[Counselor_Educ] FW: JMHC Special Issue: Call for Papers

Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Mon Jun 4 13:02:27 EDT 2012
Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
205 McCracken Hall
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu 
Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.  

-----Original Message-----
From: CESNET-L is a unmoderated listserv concerning counselor ed. & supervision [mailto: CESNET-L at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU 
] On Behalf Of Hooper, Lisa
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 2:08 PM
Subject: JMHC Special Issue: Call for Papers


Journal of Mental Health Counseling
Special Issue on Mental Health in Primary Care

The Journal of Mental Health Counseling, the official journal of the American Mental Health Counseling Association, invites submissions for a special issue focusing on Mental Health in Primary Care. Primary Health Care settings and primary care physicians have relevance for mental health counseling services and clinical mental health counselors. In particular, primary care physicians are often the sole provider of mental health services in rural communities and for underserved, low-resourced, racial minority patients/clients. However, primary care physicians often report a lack of confidence and competence in working with patients/clients who present with mental health issues. Therefore clinical mental health counselors and other mental health care providers are in the ideal position to co-locate services in primary care settings. This notion has relevance for clinical mental health counselors and most importantly the patients/clients with whom they work.


It is the intent of this special issue to publish articles relevant to conducting research in and best practices for working within primary care settings and with primary care physicians. These articles will be of interest to clinical mental health counselors, clinical psychologists, mental health researchers, and other mental health care providers and researchers who work across a diversity of fields, including schools, mental health care settings, family agencies, colleges, and universities. This special issue welcomes article submissions that address primary care specific perspectives on the impact of mental health services, quality of care, consultation and collaboration, co-locating mental health services in primary care settings, and culturally-tailored mental health care in primary care settings.


We are soliciting practice-based, theoretical and empirical articles, including single case studies, qualitative studies, and quantitative research. We are most interested in pieces that describe best practices (research and patient/client care) when joining with and working in primary care settings. Interested researchers, scholars, and practitioners are invited to send proposals of original manuscripts.


The following information should be included in the proposal (i.e., brief write-up of intent to submit a full manuscript):

1.       Title

2.       Type of Manuscript: Empirical, Conceptual, Systematic Review

3.       Abstract: one- to two-page summary of the proposed manuscript.

4.       Implications: one-page summary that describes specifically how the author(s) will (a) contribute to the professional clinical mental health counseling knowledge base, (b) address how this article relates to one or more of the identified goals for the special issue, and (c) address implications for research and practice for clinical mental health counselors and other mental health care providers.

5.       Brief description of authors' expertise related to the topic (e.g., clinical experience, publications, or presentations)

Lisa M. Hooper, guest editor, will initially review proposals (i.e., brief write-up described above) to determine the fit for this special issue. If the proposal is accepted, authors must follow the Guidelines for Authors of the Journal of Mental Health Counseling (JMHC). Completed manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the JMHC editorial board, and the guest editor of JMHC will determine final acceptance of manuscripts.

Please submit your proposal (prepared in Microsoft Word) electronically to Lisa Hooper ( lhooper at bamaed.ua.edu 
<mailto: lhooper at bamaed.ua.edu 
>) by June 30, 2012. Please direct questions regarding the preparation of proposals to Lisa Hooper.


Proposals (i.e., brief write-up described above) are due JUNE 30, 2012

Full manuscripts (not to exceed 25 pages) are due JANUARY 31, 2013

Lisa M. Hooper, Ph.D.
Paul W. Bryant Professor
Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, & Counseling The University of Alabama
315 B Graves Hall
Box 870231
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487

Lab: http://hooperresearchlab.ua.edu<http://hooperresearchlab.ua.edu/ 
E-mail: lhooper at bamaed.ua.edu 
Telephone: (205) 348-5611
Fax: (205) 348-7584

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