[Counselor_Educ] Fwd: Call for student involvement in an ARCA sponsored program

Robinson, Mona robinsoh at ohio.edu
Wed Sep 7 20:21:18 EDT 2016
Mona Robinson, PhD, LPCC-S, LSW, CRC
Professor and Chair
Counseling and Higher Edcucation
Ohio University
Patton College of Education
79 S. Court Street
N252 Lindley Hall
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-4461 Phone
(740) 593-0477 Fax robinsoh at ohio.edu 
<mailto: robinsoh at ohio.edu 
www.ohio.edu< http://www.ohio.edu 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Richardson, Taryn V" < taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 
<mailto: taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 
Date: September 7, 2016 at 8:12:14 PM EDT
To: "Richardson, Taryn V" < taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 
<mailto: taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 
Subject: Call for student involvement in an ARCA sponsored program


Hope all is well. I am contacting you once more to share information about an ARCA sponsored program. One of ARCA's goals is to assist in the professional development of rehabilitation counselors. As advocacy work is an essential component of one's professional identity, the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA) is very interested in engaging students and contributing to their development as rehabilitation counselors. Accordingly, we have developed a program that we call Understanding Rehabilitation Counseling as a way of encouraging students to learn more about their chosen profession by becoming involved in their local community through a rehabilitation or disability-related project. Therefore, this program is a great opportunity for students to do the following: 1) apply what they have learned, 2) learn more about current issues/needs first-hand, 3) develop new skills though collaborative community service, 4) share their advocacy experience with the rehabilitation counseling community through an ARCA event at the 2017 ACA conference (some of your conference expenses will be reimbursed), receive a certificate award, and a feature in ARCA's Spring newsletter.

*Selected RCT programs will receive a reimbursement to cover up to $800 of the conference expenses for their student representative(s) to attend the ACA conference in San Francisco, March 16-19, 2017. For more information please see attachment.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this awesome opportunity with your students. Thanks in advance!


Taryn Richardson M.A., CRC
Doctoral Student
ARCA Student Task Force Representative

The University of Iowa
Rehabilitation and Counselor Education taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 
<mailto: taryn-richardson at uiowa.edu 

Leaders. Scholars. Innovators

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