Hi!<br><br>Just some updates/reminders...<br><br>Care packages for the troops donations have been added to the website.� Sign up early so that we can get an idea of how many boxes we will be able to put together, and contact Rachel Levine to drop off your donations.� The donations end on May 22nd.<br>
<br>The Athletes in Action Triathlon is this Saturday, May 7th.� It is broken down into two shifts, 7AM - 930AM, and 930AM to 12PM.� All volunteers get a free t-shirt and food, and you must also sign up on the link provided on the aphio site.<br>
<br>WOUB Pledge Drive, Palmer Fest Safety Coalition, and Spring Spike have all been added to the website as well, yay for tons of service opps!<br><br>As of tonight, we have added everyone's hours from all of the sign-ins that we have received, remember this does not include any Relay related events or events from Youth Service.� The following are service events that we haven't received sign ins for, meaning that's why you don't have your hours.� If you know one has been made and just not turned in, give it to us as the next chapter, if you don't remember signing one while you were there, start one and give it to us at chapter!<br>
<br>MS Benefit Concert Volunteers 4/4<br>Calliope Child Care Watch 4/18<br>ATCO Crafts 4/19<br>Monday Lunch 4/25<br>Calliope Child Care Watch 4/25<br>ATCO Uno 4/26<br>ATCO Crafts 4/26<br><br>Thanks bros!� Have a fabulous week 6!� Oh and email us back with what movie the quote is from!<br>
<br><br><i>"Buzz, your girlfriend, WOOF."</i><br><br>LFS,<br>Sarah and Steph<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><b><div><b>Vice Presidents of Service</b></div>Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity</b><div><b><br></b></div>
<div>Sarah Csongei</div><div>440.665.1019</div><div><br></div><div>Stephanie Bricklebank</div><div>440.339.5767</div><div><br><a href="http://www.apoonline.org/deltagamma" target="_blank">www.apoonline.org/deltagamma</a><br>