[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes...It's just another Manic Monday!

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 20:15:49 EDT 2011
Hey bros,

I know chapter was long, especially with the constitution changes. So
instead of making the minutes SUPER long, I attached the changes J-board
wanted to make. It has what the old constitution articles and what needs to
be changed. Enjoy the notes!

Center for spiritual growth/ UCM

·         Saturday lunch needs help

·         Sign up on aphio site

·         Kitchen work (nutritious meals!)

o    Donations from local area

·         Anyone know how to fix exercise bike

·         Safe place to interact with “townies” and students at UCM

·         Thursdays 330-7/8

·         Sat 1030-4

·         Gardening and orchard

·         Cool place to talk and there is free food whenever you want to
stop by!

Empower campaign

·         Wed bent 124 7pm meeting

·         Comedy Jackie o 27th

·         Find on facebook!

·         Empowercampaign.org

·         Student based nonprofit started by Andrea Sharow

·         2002 started in Africa w. one little boy Uganda needs help

·         Womens co-ops

·         Can feed, but cannot send to school

·         LOTS of fundraising (jewelry tables)

o    Need volunteers (especially MEN)

o    Hand-made beads

·         Buy it fair trade 75% go back to communities 25% to empower the

·         Moms weekend – beer tasting at jackie-os april 30

·         Every 50$ raise, send kid to school = uniforms books, food, etc


·         Office hours

o    No one came last week

o    3-4 Tuesday again this week Please stop by with problems

·         Round table

o    Will happen again in 2 weeks!

o    We discussed an increase in fellowship hours and membership

o    Helpful to have all your opinions

o    We see it as chapter opinion

o    Come to the next one!!!

-Family changing  (splitting larger ones mainly)


·         Bitch box

o    The biggest concern was that Beth's hair was stupid...

o    Specific ones were passed on to those chairs

o    Please remember that there are going to be cliques. There are so many
of us, and it's just in the nature of our size that some people are going to
be better friends than others. BUT be more aware of how accepting/inviting
you and your favorite bros are toward others. Be a friend for all of your


·         Why I relay = Beth Thompson (grad student!) & Sarah Vance

o    Register to donate bone marrow ! Save a life!

o    Girls (or guys!) donate your hair ….so someone has a chance to whip it
back & forth

·         26 days left (wohoooo!)

·         Only 185 signed up, sign up today!  It’s easy as 1..2..3

·         Hopefully video will be up soon

·         Cancelled Hot Dog Sale because the rain

o    Everyone got their hours

o    Will be another one this weekend!

o    Note: Can only get four hours total from relay, though you can do more.

·         Moms weekend

o    April 29, 30

o    T-shirt Sales: need people to work these

o    Chippendales: Still need Chippendales

                                -Only 3 are signed up!

-We will work with you to work out shifts

o    Brunch on Sunday May 1: Union Street Diner

·         DONATE OVER 100?

o    e-mail us and include your family name or honorary you would like on
the back of the shirt

·         T-shirts

o    Sign up online with your in the comment box. If you do not do this by
next Sunday after chapter, you are not getting a shirt.

o    Doesn’t matter if you signed  on the shirt sheet at chapter if you are
not on the site, NO SHIRT

-Voted: lime green with purple writing

·         Car smash

o    Friday May 6 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.

o    Howard Park (front of Hudson at top of jeff)

o    $1 for 1 hit, $5 for 7 hits and $10 all access pass (all day!)

o    We need people to work this event!!

o    Bring your friends and help beat cancer

o    Join the facebook event

*                   "Beat a car to help beat cancer”*

o    We need people to donate :

o    Slip resistent gloves

o    Work goggles that are Z87 certified

*ask dads! They probably know

o    Work hard hat

o    1 relay hour! And free car smash for donation!

·         Letter writing party

o    Tuesday Walter 235  8-9 p.m.

o    Committee Meeting

o    Tuesday Walter 235  7-8 p.m.

·         Red brick fundraiser

o    April 20th- THIS Wednesday

o    Monday May 2nd too

o    Get there at 5:30   Serve 6-9

o    1 Relay hour

o    Wear APHIO gear! (Relay gear maybe!)

·         Relay auction

o    May 1st

o    Highest bider = Relay hr

o    Paper Auction before and after chapter

o    Sign up online to donate something (homemade dinner, swipes into dining
hall, house cleaning, etc BE CREATIVE!

o    1 hour for donating/volunteering

o    1 hour for winning an


·         Thursday Supper at UCM  *Shannon talked

o    Help serve food

o    Thursday, 3:30 till 8, will be broken down into shifts.

o    Wear closed toed shoes, and come hungry! She likes us to eat

o    Not this Saturday though, but in future

·         UCM Help

o    Saturdays, shifts broken down in between 10:30 am till 3 or 4.

o    Same M.O, wear clothes toed shoes.

