Hey guys,<br><br>Unfortunately I have to cancel office hours for this week. If you need/want to meet up with me please contact me to reschedule. Something came up and I am unable to go. <br><br>Secondly the round table discussion will take place again this Wednesday at 8:30pm. The location is TBA. I will let you know in� a few hours. <br>
<br>Topics being discussed: <br><br>-Changing of families<br>- Rush requirements. <br><br>Please come if you have any issues/concerns with these topics. Based on what is discussed is how membership and rush will make their decisions. If you cannot attend but have something to say. You can email myself or ombudsman� and I can bring it up anonymously. <br>
<br>Remember these are very informal and are for you guys to come and voice your opinions about how we run our chapter!!!!<br><br>Have a great day!<br><br>-JP <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>In LFS,<br>Jonathan Zakrajsek <br>Alpha Phi Omega, Delta Gamma<br>