[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes 2/6: "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 23:59:21 EST 2011
Ohio University
Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Gamma
Morton 235
February 6, 2011
2:00 pm

-------------------------------------------- Chapter

   - Welcome!:
      - Speakers from Up ‘Til Dawn
         - Video
         - Letter Sending Party
            - Sunday February 27th from 1 - 8 pm
               - Baker Ballroom
            - Earn 7 hours of community service
            - Address letter asking family and friends for donations for St
            Jude Children’s hopsital
            - Write 35 letters - enter drawing/raffle -> for iPod touch
             (for 70 tickets - two tickets entered)
            - Free food, entertainment, t-shirt...
            - Help children fight for life!
         - Name that active!
      - President: president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Risk management workshop recap:
         - Thanks to committee!  Especially to Nicole Germano and Bryn Keck
         (on committee for two quarters in a row!)
         - Why risk management workshop?
            - Issues in past couple of years
               - Formal of past two years
               - Youtube videos
               - Big/little night the past two years
            - Necessary part of our by-laws
            - Necessary step that needed to be taken or we would be on
            administrative review
               - What is administrative review?
                  - Nationals tracks every step our chapter takes
                  - Every email that would be sent out would ned to be
                  approved by me and forwarded to several people
                  - Contact with sectional, regional, and national staff
                  - Additional weekly paperwork from every position
                  - Cut back on projects, service, and fellowship events
               - Why do we think as an exec board we need to go dry?
               - Due to incidences over the past two years
                  - image on campus
                  - positive step to those at the natl level
               - Size of our chapter
                  - trust responsibility
                  - accountability
               - Importance in the community
            - Future risk management:
               - Must attend 1 risk management workshop while an active
               member of our chapter
               - if you missed the workshop, you will have to attend a one
               hour risk management workshop put on my Buddha at end of month
            - Feedback:
               - Online Survey - watch for email - be constructively
               critical!  Don’t just say something is stupid - explain why!
               - First year - a lot of room for improvement
               - Types of workshops
               - Positive feedback
            - Ombudsmen: ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
   937.902.6499, Angela: 937.545.5043)
      - Question of the Week: With the increasing number of fellowship
      opportunities, should we increase the number of fellowship hours???
   - Jboard: jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Article XXIV - Risk management
         - Section 1: The Delta Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega shall abide
         by teh risk management policy of the national fraternity.
         - Section 2: No member shall neither consume intoxicants (nor
         attend under the influence of intoxicants) any event
sponsored by the Delta
         Gamma chapter     of Alpha Phi Omega, including but not
limited to chapter
         meetings, fellowship events, service events, fundraising events, and
         committee and executive meetings.
         - Section 3: All members attending off-campus events sponsored by
         the Delta Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega or the national fraternity
         including but not limited to service trips or conferences
shall abide by all
         state and city laws concerning the consumption of intoxicants
at all times.
            - a) All members attending the aforementioned events will
            express written consent that they will abide by chapter
and national by-laws
            while attending the aforementioned events.
         - Section 4: Any member who does not abide by the policies of the
         Delta Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega concerning the consumption of
         intoxicants at events sponsored by the Delta Gamma chapter or
the national
             fraternity will be subject to immediate probation
(continued into the
             following quarter) upon the first violation and
deactivation upon a
         second     violation.
            - a) Any member placed on probation upon violating the policy of
                the Delta Gamma chapter concerning the consumption of
intoxicants shall
            be subject to a fine of ten dollars added to the quarterly
dues for the
            probationary quarter.
         - PASSED
         - $$ issue - why fine?
         - Extra service should never be a punishment
            - By city, university, other organizations -> big fines
         - For trips:
            - At discretion of trip leaders, if above the age of 21
         - Can always be amended -> submit amendments to Jboard next week ->
         or run for Jboard and have a positive that way!
      - Service: service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< service.aphio at gmail.com 
>(Kris: 440.476.2005; Gaby: 207.837.0546)
      - New service idea:
         - Renee Schultheis’s boss
         - Her son Brian Rowan:
            - Brian’s story: 11 year old boy who was diagnosed with a brain
            tumor (optic nerve glioma)
            - Brian is blind in one eye and has very limited vision in the
            other eye
            - The Ohio State School for the Blind:
               - a publicly funded educational facility - is dedicated to
               the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional
growth of students with
               visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities.
               - Brian currently attends 6th grade at the OSU for the Blind,
               not all the students are completely visually impaired
               - Brian stays in Columbus Monday-Friday (receives chemo on
                  - Service Opportunity: make and send gift bags/goody bags
                  to the students that attend the school and stay in the dorms
                  - 6 people from 7-9 pm on Wednesday (same time and place
                  as Hats for Heads)
                     - Donations: for 1 hr - a giftbag, 2 bags of candy, and
                     a toy
                     - People who sign up for donations you can bring
                     donations to the event at 7 in Baker Maggie K
Davis room or meet me before
                     - 2 separate hours
                     - Boys & girls attend this school
                     - 80 Mill Apartment 3 - drop off beforehand
                  - Renee Schultheis, rs203307 at ohio.edu 
< rs203307 at hio.edu 
               cell: 740.525.4004
            - Athens Figure Skating Competition:
         - February 26th from 7 am - 1 pm
         - Bird Arena
         - Mandatory volunteer training: Thursday night before the
         - 5 monitors
         - 6 registration table
      - OU vs. Miami Blood Battle: part 2
         - Monday February 14 from 1- 7 pm in Baker Ballroom
         - Help beat Miami!
         - Free OU/Miami Blood Battle T-shirt!
         - Coupon for 6 wings @ Bdubs
         - Sign up on the APO website, but you must also
            - Sign up on Facebook
            - Email Elisa Timmerman: et581908 at ohio.edu 
- Service star of the week:
            - Dani Garfield (STILL NOT HERE SHE WENT HOME!)
         - Interest for GKTW trip? Start organizing now! (Kris and Gaby are
         graduating - need some leaders to step up!)
            - Group of volunteers together, and then book the trip!
            - Talk to Angela if you want more info!
         - Parkersburg trip:
            - Want people there at 8 am now... hopefully this is ok...
             Still spots open on Sunday!
            - They are very excited to work with us!
         - Look for email about NOLA this afternoon...
      - Youth Service: youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< aphioyouthservice at gmail.com 
440.478.2884; Nate: 440.376.6244)
      - REC FEST:
         - Must attend mandatory meeting at Ping to discuss details...
         - Saturday of Sibs’ Weekend @ Ping Center
         - Shift 1 (20 people from 1:30 - 4:15)
         - Shift 2 (20  people from 3:30 - 7)
            - Volunteers get free tshirt
         - Cinderella Prom:
         - Starting the collection next week!
         - 1 dress = 1 hour
         - Remember, only 4 donation hours per qtr
            - But if you already
         - Event going into spring quarter as well
      - 5k: 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< 5kaphio at gmail.com 
> (Amanda: ,
      - Letter writing parties:
         - Tuesday 4-6 pm Baker 229
      - Registration tables!
         - Tuesday 10 - 2 pm, 1st floor of Baker
         - Thursday 10 - 2 pm, 1st floor of Baker
         - Go to senate office!  First or last spot - grab/take back forms,
         poster, etc.
      - Registration!!
         - Please fill out the registration forms we are passing out, with
         your t-shirt size. We will be sending an email out this week with the
         t-shirt design in it!
         - Sign up your friends!
      - Don’t sign up for first hour though if you aren’t on the tabling
      committee (those slots are for them!)
   - FUNdraising: fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< fundraising.aphio at gmail.com 
(Vanessa: , Kristen)
      - Puppy chow clarification:
         - Those who donated previously will get 2 hours as well
         - One hour will count toward donated hours, the others will not
            - 1 donation hour, 1 fundraising/service
         - Survey FUNdraiser:
         - If you accept invitation to participate, surveys will be sent to
         your e-mail address and our chapter would earn money based on
the number of
         surveys completed
         - Set number of surveys would equal 1 FUNdraising hour
         - Any interest in this?
      - Events:
         - Trash for cash:
            - today, 4:00 pm, meet at Riverpark building 37
         - Puppy chow:
            - Thursday from 10 - 4, 4th floor
         - Upcoming events include Valentine’s Day Bake Sale and Red Brick
         - Thanks for those who answered survey!
            - Really great information!
         - Manboat (fellow = man, ship = boat) fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiofellowship at gmail.com 
>(Jayna: 216.956.8649; Monica:
      - Intramurals!
         - Volleyball

