[Aphio-L] Week 2 chapter notes!

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 21:25:10 EDT 2011

Guest speakers :

   - Walk a mile in her shoes –Thomas tr411206 at ohio.edu 
- To stop sexual violence, rape and gender violence
      - October check in 11-12 march beings at noon 4th floor baker
   - Teach for America – Jess
      - Jess jones jj306508 at ohio.edu 
- Info session oct 11 7-9pm walter 145
      - Teachforamerica.org
      - End educational inequity
   - Jacob Ou intern for we are ohio repeal of SB5
      - Tables at college gate and baker
      - Hours will be available from service chairs
      - Regregistervote
   - Cardboard city raise money for habitat for humanity
      - This Saturday donations are welcome
      - $15 for shirt
      - 27% of Athens residents live below poverty line
   - Updates
      - Office hours this week: Wed: 10-11am Baker 317 text me if you cant
      find me
      - Round table:
         - Topic: Service week
         - Tuesday at 8pm  location TBA


   - Bringing in about 54 new brothers!!!!
   - Rest of the quarter...
      - Reordering shirts around week 6
      - Pre-Rush around week 8
   - If you missed a rush meeting...
      - Counts as one of your 3 missed mandatory events


   - New election process
      - You can still e-mail us pros/cons of each candidate in advance,
         - You must e-mail us from your personal account so we can check
         validity of claim
      - Comments will still be read anonymously
      - Candidates have choice of staying in room for post-speech comments
      - If you'd like to anonymously ask a question on the spur of the
      moment, send us an email during chapter
   - Round table after this upcoming election to see how it went
      - Questions?
   - Financial aid
      - If you cannot afford to pay dues this quarter, please email us ASAP
      to get an application form.
      - Re-apply if you have applied in the past
      - Forms are due THIS WEDNESDAY by 11:59pm
      - ombudsmen.aphiodeltgamma at gmail.com 
- Suggestion Box
      - Last week's question: Which day would you like to have Activation?
      - Answer: Monday, November 14 (Last Day of Classes)
      - This week's question: What ideas do you have for fundraising events
      that could be fun to participate and successful for the fraternity?

   - So fundraising doesn’t have to keep deleting events


   - Bid day –wohoo!
   - New pledges will wear shirts = “eagles in training” say hey!
   - Activation
      - Thursday, Sept. 22 in Walter 135 at 7 pm, please be there at 6:45 pm
      so we can start on time!
      - Business-Casual attire
      - Scavenger hunt and family event after to meet the new pledges!
      - Don't forget, this is a mandatory event!
   - Big/Littles
      - Big/Littles will be announced in an email tonight!
      - Drop off times for gifts for littles will also be announced in the
      email, but plan on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
   - Family heads
      - Plan an activity for after activation for your family and the new
      pledges to get to know one another.
      - Please remember, this event must be DRY!
   - Activation week activities
      - These events are for the pledges to get to know one another, but
      also for you to get to know them! Please consider attending and
      bonding with your new bros!
      - Monday, Ghost in the Graveyard in College Green at 7:30 pm
      - Tuesday, Sand Volleyball, Frisbee, other activities on South green
      at 5 pm
         - Movie night if rain out
      - Wednesday, Dessert Buffet and Game Night in Baker at 7 pm (room TBA)


   - Need to add a clause to the constitution for members needing at least 3
   active quarters left after the pledging quarter to pledge:
      - International students or temporary students on campus who wish to
      pledge may pledge if they will have at least 2 active quarters in the
      fraternity after the pledging quarter.
   - Wisdom of the week:
      - Responsibility: re·spon·si·bil·i·t
      - Responsible: 1. answerable or accountable, as for something within
      one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for)  He
      is responsible to the president for his decisions.  .

Meredith Woods
Sakinah Abdul-Karim           Susan Breitenbach           Sarah Camloh
Hannah Christmann             Ali Colliatie                        Tyra
Julie Forman                     Leah Grinnell                      Allison
Joe Hurless                             Laura Kim
                           Zach Lacure
Meg Maroscher                     Kelly Meehan                      Eva
Hannah Southern                  Patrick  Van Horn               Mary Wise

   - Nominations
      - Relay Chairs--NEED 3
      - Spring quarter
         - Meredith woods
         - Natalie hanna
      - Fellowship Chair--NEED 1
         - Cody Romani
      - Elections and nominations next week


