[Counselor_Educ] FW: Attn: Mental Heal Professionals and Professionals-in-Training

Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Fri Mar 29 10:40:42 EDT 2013
Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
370 McCracken Hall
Athens, OH 45701

Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu 
<mailto: leinbaug at ohio.edu 

Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.

From: CESNET-L is a unmoderated listserv concerning counselor ed. & supervision [mailto: CESNET-L at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU 
] On Behalf Of Katie Heiden Rootes
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 9:52 AM
Subject: Attn: Mental Heal Professionals and Professionals-in-Training

Saint Louis University doctoral students Geoffrey T. Reddick, M.S., and Katie M. Heiden Rootes, M.A., and professor Andrew S. Brimhall, Ph.D., are searching for participants to take part in a research study entitled "Management of Beliefs & Values of Mental Health Professionals" (IRB #22809). We would be grateful if you would forward this e-mail on to those who might be interested. The objective of this research is to examine if an individual who is involved in the field of mental health has opinions and beliefs that are different from individuals who are not involved in the mental health field. Participation in this study will involve the completion of one Internet survey which will take approximately 25 to 45 minutes to complete. In order to participate, individuals must be at least 18 years old, and be in one of three groups: 1) Licensed Mental Health Professional, 2) Therapist in-training (provisional license or in graduate school), or 3) Non-Mental Health Professional.

To start the survey, participants may click on this link: https://slu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_d0w51nz468H9bF3 
We are very interested in getting a very diverse sample both within the mental health field as well as among the general population.
As a result we would really appreciate your help in spreading the word.
People are the most likely to participate if they are specifically invited by somebody they know. You are receiving this email because we would like you to participate. We would also like to ask you to invite people you know by posting this link to your Facebook page or sending this email to at least 5 people in your contact list.  We want to make sure everybody's voice is heard and don't want this study to be limited to a few select voices. Therefore please let your friends and associates know about this opportunity.
Thank you,

Geoffrey T. Reddick, MS
Katie M. Heiden Rootes, MA, LMFT, LPC
Andrew Brimhall, PhD, LMFT
Saint Louis University

Katie M. Heiden Rootes, MA, LMFT, LPC
Doctoral Student
Center for Counseling and Family Therapy
Saint Louis University
(ph) 763.443.4289 krootes at slu.edu 
<mailto: krootes at slu.edu 
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