   - Monday at 6:00 pm
   - Ping Center, Area B

   - Justin Brown = MVP
            - Basketball

   - Tuesday at 7:15 pm
   - Ping Center, Area C-Court #1

   - Formal!
            - $15 per person --$30 per couple
            - Saturday February 26th --8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
            - Theme: Masquerade
            - Make checks payable to Monica Ruscher or Jayna Pappas
               - Put cash or checks in envelope with name on outside
            - Open to everyone, including the newest pledge class!
            - If you bring a date, they need to sign a contract if they are
            not a member of APhiO
            - Monica will be collectin gmoney tomorrow in the Front Room
            from 10:45 - Noon
               - Awards:
                  - Best dance move
                  - Best dressed, etc. etc.!!
               - Fellowship of the week: Fun Barn
            - Wednesday 7 -9 pm!
               - Sign up on website and say if you can drive!
            - Membership: membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiomembership at gmail.com 
614.507.7959; JP: 440.666.8167)

      - Brother retreat: Sunday February 13th at 10 am
         - Next Sunday - sign up on Website for workshops! (40 person cap
         per workshop)
         - If you have any suggestions on ideas for the Brother Retreat
         contact Nicole Ntumba ( nn299607 at ohio.edu 
,  513.324.9315)
      - Pledges update!
         - Buy some candy grams for your bros yo!
      - Faculty Pageant: Wednesday March 9 at 7 pm
      - 5 teachers participating!  Minimum necessary - but more would still
      be great!  Contact soon though!
      - Entire Committee Needs to meet Tuesday Night at 7 p.m. in Bromley
   - PR: pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
      - Follow @aphiodeltagamma
      - Tweet with the hash tag #ouaphio to share thoughts about service,
      fellowship, leadership or life (appropriately)
      - Brother of the Week!  Nicole Ntumba!  Woo!
      - Risk Management survey
   - Historian: historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
      - Picture of the Week: Hats for Heads
      - Please “like” Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma on Facebook!
   - Announcements
      - 5k-- If you worked the booth or pie-your-enemy on dad's weekend, I
         will be entering your hours tonight. Sorry for the delay!
         - Formal--Monica will be collecting money in the Front Room
         tomorrow from 10:45-noon. $15 per person!
      - Awards:
      - Happy Birthday to Nicole Petkov, Sarah Meyerhoefer and Andy Diehl

   - Happy Can
      - Supportive Bro

   - Adjourn
   - Toast Song


> Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma 
>  secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 
> 740.517.0606 
> Click on link to view our service map: APhiO Delta Gamma Service Map< http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 > > < http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 > > Follow this link to see our calendar: Delta Gamma Calendar< http://apoonline.org/deltagamma/blog.php > >
> *5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Interchapter:* interchapterrelation.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com < Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > > *J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > *Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://listserv.ohio.edu/pipermail/aphio-l/attachments/20110206/2795fe5b/attachment-0001.html

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