[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes 1/23 - "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 18:27:00 EST 2011
Brothers!  Have a great week!  Lots of important info in the minutes this
week... new and awesome things happening these days.
LFS,  Jill
Ohio University
Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Gamma
Morton 201
January 23, 2011
8:00 pm

-------------------------------------------- Chapter

   - Welcome!:
      - Name that active!
   - President: president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Agenda
      - Risk management workshop
         - Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 12:00 pm (try to get there a few
         minutes early to sign in)
         - Chapter to follow
      - Committee meeting:
         - Tuesday @ 8:30 pm in Baker 233 - all that sign up to help last
         week, please come!
      - Ombudsmen: ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
(JD: 937.902.6499,
   Angela: 937.545.5043)
      - Question of the Week: Unfortunately, because of lack of suitable
      space, not everyone can go to formal.  So....
         - How do you want the selection of people allowed to go to formal
         to go?  Two choices, by pledge class or by year in school?
            - Please explain your decision.
         - Last week’s question:
         - How should service be put up on the website, by week or by
            - Tons of responses - its going to be week by week because of
            the responses
            - These questions help make decisions so be sure to weigh in.
         - 396 current members (including pledges and actives)
   - Jboard: jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
- Bike and build
         - B&B organizes cross-country bicycle  (Portland, Maine to Santa
         Barbara California) ->Cory and Andrew are going to be
participating in it
         this summer!
         - www.bikeandbuild.org/donate
         - Even if every member of our chapter donates $1 - that’s 10% of
         how much they have to raise!  (raise $4000 each to
participate) (donate
         online or in the cup)
      - Constitution: Scholarship Account Article XX, Section 6
         - Scholarship account intention:
            - Active members who cannot pay for dues//use for nationals,
            other interchapter relations trips//service trips
               - “The Ohio University controlled scholarship account (7584)
               belonging to the Delta Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega
shall be used to
               financially assist activated members attending
fraternity endorsed service
               trips and/or fraternity conferences at the sectional,
regional, and national
               levels; as well as, those activated members who have
demonstrated financial
               difficulty in paying their dues. The Delta Gamma
chapter shall assist
               service and conference trips by matching the amount
fund-raised in
               proportion to the costs of the trips and the balance of
the account by the
               attending activated members for the purpose of the approved trip.

   - Activated members wishing to receive financial assistance in paying
               their dues must demonstrate financial difficulty by
contacting the ombudsmen
               and completing the approved application.  Upon
completion, the activated
               member's case will remain confidential as the ombudsmen
bring it to the
               executive board.  Assistance will be granted with a
majority vote of the
               executive board.  Once granted, the activated member(s)
being assisted
               accept that their non-mandatory chapter expenses (i.e.,
T-shirts, priced
               events) will be monitored to ensure proper use of the
scholarship account.”
                       The account will be maintained by directing $5
from every members'
               (actives and pledges) dues to the fund.
               - Furthermore, the money added onto dues when paid late will
               contribute to the maintenance of the account.”

