[Counselor_Educ] Fwd: Scholarship Opportunity!

Dr. Mona Robinson mrobi28105 at aol.com
Wed May 4 14:04:08 EDT 2011
Mona Robinson, PhD, PCC-S, LSW, CRC 
Associate Professor, Counselor Education
Rehabilitation and Lancaster Program Coordinator
Ohio University 
Gladys W. & David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services 
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
321B McCracken Hall 
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-4461 phone (740) 593-0477 fax robinsoh at ohio.edu 
President, National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Calka < JCALKA at MAIL.NYSED.GOV 
To: kundusubr < kundusubr at aol.com 
>; lpearson < lpearson at assumption.edu 
>; sharondavis < sharondavis at astate.edu 
>; martiev < martiev at auburn.edu 
>; twright < twright at bcs.usf.edu 
>; gawilli < gawilli at bgsu.edu 
>; jhkim < jhkim at bsu.edu 
>; kingvoc < kingvoc at bu.edu 
>; dfb < dfb at buffalo.edu 
>; mbrodwi < mbrodwi at calstatela.edu 
>; RosenbergJ < RosenbergJ at ccsu.edu 
>; cpalmer < cpalmer at colled.msstate.edu 
>; jspry < jspry at coppin.edu 
>; sdenys < sdenys at cpcredentialing.com 
>; charlesa < charlesa at csufresno.edu 
>; deanerg < deanerg at csus.edu 
>; jturpin < jturpin at csusb.edu 
>; Robert.stensrud < Robert.stensrud at drake.edu 
>; lmassey < lmassey at ecok.edu 
>; stebnickim < stebnickim at ecu.edu 
>; spackard < spackard at edinboro.edu 
>; lwilson < lwilson at email.pucpr.edu 
>; jcostell < jcostell at emporia.edu 
>; mkuehn < mkuehn at emporia.edu 
>; mfrain < mfrain at fau.edu 
>; dbener < dbener at fsu.edu 
>; edwardsd < edwardsd at fvsu.edu 
>; rweed < rweed at gsu.edu 
>; hergenkc < hergenkc at gwu.edu 
>; bcartwri < bcartwri at hawaii.edu 
>; Jamie.s.mitus < Jamie.s.mitus at hofstra.edu 
>; awo < awo at hunter.cuny.edu 
>; lane < lane at iit.edu 
>; dion.porter < dion.porter at jsums.edu 
>; prumrill < prumrill at kent.edu 
>; jdolan < jdolan at lsuhsc.edu 
>; clmoore < clmoore at lunet.edu 
>; nhampton < nhampton at mail.sdsu.edu 
>; r.parker < r.parker at mail.utexas.edu 
>; Wallace.gitchel < Wallace.gitchel at mail.wvu.edu 
>; mkiener < mkiener at maryville.edu 
>; cbernacc < cbernacc at med.unc.edu 
>; szanskas < szanskas at memphis.edu 
>; gerald.schneck < gerald.schneck at mnsu.edu 
>; jkosciul < jkosciul at msu.edu 
>; tblackwell < tblackwell at msubillings.edu 
>; tnwhitta < tnwhitta at ncat.edu 
>; c-johnston < c-johnston at neiu.edu 
>; dmmain < dmmain at nmhu.edu 
>; robinsoh < robinsoh at ohio.edu 
>; livnehh < livnehh at pdx.edu 
>; mmccue < mmccue at pitt.edu 
>; elbarios < elbarios at prtc.net 
>; exm31 < exm31 at psu.edu 
>; dimity.peter < dimity.peter at salve.edu 
>; csligh-dewalt < csligh-dewalt at scsu.edu 
>; alan.davis < alan.davis at sdstate.edu 
>; rchoate < rchoate at sfasu.edu 
>; lzwill < lzwill at sfsu..edu 
>; crimando < crimando at siu.edu 
>; Gerald.casenave < Gerald.casenave at southwestern.edu 
>; maccordi < maccordi at spfldcol.edu 
>; bkuhlman < bkuhlman at stcloudstate.edu 
>; jpatrick < jpatrick at thomasu.edu 
>; mtempleton < mtempleton at troy.edu 
>; evans.spears < evans.spears at ttuhsc.edu 
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>; btwilli < btwilli at uark.edu 
>; erios < erios at ucb.edu.pr 
>; jfischer < jfischer at uidaho.edu 
>; john-s-wadsworth < john-s-wadsworth at uiowa.edu 
>; strauser < strauser at uiuc.edu 
>; crystal < crystal at uky.edu 
>; ef24 < ef24 at umail.umd.edu 
>; molly.tschopp < molly.tschopp at umb.edu 
>; ourslejd < ourslejd at umdnj.edu 
>; llharris < llharris at umes.edu 
>; joe.ososkie < joe.ososkie at unco.edu 
>; Denise.catalano < Denise.catalano at unt.edu 
>; bruchl1 < bruchl1 at uofs.edu 
>; core < core at uprrp.edu 
>; linda.leech < linda.leech at uscmed.sc.edu 
>; smurphy < smurphy at usm.maine.edu 
>; Jared.schultz < Jared.schultz at usu.edu 
>; pdunn4 < pdunn4 at utk.edu 
>; evamiller < evamiller at utpa.edu 
>; hamiltonmi < hamiltonmi at uwstout.edu 
>; rehabcnsling < rehabcnsling at vcu.edu 
>; gparris < gparris at wayne.edu 
>; nlberven < nlberven at wisc.edu 
>; Jennipher.wiebold < Jennipher.wiebold at wmich.edu 
>; kellerl < kellerl at wou.edu 
>; joseph.keferl < joseph.keferl at wright.edu 
>; edwardsyo < edwardsyo at wssu.edu 
>; Elizabeth.boland < Elizabeth.boland at wwu.edu 
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 1:14 pm
Subject: Scholarship Opportunity!

Attached is a flyer announcing that applications  for the Marge A. Tierney Scholarship are being accepted until June 1, 2011.  This scholarship awards up to $1,000 to eligible students enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling.  Please share this announcement with your students.  Thank you.
Karen LaJoie
Associate Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
ACCES-VR Recruitment, Training & Staff Development
99 Washington Ave. #1603
Albany, NY 12234
518-474-5190 fax klajoie at mail.nysed.gov 
Joseph A. Calka
Recruitment, Training & Staff Development
OCP Room 1605
Albany, NY 12234 
(v) (518) 474-7981  
(f) (518) 474-5190 jcalka at mail.nysed.gov 
"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

Joseph A. Calka
Recruitment, Training & Staff Development
OCP Room 1605
Albany, NY 12234 
(v) (518) 474-7981  
(f) (518) 474-5190 jcalka at mail.nysed.gov 
"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

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