[Aphio-L] Fwd: Welcome back APO brothers! Here's your first Torch Topics of the semester!

Laura Hopkins hopkins.laurac at gmail.com
Sat Sep 11 18:59:01 EDT 2010
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From: Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity < director.communications at apo.org 
Date: Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 6:38 PM
Subject: Welcome back APO brothers! Here's your first Torch Topics of the
To: Laura Hopkins < hopkins.laurac at gmail.com 

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  *In This Issue
*2010 Fall Pledge Class Namesake Honoree
<#12aab675a44a966e_1>Chapter Fundraising for Convention
<#12aab675a44a966e_2>National Volunteering Statistics
<#12aab675a44a966e_3>   *Quick Links
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of Events


9/6: Labor Day

9/8: Charter Reaffirmations Mail

9/8: Same Page< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=DC04&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 

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9/18: Yom Kippur

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Fraternity Basics

9/30: Deadline to Submit Legislative
Proposals< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=DC06&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 


10/1: Chapter Officers
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10/10: Legislation Mailed to Chapters

10/15: Sections 53/55 Bisectional Conference, University Center, MI
10/22: Sections 94/96 Bisectional Conference, Worcester, MA
  *Convention Registration*

Online National Convention registration is open at
www.apo.org< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=DC08&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 
Register before November 8, 2010, and take advantage of the APO Value
Package. Registration fees as well as tickets to both the fellowship and
awards banquets are available at a discounted rate.
Click here< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=DC09&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 
register today...
  *H. Roe Bartle Award*
The H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award and Anual Chapter Evaluation should be
completed and returned to the National Office by November 15.

Make sure the packet is started soon enough so there is plenty of time to
complete it and mail it back.

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more information on the award and evaluation...

*Alpha Phi Omega National Office* <#12aab675a44a966e_>
*14901 E. 42nd Street S., Independence, MO 64055* <#12aab675a44a966e_>
*P: 816-373-8667 F: 816-373-5975 E: * <#12aab675a44a966e_>* publications at apo.org 
* < publications at apo.org 

*Hours of Operation:*
*Monday-Friday 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. CST*
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 *Dear Laura*

**The start of the every semester brings new students to campus, with whom
you can share APO! Make sure your chapter and you, as an
individual, demonstrate the Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship
and Service in order for students to see that APO is the fraternity that
they want to be a part of!

Also, brothers, make sure that your chapter has an updated and
active outlet- such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.- to get information to
prospective brothers about upcoming meetings and other things they can be a
part of.

Welcome back to school, brothers!

See you in Atlanta!

Torch Topics Editorial Team < publications at apo.org 

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   *2010 Fall Pledge Class Namesake Honoree: Brother Jim Chandler, Omicron
Tau '65

Being chosen as the Fall Pledge Class Namesake Honoree is a privilege given
to only one person every year. The Fraternity selects someone who reflects
the Fraternity's Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service
after whom to name the fall pledge class.

Brother James (Jim) Chandler, Omicron Tau '65 at Alma College in
Michigan, was selected by the Board of Directors as the 2010 Fall Pledge
Class Namesake.

Brother Chandler recently issued his challenge to the 2010 Fall Pledge

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read more about Brother Chandler and to read his challenge...
     *Chapter Fundraising Tips for the 2010 National Convention in Atlanta*

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up with the money necessary to send brothers to the rapidly-approaching 2010
Alpha Phi Omega National Convention in Atlanta might be more of a challenge
than anticipated, due to budget cuts and a down economy.

However, with these ideas on how to effectively raise the money needed
from your campus and from alumni, more brothers might be able to make the
rewarding journey to the National Convention in just a few months.

Click here< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=E0E0&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 
read ideas and tips about fundraising on your campus...
  ***2009 Report from CNCS Shows National Increase in Volunteering
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The Corporation for National and Community Service released the 2010
Volunteering in America report, which found that 2009 saw the greatest
increase in volunteering since 2003. This report gives a great look at
various demographics and how, why and where Americans volunteer. According
to the CNCS, in 2009, 63.4 million Americans provided 8.1 billion hours of
service. The CNCS infographic to the right shows the demographic breakdown
of volunteer hours performed in 2009. College students make up 27 percent of
the 63.4 million American providing service.

Alpha Phi Omega chapters, on average, require their members to perform at
least 20 hours of service each semester. Based on this average, the
Fraternity collectively performs more than 700,000 hours of service each
school year. More than 80,000 of those hours are performed during National
Service Week in November and Spring Youth Service Day in April.

Each year thousands of college students across the country join the ranks of
APO as a means to perform service that benefits their campus, community and
nation. The above statistics show a substantial opportunity for the growth
of the Fraternity and its mission to provide more service to more campuses

If you or someone you know is interested in chartering or rechartering a
chapter on a campus where APO is not currently active, please contact
Director of Chapter Services Judy Mitchell at 816-373-8667 ext. 13 or chapter.services.dir at apo.org. 
July 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Recap
The Board of Directors met in Atlanta, Georgia, July 9-10, 2010, at the
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, the official hotel of the 2010 National Convention.
The Board had a very productive and successful meeting, which included
naming Brother Jim Chandler as the 2010 Fall Pledge Class Namesake Honoree;
renewing the Fraternity's memorandum of understanding with the Girl Scouts
of the USA; and holding strategic discussions regarding a capital campaign,
national office building and space needs, board structure and regional
realignment. To view a complete recap of the July Board of Director's
meeting in Atlanta, click
here< http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=E0E1&e=7610A&c=11690&t=0&email=GOgeRFuzrsQWyP9akzDFPBaIw4W6c2hcNyIeD9VsXLU%3D 

    This message was sent to hopkins.laurac at gmail.com 
by director.communications at apo.org 
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  14901 E 42nd Street S, Independence, Missouri, 64055

Laura Hopkins

Alpha Phi Omega - National Service Fraternity
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