[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes: 1/17--"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Emerson

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 00:46:19 EST 2011
Ohio University
Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Gamma
Morton 201
January 17, 2011
8:00 pm

-------------------------------------------- Chapter

   - Welcome! Sit with your family!
      - Name that active!
      - Julie Suhr our faculty advisor is here!  And her daughter - a Girl
      Scout - is here selling Girl Scout cookies
      - Speakers:
         - Polar Bear Plunge: February 12
            - Patriotic theme
            - www.sooh.org < http://soh.org/ 
> (find Athens in the event):
            raise $50 to plunge or $30 to not plunge, but get a shirt
            - BW3’s provided afterward
            - Can register online to donate or cash day of
            - Contact Ryan on back of pamphlet for more info
         - Ombudsmen: ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
(JD: 937.902.6499,
   Angela: 937.545.5043)
      - Question of the Week: Should service events be put up for the whole
      quarter at the beginning or add them week by week?
      - Last week’s question and responses:
         - How to make conferences more appealing:
            - Make them more affordable
            - Keep sharing experiences
         - Anonymous email account
( anonymous.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oJXINDSUolAFUpGW-CId8bQwlmWqS-w5KH73HTyvuj0/edit?hl=en 
      PW: athensaphio) Keep sending feedback to the ombudsmen account!
   - *Service*: service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< service.aphio at gmail.com 
>(Kris: 440.476.2005; Gaby: 207.837.0546)
      - WOUB Pledge Drive: February 1-3
         - Hours will be on the website - sign ups will close on Thursday of
         this week
      - Blood Battle: January 24, 2-8 pm @ Baker Ballroom
         - 6 free wings and a t-shirt
         - Email et581908 at ohio.edu 
w/ name, requested appointment time, &
         phone number; 1 hr for donating
         - Does not count as a “donation” hour toward your limited 4
         donation service hours
      - Outside Hours? Email service account after your service has been
         - When, where, how long, what type, and contact email/number?
      - Wear your letters to service events to help pledges identify
      - Service Star of the Week:
         - Hali Milivojevic wins 180 fiesta straws!
            - Great job doing PassionWorks service both times this week and
            getting the sign-ins in on time!
         - Sarah Csongei: Kids on Campus
         - Start with Amesville
         - Sheet of interest going around
         - Not a weekly or quarterly commitment
      - Youth Service: youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< aphioyouthservice at gmail.com 
440.478.2884; Nate: 440.376.6244)
      - Coat Drive:
         - Hey so what’s going on with coat drive?
            - Coats went to tornado relief
            - 50 hats all made by Gaby Swisher
            - 30 scarves
            - Going to the Plains Elementary
            - Deadline for scarves/hats next chapter!
         - Remember - only 4 donations hours per quarter
            - hand made scarf or hat = 2 hours
            - 2 premade items = 1 hour
         - East Elementary Dance Chaperones:
         - 6 people needed
         - January 21st (this Friday) from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
      - 10 box tops = 1 hour
         - Sign up online and bring to chapter
      - 5k: 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< 5kaphio at gmail.com 
> (Amanda: ,
      - Dad’s Weekend is this weekend!
         - Kissing Booth:
            - Need volunteers to be the workers that are doing the cheek
            kissing - sign ups will be on the website
         - Pie your enemy -
            - We need people to donate
               - Bengals jersey (or shirt)
               - Steelers jersey (or shirt)
               - Browns jersey (or shirt)
               - Whipped cream
               - Pie tins
            - Stamp donations:
         - Drop off in mailbox at 153 Mill st. OR
         - Bring to chapter OR
         - Bring to the letter writing parties on Mondays and Tuesdays!
      - Letter writing parties
         - Questions
            - How do I get my committee hours?
               - You can come to committee meetings on Mondays
               - Help complete the activities/projects that your
               subcommittee heads have
               - Help us run the letter writing parties
               - Email us and ask us for stuff to do!!
            - How do I get my two 5k hours?
               - Go to the 5k!
               - Write 5 letters at a letter writing party! (mainly just
               personalizing the letter, putting it in the envelope)
               - Donate a book of stamps!
               - Donate food for the 5k (later in quarter)
               - Attend the benefit concert
            - Fundraising: fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< fundraising.aphio at gmail.com 
(Vanessa: 216.246.9223, Kristen: 614.257.9361)
      - Puppy chow sales:
         - Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and Friday 12:00 - 4:00 pm
         - Donation spots available (10 sandwich baggies = 1 hour)
      - Red Brick FUNdraiser is in the works
      - FUNdraising event survey?
      - If anyone has any ideas for events you should.....
   - RUSH: rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Cutting:
         - It’s a good problem to have....
         - We wanted to take everyone but couldn’t...
            - There are only 400 seats in Morton
            - Taking everyone would limit next Fall and Winter Quarter’s
            pledge classes to less than 50 new members
         - Thanks to Rush Committee, Interview Committee, those who spoke at
      Rush, everyone that came to Rush (Even if it was mandatory)
   - Fellowship: fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiofellowship at gmail.com 
216.956.8649; Monica: 513.227.2330)
      - Co-ed volleyball - Mondays 5:30/6:15 pm (starts next week)
      - Co-ed basketball - Tuesdays 6:30/7:30 pm - STARTS THIS WEEK!
         - Sign up by 2 pm on day of game!
         - Go to imleagues.com, create an account using your OAK id. Top
         right area, click on JOIN TEAM. Find Basketball or Volleyball
Co-Ed Rec.
         Find the correct days and our team is FLYING EAGLERS for both sports.
      - Fellowship of the Week:
         - All first week membership events will count as fellowship!
      - Formal:
         - Friday February 25 and Saturday February 26th
         - Looking into venues
         - Not outside dates to help with size of chapter
      - Nicole: Risk management workshop-
      - Looking for brothers who feel comforable speaking in public
         - put your name on the list!
         - January 30th
         - Tuesday January 25th - 8:00 pm committee meeting
      - Membership: membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiomembership at gmail.com 
614.507.7959; JP: 440.666.8167)

