[Counselor_Educ] FW: AAPA 2011 Call for Proposal

Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 16 13:13:59 EST 2011
Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
205 McCracken Hall
Athens, OH 45701

Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu 
<mailto: leinbaug at ohio.edu 

Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.

From: CESNET-L is a unmoderated listserv concerning counselor ed. & supervision [mailto: CESNET-L at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU 
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:01 PM
Subject: AAPA 2011 Call for Proposal

Dear all,

Below is the Call for Proposal for the 2011 AAPA Convention in Washington, DC.  More information can be found athttps://aapaonline.org/conventionmain/cfpconv 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself yuying.tsong at pepperdine.edu 
<mailto: yuying.tsong at pepperdine.edu 
> or the Program Co-Chair, Ivy Ho, Ivy_ho at uml.edu 
<mailto: Ivy_ho at uml.edu 


Submission Deadline: March 30, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. PST

"Expanding Our Horizons: Giving Voice to Underrepresented AAPIs"

August 3, 2011
George Washington University  Washington, DC

The Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) invites submissions of proposals for the AAPA 2011 Annual Convention to be held in Washington, DC.

The convention theme this year is Expanding Our Horizons: Giving voice to underrepresented AAPIs.

Underrepresented Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) constitute a minority group in the United States in terms of number and power. AAPI are often marginalized and underrepresented, both within AAPI communities and American society as a whole.  We seek proposals that address the issues, problems, and experiences as well as the accomplishments, strengths, and advocacy efforts of AAPI who may be underrepresented in our own communities as well as within the U.S.

Proposals may address, but are not limited to, the following topics within AAPI psychology:

*       Identity issues - immigrants, international students, adoptees, multiracial/multiethnic, religious affiliation, sexual identity.
*       APIs in homogenous communities engaging in research, scholarship, teaching, practice, advocacy
*       Experiences related to oppression, discrimination, or microaggression
*       Concerns related to physical health or mental health, such as physical disabilities, sexuality
*       Personal or institutional barriers such as access, language, etc.
*       Critical issues of advocacy, social justice, and activism.
*       Issues related to multicultural competency (e.g. being aware of our own biases as    clinicians' and    aware of others' cultures and traditions) in working with underrepresented APIs.
*       Intersections of identities
*       Career selection/choices - especially given the theme - use of psychology across various career domains, etc.

Who May Submit

AAPA members at all levels of training (professional, graduate level, and undergraduate level), including non-psychologists interested in psychological issues affecting AAPIs are encouraged to submit proposals. Undergraduate proposals are encouraged. Non-AAPA members at all levels may also submit proposals. We particularly encourage submissions from those interested in AAPI psychology who have not previously participated in AAPA conventions.

To underscore the convention's theme on interdisciplinary collaborations, we also encourage submissions from non-psychologists, including members of related mental health professions (e.g. nursing, social work, education) as well as members of other professions and fields that are not primarily psychological in nature (i.e., sociologists, anthropologists, journalists, clergy, artists, writers).  Because strengthening diverse families and communities are of particular importance for psychologists of color, we strongly encourage submissions from members of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi), Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP), or the National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA).

*        Deadline for all submissions is March 30, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. PST
*        Submit presentations at: http://www.aapaonline.org/conventions/conventions.shtml 
*        All presenters are required to officially register for the convention

Types of Submissions

Interactive Sessions (60 minutes) provide an environment for focused discussions and interactions. In a typical session, facilitators introduce the topic and set up a context for subsequent discussions and interactions among participants. Please contact Miki Lasher at mikaru.lasher at yahoo.com 
<mailto: mikaru.lasher at yahoo.com 
> with any questions about submitting interactive session proposals.

Symposia (60 minutes) provide forums for multiple presentations and discussions around a common theme. A typical symposium will include 3 or 4 presentations. An invited expert discussant may provide feedback. Please contact Miki Lasher at mikaru.lasher at yahoo.com 
<mailto: mikaru.lasher at yahoo.com 
> with any questions about submitting symposia proposals.

You may indicate on the proposal if you would like to have your interactive session or symposia proposal considered for a poster presentation in the event that it is not selected for an interactive session or a symposium presentation. Do not submit a separate poster proposal for a session that you would also like to be considered as a poster. Instead, clearly indicate on the cover sheet under "A: Type of Program" that you would like your session proposal to also be considered for a poster presentation.

No individual paper proposals for oral presentations are accepted.  Single research papers should be submitted as posters.

Poster Sessions (60 minutes) provide a forum for conceptual and/or empirical reports to be presented in the form of a poster. In a poster session, multiple posters are displayed to disseminate information and elicit interactions with participants. Please contact Yung-Chi Chen: psy.yungchichen at gmail.com 
<mailto: psy.yungchichen at gmail.com 
> with any questions about submitting poster proposals.
AAPA Conference-Related Awards and Application Process

Student Travel Awards
AAPA offers some travel awards for student presenters. AAPA student presenters who have been a member anytime in the last three years are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to the first authors, students who have not received the award before, and students traveling longer distances to the convention. Following the acceptance of your proposal, students should send application materials to the AAPA Awards Chair: Christine Iijima Hall: christine at haapijobs. 
Please see the AAPA website for further information:www.aapaonline.org/membership/awards.htm< http://www.aapaonline.org/membership/awards.htm 

Division on Women (DoW) Awards
The DoW offers two awards:
(1)         The Division on Women Award is given to a presenter of a session related to psychological issues of AAPI women to celebrate and highlight work on AAPI women's issues. Following the acceptance of your proposal, applicants interested in the DoW Award should send application materials to the DoW co-chairs: Agnes Kwong: akwong at interconnectionscc.com 
<mailto: akwong at interconnectionscc.com 
>. For more information see AAPA website:www.aapaonline.org< http://www.aapaonline.org/ 
(2)         The Alice F. Chang Student Scholar Award is given to the best poster presentation related to the mental health of Asian and Pacific Islander women. All accepted and presented posters submitted by students as the first author are considered for this award. The best poster will be judged and awarded at the convention.

Additional Information

Number of Accepted Proposals Allowed

 *   There is no limit to the number of submitted proposals per individual.
 *   However, individuals can only be the first author of one proposal.
 *   In the event that multiple first author submissions are received, the committee will review only the first proposal received.
 *   Exempted from this rule are presenters who are invited speakers and discussants in symposia.

Audiovisual Equipment

 *   Following the acceptance of your proposal, presenters will be asked to indicate their needs for audiovisual equipment. AAPA will provide LCD projectors for power point presentations.
 *   Presenters should bring their own laptops (and those with Mac laptops should bring the appropriate adaptor to connect to the LCD projector).

Guidelines for Proposals

 *   The deadline for all proposal submissions is March 30, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. PST.
 *   All online proposals should include:
*  Contact information for the presenters
*  Abstract (50 to 100 words) with no author names, and
*  Program Summary (500 to 700 words) with no author names.

 *   For submissions to interactive sessions and symposia, submit only one program summary that integrates the multiple presentations within the proposed session and that also clearly indicates the titles and contents of each presentation within the interactive session or symposium.
 *   Proposals will be sent for anonymous reviews. As such, the Abstract and Program Summary should notinclude identifying information of the author(s) and/or presenter(s).
 *   Submitters will be notified by email upon receipt of their proposal.
 *   Submission outcomes will be sent by email by the end of April 2011.

Yuying Tsong, Ph.D.
Clinical Faculty/Research Methodologist
Interim GPS IRB Chair

Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education and Psychology
6100 Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045
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