   - Kennedy Guard Training
      - THIS Friday September 23, 2011  from 3:15 - 4:15PM
      - Please sign up on the website tonight for training.
      - ***If you are already a trained Kennedy Guard Volunteer and plan on
      still volunteering this quarter, please see us after chapter/email us so
      that we can have a list of everyone as well as make a quarterly
      - Normal weeklies will be up this week, obvs.
   - SIGN INS!  We need em!
   - Paw Paw festival need to make sign in
   - UCM child care
      - Wednesday, September 21st
      - 5-7:15 PM
      - 2 Spots available
      - 18 N. College
   - Friday Night life meal
      - We got an urgent plea from someone in the community to help THIS
      FRIDAY the 23rd....they need a lot of help so we'll see what we can do!
      - Some things:
      - food, LOTS of food, people to prepare the food, serve the food,
      clean up
      - if you are really interested in helping please let us know, they
      need all the help that they can get!
   - ABH training
      - Had to be rescheduled to:
      - Wednesday the 28th from 3-5ish
      - just a reminder:
         - Once you are trained you will be volunteering EVERY Wednesday
         from 3:30-5PM
      - This is a quarterly commitment, so you must go each week.
      - You do get service hours for training!
   - Activation week hours
      - On Wednesday the 21st, there will be a dessert buffet/game night for
      the pledges, and they need donations of desserts!
      - 7 spots available
      - each person makes enough for 10-12 people
      - drop off that day or arrange with Colleen Hicks 614-218-2397
      - make sure you write what you are making in the comment box, and if
      someone already is making what you planned to make, make something else
   - ATCO karaoke party
      - October 1st, 2-4:30PM
      - They need a lot of help from us, so if anyone would like to have a
      large role in assisting them, please see us after chapter!
      - ·come things they need from us:
         - Decorate Rollerbowl
         - Food/water/pop/prizes
         - an MC
         - awards/judges to give out the awards
         - 2-3 photographers!
         - general assistance day off the event!


   - Healthy Fact of the week:
      - DID YOU KNOW
         - you burn an average of 10 calories for every flight of stairs you
         walk up (that's 40 calories every time you take the stairs at Baker)
      - f you have any cool facts, let us know! Need some to post around
   - Committee needs to come, its mandatory for your hours
   - Round Table:
      - Tuesday 8pm
      - Please come share you ideas, suggestions, and recommendations much

   - Kick CF
   -   Tabling for registration will start week of oct 17
   -   Registration is $200 per team
   -   Teams 10-15 people
   -   t-shirt for each operson
   -   bake sale soming soon
   -   twitter and facebook – look for em!


   - Committee meetings:
      - MONDAYS @ 7:10pm at the Front Room
      - permanent room tba at next chapter
   - box tops
      - Don't forget to turn them in to us!
      - 10 = 1 hour
      - only do it once a quarter
   - Lego league
      - A robotics program for 9-14 year olds, that is designed to get
      children excited about science and technology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHIsL4A4LRw<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHIsL4A4LRw 
      - Regional Event at OU-Chillicouthe DECEMBER 17th.
      - 7-4pm; One 4 hour shift and one 5 hour
      - Roles include: team escorts, team registration, crowd control,
      set-up/tear-down, etc.
      - get a free t-shirt and a free meal!
      - If interested, sign up on the website by next chapter
         - We know this is over winter break, but we need an idea of who can
         help out before committing to help out.
      - Santa tree project
      - Completely funded by the community
      - Provided gifts to nearly 1400 children in Athens County
      - We can either:
         - Adopt a family-- WON
         - We would be responsible for fulfilling their requests on a list
      - Adopt children--
         - We would receive lists from 10 children that would have a few
         items on it for Christmas


   - Of the week

   - Roller Skating in baker
      - when: Friday sept 23rd 4-6pm
      - where: Baker Ballroom
      - How much: FREE!!!!! A free skate rental will be available as well as
      FREE popcorn and pop.
      - Meet on the 4th floor of Baker by the Ballroom at
   - Soccer
      - YAY for Soccer!!!!
      - When: Mondays
      - Time: 5:30 meet at 5:15
      - Register by 2pm tom even if you just want to play once and a while
         - Iamleagues.com find ou and we are team= SPARKS
         - NO JEWELRY!
      - sKy zone
      11:55 PM TONIGHT!!!!


   - Updates reminders
      - Don't forget, if you went to the BW3 fundraiser and did not sign the
      sign in, WE NEED YOUR RECEIPT TONIGHT with your name on it! Come see
      us at the bottom of the steps after chapter.
      - The hot dog sale from last Saturday has been rescheduled for this
      Thursday, 9/22, from 10:30-2:30am.. we really don't want to cancel
      this again because of lack of sign ups so go sign up!!!
   - ·Bake sale 12-4 top of baker
      - Need homemade items sign up on websites
   - Committee meetings on Sundays before chapter

Graduating this quarter? Email Melissa

   - Brother of the week starts next Sunday!!
      - Will be posted on facebook page
      - If you have someone you'd like to recommend, shoot me an email &
      keep an eye on the facebook page.

   - Happy birthday to :
      - JP - Monday September 19
      - Michelle Varney - Tuesday September 20
      - Madison Vassari - Tuesday September 20
      - Ellie Drake - Thursday September 22
         - Yayyyy! :)

*Supportive bro*     Anga Welo for Monday lunches in the summer!

5k for ava Nichols – find eric for details

If you do Monday lunch, you can eat too!

Cookies at round table? Found out!

Happy Activation Week!

Brianna "Got the moves like" McTaggart
Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 


*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Interchapter:* interchapter.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
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