·         Athens Highschool Band Boosters Fundraiser (Help Julie and her
poor husband out!)

o    Help cook food, serve, and clean up after a large crowd!

o    Date and Time Info will be on the website!

o    For about 700 people

o    Last concert of year middle school-high school

o    3-5 pm May 1st

·         New service opportunities

o    Sending Care Packages to Soldiers in Afghanistan!!

o    Cost to ship a large flat rate box?  $12.95!! (Pay for a box, get an

o    Little Known Fact: Average Service Hour worth $25!

o    Counts as Donation Hours (Remember, *only 4*)

o    If anyone knows an address or people deployed, let them know! We will
add them to the list

What You Can Include:

o    Trail Mix, Baby Wipes, Power Bars, Chapstick, Drink Mixes, Hard Candy
(no chocolate), Gum, Bars of Soap, Batteries, Cards, Pens, Paper, Envelopes,
Razors, DVDS...

o    All of which can be purchased at the markets!

o    Baby wipes! Sometimes they  cant shower all the time


*                                  *Contact/Drop Off Items to:

*                                            Rachel Levine
                                                             Sarah Vance*

*                                           937.286.6567

* rl175109 at ohio.edu 
* sv269609 at ohio.edu 
·         Weeklies

o    Monday Lunch

o    Passionworks Metal Cleaning

o    Passionworks Studio Volunteers

o    ATCO Rec/ Crafts/ Uno/League Helpers

o    Last Chance Corral

o    Hats for Heads/ Donations

o    NEED yarn! Or no more hats for heads!

o    Good Earth Farm

·         Committee meeting this Wednesday 8:30 at Baker Food Court


·         Make a wish kids and families (bring *all *family sky is the

·         Bros will stay in hotel (yay pool!)

·         Week 1- Aug 15-21

·         Week 2- Aug 21-27

·         $150-$200

o    usually money back (from excess of gas money)

·         20 people each week max

·         Sign up online or email by next week!

·         *Must know for sure by next Sunday*

·         Questions?/More Info:

o mw418908 at ohio.edu 


·         Shirts

·         Sweatshirts voted NO

·         Order shirts April 25-May 4

·         Voted = Black DMC shirt wins!


·         Got an invite! OSU Founders Day celebration

o    May 21st

o    Let Dani know or sign on the sheet if you are REALLY interested

o    Day of *service*, *fun*, and *FREE FOOD*

·         Sectional gas money

o    $25 by tonight or tomorrow!

o    e-mail to follow for reunion dinner

·         Other chapter relations

o    Invited other chapters (15) to our Relay, waiting to hear back

o    Working hard over the summer to plan fall events

·         Committee meeting

o    Tuesday 8pm baker food court

o    Let Dani know ASAP if you will NOT be able to make it *e-mail!


·         Updates

o    Membership Picnic is May 22nd.

o    Time and exact location TBA next week!

·         *Committee: *We will email you with meeting info tonight or

·         Info for the week

o    Family Heads will be announced tomorrow via email so look out for that!


·         Round table

o    Thank you *SO *much to everyone who came and participated, especially
our wonderful committee!

o    We got a lot of good feedback and ideas for the pledging process and

o    teach more about our history, what it means to be an active brother,
inform  about the service events, risk management, etc. , more ways to
connect big/littles and families, ways to make everything more efficient and
less stressful


·         Of the week:

·         *Easter Egg Hunt*

o    CANDY!!!!

o    Thursday, April 21 6:30pm

o    College Green

o    **Will be postponed or moved if raining! We'll let you know!*

·         Intramurals

o    Indoor Soccer

o    Monday, April 18

o    5:30 pm

o    Ping, Area A

o    Sign up on IamLeagues

o    Be there by 5:15pm with your ID

·         Color wars

o    Sign up on the website by TONIGHT!

o    Sign-ups will close at Midnight  (so they can divide teams

o    Color Wars will still be Sunday, May 1st at 3pm--location TBA

o    No mccraken  looking for a new location

o    Kelsie will be collecting money for jerseys

o    *Must pay by 1pm tomorrow (Monday, April 18)

Service week elections! (*Dana had to step down due to a commitment)


                                Katie Hawkins

                                Nicole ntumba


·         Grades          we do not get your grades by the end of tonight,
we’ll assume your cumulative GPA has fallen below a 2.0, and you will be on
probation for fall quarter (which will now include mandatory study hours, if
this constitution change is passed)

  Evan Baer     Tori Carras     Katie Devlin      Lynde Devlin    Leslie
Godec     Mckenzie Hood

   Chad Joseph      Samantha Maurine    Kelly Meehan     Taylor Pathroff
  Eva Raymond

  Kayla Slack      Maggie St. Clair   Hilary St.Pierre      Danielle

Youth Service

·         Upcoming events

o     West Elementary Carnival MAY 20th


o     We need people to:

§  Fill Water Ballons (4 bros)

§  Set-up (15-20 bros)

§  The Games (35-40 bros)

§  Clean-up (15-20 bros)

§  Sign-ups are on the website


·         Bake Sale Tabling 12-4p April 21st (this Thursday) in Baker

·         High Fest Clean Up = only a few bros  C'MON GUYS, WE HAVE $500 TO

o    We wanna know WHY no one signed up for this so we can make this better!

o    Give great ideas/suggestions! Need to be supportive and successful

·         Sunglasses

o    Won't know the price of them until tomorrow but will send out an e-mail
over listserv ASAP saying how much we're selling them for! :)

o    Black letters looked better than blue

o    We will e-mail tomorrow with prices and times for money collection

o    Collecting money this week until chapter next week, we will specify
times in the e-mail


·         Bro of week :Ashley Campbell

·         Read about her on the website!


·         What is awards?

o    Awards are to recognize the chapter and bros for various

·         Email to follow on listserv for individual nominations and

·         Happy birthday to :

o    Leah Burns – April 17

o    Ashley Angelo – April 19

o    Jessican Kellar – April 22


·         Remember to donate bras and undergarments

·         Ice skating needs sign in from Natalie!

·         Tag starts at 8am tom
Supportive bro – Renee LewisSunday
Brianna McTaggart
Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 


*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Interchapter:* interchapter.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
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