<div>there are still quite a few of you�that haven't signed up yet!</div>
<div>-To the people who talked to me about being registered for more than one team,</div>
<div>I was told that it shouldn't be a problem and to just try to sign up again and if that</div>
<div>doesn't work, try using a different email address. If there are still issues, let me know!</div>
<div><a href="https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/TRR/RelayForLife/RFLFY10OH/422622734?pg=tfind&fr_id=23472">https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/TRR/RelayForLife/RFLFY10OH/422622734?pg=tfind&fr_id=23472</a><br>
�<br>Once you get to the website, do the following:<br>1. Enter your team name:� Alpha Phi Omega<br>2.Click 'Search for Team'<br>3.There should be one option in the search results, it will say Team name: Alpha Phi Omega and captain: Susan Breitenbach<br>
4. Click 'Join' all the way to the right.<br>5. Click 'Sign up now' and you can make a donation if you want to, but its not mandatory.<br>�<br>�<br>If you have not already registered, you will press 'new member,' and should be able to do the rest on your own.<br>
I recommend looking through this site, and making a personal page, just because this is the way a lot of you will be <br>raising money for our team!<br>�<br>If anyone has questions, let me know!</div>
<div>-Susan<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Relay-Phi-O!<br><br>Adjin Clevenger<br>(419)544-3752<br>Becky Voress<br>(419)733-9971<br>Susan Breitenbach<br>(440)669-4910<br></div>