues that affect primarily students who live off campus. The Executive Commissioner shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Center for Student Legal Services. (This commissioner includes advising and managing all Off-Campus Life Senators.)

Residence Life: The Commission shall address the concerns and needs of students living in the residence halls, monitor policies and decisions that affect students living in residence halls, advocate policies that will improve the quality of life on each of the residential greens, and maintain relationships with student organizations and university offices that affect the life of students living in the residence halls. (This commissioner role includes advising and managing all Residence Life Senators.)

State and Federal Affairs: State and Federal Affairs Commission shall coordinate and collaborate with student and community organizations, voter registration and voter mobilization campaigns, work with various State and federal officials on legislation of interest to students, inform students of relevant legislation pending or passed on the state and federal levels, and work with organizations that are relevant to the goals and purpose of the commission. State and Federal Affairs Commission shall organize and conduct the “Voter Registration Week” in accordance with the Ohio Secretary of State’s registration deadline.

Student Activities Commission: SAC shall be the subdivision of Senate responsible for accepting funding requests, evaluating funding requests, and allocating funds for programs & events from the Student General Fund to registered student organizations at Ohio University. SAC shall assist in monitoring, regulating, and responding to other programming units at Ohio University. The Commissioner or his or her designee shall chair the General Assembly and is responsible for the efficient administration of the commission. The Commissioner shall call General Assembly meetings and executive meetings. The Commissioner shall have previously served two full quarters as a voting member of the General Assembly. If there is no applicant for Commissioner who has served on SAC for two full quarters as a voting member than this rule shall be void. (This commissioner role includes advising and managing all SAC At-Large Senators.)

University Life: The Commission shall address issues that do not fall under the jurisdiction of other commissions, including, but not limited to, health services, Inter Collegiate Athletic issues, environmental concerns, alcohol-related issues, Greek community issues, technology issues, and other issues affecting the general university community. The Commission shall work with various university offices and community agencies and governments as necessary. (This commissioner role includes advising and managing all At-Large Senators, the Greek Life Senator, and the Athletic Affairs Senator.)

Women’s Affairs: The Commission shall educate both men and women in the community on all the issues which the commission considers to be relevant; provide information on violence against women; sponsor Take Back the Night; work in collaboration with Academic Affairs to address all curriculum related issues pertaining to women; assist individual women with specific university and community issues and concerns; work in collaboration with the State and Federal Affairs Commission to inform students of relevant legislation pending or passed on the state and federal levels; and serve as a liaison with offices, departments, committees and organizations necessary in order to further the goals and purpose of the Commission.

Patricia A. Roberts
Chief of Staff | Ohio University Student Senate
Treasurer | Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity pr311506 at ohio.edu 
<mailto: pr311506 at ohio.edu 
(440) 413-9564
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