      - Whip my hair bird
      - WELCOME ALL NEW (109!!) PLEDGES!
      - Movie Night! The Town: January 18th - 7:30 pm Morton 201
      - Meet and greet! January 19th, 6:00 -8:00 pm Baker Center
      - Initiation:
         - 6:30 pm sharp! in Walter 135
         - Actives: Business casual, no jeans!
         - Pledges: business professional
         - Please take these events seriously!
         - Modified scavenger hunt afterwards, start planning ice-breaking
      - Big/Little Week:
         - Family heads:
               - Family heads: please start planning events so that new
               pledges can get to know their
            - Mocktail big/little social:
               - Best mocktail drink! (i.e. grenadine, oj and lime!)
            - Family heads/family names:
               - Families 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8  need 1 or 2.
               - Initation Gifts: 80 Mill Apt 3 - drop off gifts there by
               - OR at Adjins.... 110 North Congress. 3 by anytime (have to
               be dropped off by Wednesday!!!)
                  - If you asked for twins, they will text you to let you
               - Brother Retreat: February 13th starting at 10 am
            - Workshops!
            - Service!
            - Fundraising!
            - Leadership courses!
            - Evening social!
         - Word from Buddha: Promotion at Brenen’s--
            - For the next 2 days:
               - before 11 am  - until close @ 7 pm - wear an APO shirt -
                lunch and soda for $5 (TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY)
            - PR: pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- *Brother of the Week: Grace Graham*
   - Historian: historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Picture of the Week: Bid day 2011!
   - Relay for Life:
      - Committee members:
         - Meeting:: Tuesday @ 8 pm at the Front Room
         - Start thinking: brother calendar for Mom’s weekend
      - Faculty Pageant:
      - March 9: 7:00 pm
         - Still need teachers, if you know of any, come see us adn we will
         get their name and email
      - Our committee:
         - Meetings on Tuesdays: 7 pm @ Bromley Hall
         - Words from Julie - let the profs know about past events, don’t
         need to have skills, have them contact her with any questions!
      - Announcements
      - If subcommittee head - meet after chapter
      - Service sign-in box at front
   - Awards:

   - Happy Can
      - Supportive Bro
      - Happy Birthday to Kelsie Long!

   - Adjourn
   - Toast Song


Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 
Click on link to view our service map:
APhiO Delta Gamma Service
Map< http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 
< http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 
Alpha Phi Omega DG Exec Emails:

*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Interchapter:* interchapterrelation.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
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