[Counselor_Educ] FW: Dissertation Research Participation Request

Erby, Adrienne erby at ohio.edu
Mon Jan 22 11:05:32 EST 2018
Please see below dissertation participation request

Adrienne N. Erby, PhD, LPC, NCC
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University
McCracken Hall 432V erby at ohio.edu 
<mailto: erby at ohio.edu 

From: Anne Conroy < noreply at qualtrics-research.com 
> on behalf of Anne Conroy < noreply at qualtrics-research.com 
Reply-To: Anne Conroy < azv0012 at auburn.edu 
Date: Monday, January 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM
To: "Erby, Adrienne" < erby at ohio.edu 
Subject: Dissertation Research Participation Request


My name is Anne Conroy, and I am a doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology program housed in the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and Counseling at Auburn University.  I am seeking participants to assist me in the completion of dissertation study, and I am asking you to forward the invitation email below to your students.  I understand that you receive numerous requests soliciting your students to participate in research studies, and I greatly appreciate your time and assistance.

Anne Conroy

Invitation to Participate:


My name is Anne Conroy, and I am a doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology program housed in the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and Counseling at Auburn University. I would like to invite you to participate in my dissertation study examining elements in the relationship between client and therapist.

You may participate if you are at least 19 years of age, are enrolled in a master’s program in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, clinical mental health, or community counseling OR are enrolled in a counselor education doctoral program, and have completed at least one semester of practicum seeing clients for therapy.

Your participation is voluntary, and you are free to discontinue your participation at any time without penalty. If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to read a vignette between a hypothetical therapist and a hypothetical client. You will then be asked to answer a variety of questions regarding your perceptions of the vignette. You will also be asked to complete a demographic questionnaire.  The entire study should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you acknowledge your informed consent to utilize your responses for this study.

Risks and Benefits:
There are no anticipated risks in completing this study. Potential benefits include time for self-reflection about interactions with clients that you may have experienced (or may experience in the future) that are similar to the interactions outlined in the vignette. All data obtained in connection with this study will remain anonymous and IP addresses will not be linked to responses. You will not be asked to provide your name or other potentially identifying information.

To thank you for participating, you can choose to enroll in a drawing at the end of the study where you could win one of five $25 Amazon gift cards. After completing the study, you will be given the option of clicking a link that will direct you to a separate page where you can enter your email address.  Redirecting you to a separate, optional page is a safeguard to ensure that your email address is not connected to your survey responses.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey< https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Ru4MWMugeZcpz7?Q_DL=2tvOxvP9TUsY5Pn_6Ru4MWMugeZcpz7_MLRP_cv9322usEHlaaR7&Q_CHL=email 

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Ru4MWMugeZcpz7?Q_DL=2tvOxvP9TUsY5Pn_6Ru4MWMugeZcpz7_MLRP_cv9322usEHlaaR7&Q_CHL=email 
If you have any questions, please contact me at azv0012 at auburn.edu. 
You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Randolph Pipes, at pipesrb at auburn.edu. 
If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Auburn University Office of Research Compliance or the Institutional Review Board by phone (334) 844-5966 or e-mail at IRBadmin at auburn.edu 
or IRBChair at auburn.edu. 
Thank you for your time and consideration,

Anne Conroy, M.Ed.
Doctoral Candidate
Auburn University

Follow the link to opt out of future emails:
Click here to unsubscribe< https://auburn.qualtrics.com/CP/Register.php?OptOut=true&RID=MLRP_cv9322usEHlaaR7&LID=UR_aeH02dMvBSiUegt&BT=YXVidXJu%250D%250A&_=1 

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