   - And voting on....
               - Article XXII/Section 11
               - No member may receive more than 4 service hours throughout
               a quarter in the form of donations for a service
project or fundraising
               - This already mirrors what we do in practice.
            - Service: service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< service.aphio at gmail.com 
440.476.2005; Gaby: 207.837.0546)
      - Hats for Heads:
         - New service project!
         - Wednesday nights from 5-7 pm in the Maggie Davis Room at Baker
         - Help knit winter hats for children who cannot afford them
            - 12 people total
            - 10 people to knit
            - 2 to roll yarn
            - $10 worth of yarn donation = 1 Service Hour
         - WOUB Pledge Drive:
         - February 1st - 3rd @ RTV Building:
            - 47 open spots on Tuesday
            - 66 open spots on Wednesday
            - 54 open spots on Thursday
         - The pledge drive is a very easy way to get your service hours, so
         go sign up before it is too late!!
      - Blood Battle vs. Miami:
         - TOMORROW on 4th Floor of Baker
         - Donate blood to save 3 lives and help beat Miami for the 3rd year
         - Donors get 6 free wings @ Buffalo Wild Wings and Free T shirt
         - Donors must be at least 110 lbs,  - FULL but if you already
         registered - then remember to go!
      - Kennedy Gallery Guard:
         - Thanks to all volunteered to sign up!
         - We will manually add your names on the website as a reminder!
      - NOLA - Spring break!
         - March 20 - 26 - leaving evening of March 19th
         - Volunteering with Saint Bernard Project - similar to Habitat for
         - $25/night including 3 meals a day
         - Recommended savings: $300 for trip
         - Email service account within the next two weeks- include your
         year, whether you have a car, and interest level.
         - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_vY4EaYC04 
- 15 or fewer people
      - Interest?
         - Aphio’s own free lunch
         - Habitat Trip to Parkersburg for a weekend
         - Free tutoring to bros
            - Lots of interest in all of these!
         - Updates:
         - Haiti trip would cost around $1,000 per person, suspended
         planning - email Gaby if you can afford this and want planning to
         move forward
         - Contacted several local nursing homes and retirement communities
         - Contacted Athens Dog Shelter
         - Know someone to who knows someone?  Contact them!
      - Service Star of the Week:
         - Congratulations Jen Kassay!  Stepped up for the 5k fundraising
         this frigid weekend!
      - Kids on Campus this week:
         - In Amesville and Coolville
      - Youth Service: youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< aphioyouthservice at gmail.com 
440.478.2884; Nate: 440.376.6244)
      - East Elementary Dance:
         - It was cancelled this past week :( (stupid snow)...
         - Good news: It has been rescheduled for this Friday the 28th at
         6:30 pm (arrive in the gym at that time).
         - Need 10 volunteers!
      - Box Tops:
         - 10 box tops = 1 hour
      - 5k: 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< 5kaphio at gmail.com 
> (Amanda: ,
      - Letter writing parties:
         - Monday room 333 from 5:30 - 8:30
         - Tuesday room 239 4-6 pm
         - Stamp donations:
            - One booklet equals an hour.  We really need these so please
         - Thanks to everyone who worked the fundraisers!!  Raised $217!
      - Thanks to Kristen Perry for all her work on the Dads’ Weekend
      fundraiser!  (Building the booth, etc. etc.!!)
   - Fundraising: fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< fundraising.aphio at gmail.com 
(Vanessa:  , Kristen)
      - Trash for Cash at Riverpark THURSDAY 1/27 @ 7:00 pm
      - Puppy chow sale Tuesday 1/25 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
      - Valentines Day Bake sale 2/14 in Baker
      - Red Brick FUNdraiser will be February 21
      - Pancake sale is in the works...
      - Keep an eye out for the FUNdraising survey...
      - If you have an idea or something you’d like to say you can.....
   - Fellowship: fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiofellowship at gmail.com 
216.956.8649; Monica: 513.227.2330)
      - VOLLEYBALL-MONDAY, 6:15 Ping Area B
         - Be there by 6, bring student ID and wear shorts WITHOUT pockets
      - BASKETBALL-TUESDAY, 6:30 Ping Area C-Court #1
         - Be there by 6:15, bring student ID and wear shorts WITHOUT
         - sign up on imleagues.com by 2pm on Monday or Tuesday depending on
         which sport. Our team name for BOTH is Flying Eaglers.
      - Fellowship of the week:
         - In honor of big/little week plan something with your family!
            - Email fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
to put it up on the
         - Formal:
         - Saturday February 26th 8pm - 11:30 pm
         - Price: $15
            - (includes snacks such as chips & pretzels along with as much
            pop, water
         - Masquerade theme:
            - *Because we have so many bros at this point we can’t allow
            dates, if we have room after everyone signs up we will elt
you know if there
            is room for htat “someone special”
            - **Sign ups will be next week at chapter so please bring your
            $15 in an evelope with your name on it
         - Membership: membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< ouaphiomembership at gmail.com 
614.507.7959; JP: 440.666.8167)

      - Big/Little Night!
         - THIS THURSDAY! January 27th, 8 pm
         - Old Nelson Dining Hall
         - Mocktail Recipe to us by tonight!
         - Bring enough to make 10 gallons!
         - Buddha is judgin!!!!!
         - Cocktail is the theme, so looooook sexy!!!
      - How do I be a good big?
         - Great question, let us remind you!!
            - You should be the first person that your little can contact
            with questions!!
            - Check in on your little throughout the week!!
         - Brother Retreat!
         - 3 45-minute workshops!
         - Afternoon service, fundraising, and APO Leads course: Launch
         - Evening social activity: study tables and valentine fun!!!
         - Workshops:
            - Interested in running a workshop?! (I know you are!!), find
            Nicole Ntumba after chapter or email her at nn299607 at ohio.edu 
- Some ideas include:
               - money management
               - diversity
               - team building
               - yoga/dance
               - 3 cardinal principles
               - scouting
               - and many more!!
            - Name your family!!!
            - Let JP and Leigha know!
            - For example: THE OCHO = family 8
         - PR: pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
      - Brother of the Week: Kara Leyser!!!  (check it out on Facebook!)
      - Currently have 4 guaranteed faculty.
      - We want at least 8. Please help us!!
   - Historian: historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
      - Picture of the Week: Initiation night!
   - Happy Birthday:
      - Justin Brown
      - Katie O’Leary
      - Kelsey Kennedy
   - Announcements:
      - Family 2 bowling Wednesday @ 9 pm!
      - Family 6 Men’s Basketball game Wednesday @ 7!
      - Volleyball game tomorrow at 6:00 pm!
      - Basketball game Tuesday @ 6:15 pm!
      - Buy SHIRTS from Britney!
      - Great present for your little (for after they are activated!)
      - Family 6 invite littles to facebook group
      - APO Calendar
   - Awards:

   - Supportive Bro to Betsy for stepping up to be a family head of Family 6
      - Happy Can

   - Adjourn
   - Toast Song

Hey new pledges!  So the way this works is that I quiz you on stuff in the
minutes - if you read them, answer the quiz and email me back and are the
first to email me, you win a little prize!   I'll hand out one pledge prize
this upcoming week and one active prize!  So email me back! woo!


1) When do/will the Flying Eaglers dominate the bball court and volleyball
net?  (day and time!)
2) When is the brother retreat and if you could present a workshop on a
skill you have what would it be? (You could also email Nicole Ntumba the
second response!)
3) When is chapter next weekend and why is it different next week???
4) Name a new service opportunity!
5) Name one of the upcoming fundraising opportunities!!


Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 
Click on link to view our service map:
APhiO Delta Gamma Service
Map< http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 
< http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203878488505780523189.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&ll=39.336156,-82.104607&spn=0.119227,0.264702&z=12 
Alpha Phi Omega DG Exec Emails:

*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Interchapter:* interchapterrelation.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
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