[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes and Quiz 1/26/14

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 21:52:49 EST 2014
The $10 gift card this week will be to Subway!
1) Next week for the paper chapter, what time must your answers be emailed
to JBoard by?
2) When are big applications due by?
3) How many hours must you get for the faculty pageant?
4) How many rush events must you be at?



   Office hours- Wednesday 3-4:30ish at West 82

   Exec meetings- Wednesday 7:30-8:30 in Grover

   Chapter next week- paper chapter

      You must answer the 5 questions and e-mail j-board the answers to get
       credit for chapter, must be emailed back to Jboard by midnight



   Financial aid form due February 9th at midnight

   Question of the week: How could we make it more comfortable for you to
   come to us if/when something is going on?

   Theme for chapter in two weeks is…  Pajamas! come to chapter next week
   dressed warm and comfy in your pjs



   Please send us your grades if you haven’t already

   Any questions on early alum or associate talk to us

   Keep risk management at the back of your mind, should be in march or

   Office Hours Monday’s 12:30-1:30 at the Front Room



   DUES! $50 for actives, $15 associates

   Dues go up to $55 starting at chapter on February 9th



   weeklies are up

   The Valentine Project- February 4th, box needs to be sent by then , give
   us the receipts from when you ship it not the items you buy

   Polar Plunge- February 8th

      Register for the APhiO team

   Bare on the Bricks- Feb 22nd

   Good Works Walk- Feb 22nd

      these two will overlap in times, so choose wisely

   when there is a list on the website of what is needed please pay
   attention to what people have already signed up for



   informal rush- January 30th, 7pm Baker Ballroom, wear APhio gear

   Formal Rush- January 31st, 7pm Baker Ballroom, business casual

   rush is a mandatory event!  have to be to at one

   rush events are on the website

      sign up for donations for the snacktives

      sign up for fellowship events if taking a little

   Big applications- due by February 9th, please print and turn in



   Family Heads

      lambda/mu- need one more earh

      Zeta/Sigma- need 2 more each

   Talent Show - guaranteed family hour, going to start planning that for
   later in the semester



   Send me pictures!

Faculty Pageant


   Letter writing: meet us at the front after chapter,

   If you cannot attend let us know asap

      you need 2 hours and one needs to be by going to the event

   Committee meet us after chapter

   if you are thinking about talking to a staff member to get them to
   participate, talk to us



   Tank sales are up on the website for the next 3 weeks, more to come

   Donation hours start this week

      A50- write letters to alum to see if they will give us donations

   Chipotle sucks- no more fundraising this year

   Valentine’s Day- candy grams/valentines

Youth Service


   we’re starting to collect poptabs/boxtops again next week

      30 poptabs= 1 hour, 10 boxtops= 1 hour

   Can only get two hours total from doing this



   Sign up!

   Go to relayforlife.org, under sign up for an event type in 45701 and
   Ohio University should be the first choice, click sign up then join a team.
   Our team is Alpha Phi Omega then fill out the rest. Choose pay later unless
   you’d like to make a $10 donation. Make a donation if you can! If you
   donate you will get some kind of reward

   Shirts: we need designs, send us designs asap

      1 relay shirt

      2 fun mom’s weekend shirts

      1 normal mom’s weekend shirts

   Subcommittees: you will be getting an email from us sometime this week,
   sponsorship will have a lot coming up

   Once you are signed up for Relay you can get your first hour by sending
   sponsorship emails, we will be sending a sample of what you can copy and
   paste to family and friends this week

      5 emails= 1 hour

      screenshot and send the pic to us

      please only send emails to people who will actually donate

   Ordered bracelets that we will sell soon


Service Week



   Sectionals will be held on March 21 at UD

      it will cost $35 + $5 for the t-shirt , doesn’t include housing

      registration needs to be done by Feb 28th

      Bro housing is an option with blocked off hotel rooms

   The Delta Gamma FB instrest page: https://www.facebook.com/events/282355358582779/?context=create&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming# 

   UD’s twitter: @apoblockparty #apoblockparty



   tweet to the account

Happy Birthday this week to ..


   Mathias Klausing- Jan 26th

   Tiphanie Woods- Jan 28th

   Brianna Washington- Jan 29th

   Maryssa Beasley- Feb 1st

Heather Davidson
Secretary- Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity- Delta Gamma Chapter secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606 

--------------- http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=101225801473282373631.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&z=12 
^Map around campus
*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Interchapter:* interchapter.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Public Relations: * pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Relay for Life: * relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Faculty Pageant: ** facultypageant.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
< facultypageant.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
*Youth Service: * youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com 
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