[Counselor_Educ] FW: ACES Call for Research Grant Proposals

Tracy Leinbaugh leinbaug at ohio.edu
Thu May 13 11:33:28 EDT 2010
Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor 
Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
205 McCracken Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu 
Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over
oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over
advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity
over uniformity, and justice over all.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Counselor Education Supervision
[mailto: kleidavi at isu.edu 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 10:30 PM
To: leinbaug at ohio.edu 
Subject: ACES Call for Research Grant Proposals

ACES Research Grant Award Committee

Call for Proposals


** Grants will be awarded at the 2010 Regional ACES Conferences** 

Purpose:  The purpose for this call for proposals is to fund studies that
increase understanding of professional development in Counselor Education
and Supervision. 

Amount of Funding: The ACES Executive Council has allocated $10,000 to the
Research Grants Committee to support deserving ACES research. The maximum
grant given will not exceed $2000; individual grants typically will be in
the $750 to $1500 range, depending on research quality and documented need. 

Who May Apply: The competition is open to both professional and student
members of ACES. Because of their need and because of the limited funding
available for student research, student researchers are especially
encouraged to apply. Individuals may submit (or be part of a submission
team) for only one proposal. Multiple submissions by any researcher
(individually or as part of multiple research teams) will not be accepted.  

Proposal Format: Proposals must adhere to the following:

    * Typed in 12 point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins.
    * The Proposal document may be a maximum of four pages.

            -References may be added in addition to the 4 page limit.

            - Attachments submitted as part of the proposal beyond the 4
page limit will not be reviewed by the committee.

            -The Application Form, sent as a separate document, is not part
of this page count. 

    * Submitted documents must be in EITHER Microsoft Word or Rich Text
    * Submit one "blind" copy of the proposal*, and;
    * One copy of the proposal with author identification, AND;
    * The Application Form as three separate attachments to the Committee
Chair John Laux at John.laux at utoledo.edu 
on or before July 17, 2010.


Recommended Proposal Outline:



      Ethical considerations


      Plan for Dissemination



      Application Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria:  Research proposals will be evaluated by a panel of
reviewers using the following criteria:

   1.    Qualifications of the Researcher:

    * The researcher is a regular or student member of ACES, and the
researcher has submitted only one proposal for funding in this year=s grant

b.  Quality of the Proposed Research:

    * Proposed topic is within the scope of Counselor Education and
Supervision (20 points possible)
    * Relevance of research to Counselor Education & Supervision as
evidenced by the literature review (25 pts. possible)
    * Research Methodology (i.e. the methodology proposed follows accepted
practice for research of that kind) (25 pts possible)
    * Applicable ethical standards for research with human subjects (15 pts.

c.  Financial Need:

    * Clear, itemized, and research-focused budget (10 pts. possible):  The
budget for the research project seems sound given the nature and scope of
the proposed project (only the expenses budgeted for the actual conducting
of the study will be considered; travel or presentation expenses will not be
considered), and the project is not substantially supported by any other
funding source (budget statements must include a statement of other funds
being used to support the project).
    * Funds may not be used for time compensation, including GA work, unless
you provide the "employee" with a 1099 Form submitted to the IRS, so that
they are taxed appropriately. The budget may include payment for time if the
recipient (e.g., transcription company, statistical consultant) accounts for
the self-employment or business income and provides a receipt. Receipts must
be maintained by the Primary Researcher and made available should ACES
request the records.

      d. Plan for Dissemination:  A clear, feasible, and appropriate plan
for dissemination of research findings (5 pts. possible).  As a condition of
the acceptance of the grant award, the researcher is required to complete
one of the following by October 30th of the year subsequent to receiving
your award:

    * Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as a
poster session at the ACA World Conference or ACES National Conference;
    * Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as an
education session at the ACA World Conference or ACES National Conference;
    * Provide to the Research Grant Committee Chair a copy of the manuscript
of the research results that has been submitted to a refereed journal for
publication consideration. 

   5. Acknowledgment of Support@ Agreement: The researcher will include an
acknowledgment of ACES financial support of the project in all reports,
presentations, or publications related to the supported project. 
      Deadline Reminder 

Deadline for Submission:  The deadline for submission is July 17th, 2010.
Your email attachments must include: 

    * One "blind"  copy of the proposal**


    * One copy of the proposal with author identification,


    * One application form


    * The Application Form as three separate attachments to the Committee
Chair John Laux at John.Laux at utoledo.edu 
on or before July 17, 2010. in


Grants will be awarded at the 2010 Regional ACES Conferences. 

Requests for further information should be directed to:

      John Laux, Associate Professor

      Chair, ACES Research Grants Committee

      The University of Toledo

      Address: MS 119, Department of School Psychology, Undergraduate Legal
Specialties, and Counselor Education, The University of Toledo, 2801 W.
Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606

      Email: John.Laux at utoledo.edu 
Requests for information may be made via hard copy postal mail or E-mail. 

Proposals must be submitted as an email attachment as described above.
Neither faxed nor mailed "hard" copies of proposals will be considered. 

**NOTE: A "blind" copy contains not only no name, but no identifying
information about the author(s) or their location in the title pages, page
headers, or text of the proposal. Proposals containing any identifying
information or submissions that do not include one "blind" copy will be





Principal Researcher Name:


City:     State    Zip 

Work Phone:     Home Phone :  

E-mail Address:


[Include here the name(s), title(s), and institution(s) of any additional

Title of Research

Qualifications of principal researcher:

I am a member of ACES       No (  )  Yes (  )

If "Yes," what category      Student      (  )       Regular ( )

This proposal is my only submission for this grant    No (  )  Yes (  )

Financial need:

Is this project fully or substantially supported by another funding source?
No (  )  Yes (  )

If "Yes," what source(s)         _____

If "Yes" what amount is being funded by another source?

I am willing to include an acknowledgment of ACES financial support of

the project in all reports, presentations, or publications related to the

project.          No (  )  Yes (  )

Plan for Dissemination, Acknowledgment of Support@ Agreement:  I am willing
to complete one of the following by October 30th of the year subsequent to
receiving the grant award:

1) Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as a

      poster session at the ACA World Conference    No (  )  Yes (  )

2)  Provide a copy of the proposal to present the research results as an

      education session at the ACA World Conference, or   No (  )  Yes (  )

3)  Provide to the Research Grant Committee Chair a copy of the

      manuscript of the research results that has been submitted to a

      refereed journal for publication consideration.    No (  )  Yes (  )

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