Hola brochachos!<div>Here are the results of tonight's elections:</div><div><br></div><div>Matt Mensch: PASSED, still a member of J-Board</div><div>Ombudsmen: Dom Armelie</div><div>5K: Colleen Meder</div><div>Service Week: Tori Carras, Kristen Mason</div>
<div>PR: Mary Kate McHugh</div><div>Secretary: Carolyn Gardner</div><div>Historian: Jenn Branch</div><div>Inter-Chapter Relations: Jamie Roberts</div><div><br></div><div>Because nominees needed a 2/3 vote of confidence to be elected into the position, neither nominee won for the presidential spot, nor the female spot for ombudsmen. �A re-vote will be taken next week, and all nominees will have an opportunity to speak again. �</div>
<div><br></div><div>We still need someone to step up for the other 5K chair, as well as an Awards chair. �Please talk to the 5k girls (<a href="mailto:5k.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com">5k.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com</a>) or Kelsi (<a href="mailto:awards.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com">awards.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com</a>) if you have questions about these positions. �</div>
<div><br></div><div>If you have any comments or concerns with how tonight's elections were run, please feel free to contact us or the ombudsmen (<a href="mailto:ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com">ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma@gmail.com</a>). �Have a great Week 9!!!</div>
<div><div><br></div>-- <br>Alpha Phi Omega<br>Judiciary Board<br>Sergeant at Arms<div>---</div><div>JD Bales<br>(937)902-6499<br><br>Sarah Clouse<br>(724)504-7729<br><br>Kristen Mason<br>(614)257-9361<br></div><br>