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The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC�), in conjunction with Prometric, has developed and released its new CRC Interactive Practice Test. Designed to assist students and candidates as they prepare to take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) Exam, the CRC Interactive Practice Test: Is taken online at one�s convenience; Contains 50 items representative of content on a live CRC exam; Allows a 48-hour window to take and retake the test; Provides correct answers, rationale, and related references for each of the 50 items; May be taken in 2 different modes � Test Mode and Study Mode � both within the 48-hour window; and May be purchased for $39.99 at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ibt.prometric.com/CRCC" www.ibt.prometric.com/CRCC. The CRC Interactive Practice Test consists of 50 items retired from previous live CRC exams - specifically selected to be reasonably representative of the content and statistical properties of a live CRC exam. Practice test items span all 12 domains or content areas covered in the live CRC exam as well as the 2 scoring sections of counseling and rehabilitation/disability. To maximize the learning experience, the CRC Interactive Practice Test may be taken in 2 modes. Test Mode most closely simulates a live test environment where respondents move from one question directly to the next with final scoring presented upon test completion. Study Mode offers a wealth of information automatically following each question, including the correct answer, rationale, and a corresponding list of references for further study. Students are encouraged to take the CRC Interactive Practice Test in both modes during their 48-hour window. For more information on the CRC Interactive Practice Test, please direct students to the CRCC web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.crccertification.com/pages/crc_exam_preparation/72.php" www.crccertification.com/pages/crc_exam_preparation/72.php. To purchase the CRC Interactive Practice Test, and begin the 48-hour test window, please direct students to  HYPERLINK "http://www.ibt.prometric.com/CRCC" www.ibt.prometric.com/CRCC. �CRCC is dedicated and committed to advancing the field of rehabilitation counseling by encouraging and promoting certification, and the CRC credential, among our educator and student communities. As such, we are excited to introduce this new, leading-edge technology designed specifically to help students as they prepare to take the CRC exam. We thank all educators, in advance, for their support and we wish all students much success both on their CRC exam and in their careers as rehabilitation counselors!� Cindy A. Chapman, Executive Director Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification +,abnop��������³������jTj<.jh>�UmHnHu/h�6�h>�5�B* CJ OJQJ\�^JaJ ph�3+h�y{h�y{5�6�B* CJOJQJaJph�+h�0�h�0�5�6�B* CJ OJQJaJ ph�h�6�hOS�B*CJaJphh�6�h��B*CJaJph)h�6�hOS�B*CJOJQJ^JaJphh�6�hOS�B*CJaJphh�6�h�6�B*CJaJphh�y{h�0�B*CJaJphhOS�B*CJaJph&jhOS�h�6�B*CJUaJph,bop������ � 2 3 Y � � $ � � � ����������������������� & F1$gd�0�1$gd�0�gd_�$a$gdjO$a$gd�0� $@&a$gd�0�gdOS������ � � � � � � � � VW����12LMP��Sxy��������ѵ����������홏�����|h�0�hOS�CJaJh�0�CJaJh�y{OJQJ^Jh�0�h�0�OJQJ^Jjh�0�h�0�CJUaJh�0�h�0�0JCJaJh�0�h�0�B* CJaJph�&jh�0�h�0�B* CJUaJph�h�y{CJaJh�0�h�0�CJaJh>�CJaJ"� m n ����OPRSy���������������gd�0�gd�0�1$gd�0� G 00PP&P1�F:p�0���/ ��=!�`"�`#� $� %�����0 ��n�%-�-��_P"/���F��PNG  IHDR��R�P��PLTEz�������ئ֬LNMn͒�Ԣj9��Ƨ�����'*��庸�����Dgrin�rv>����ݲ�J�������ۺ������2�gSeV�V�������N8������I'���]4T+W��������Y�x'kN�N�Q]q_UƁ�������S���ٯ&�_�׭�H7[H��˪Ź�X���3�f�����ѝˤ���1I=�Ө*�X�̾C�ׯ�������P������������ZC���������������!]@�������������Q��ܰ��=ya? �L������{�����;(������@�r#�_xyx�L���I1��Ϯ���G����޴������������������[]]?A@���������������U-��tRNS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8KgbKGD�H cmPPJCmp0712Hs�"�IDATx^흇[���Q� � "� b!���ŋ%b~�b��� *��%ј����]��e��y� ��3��9gf6���p���쿟����������=���A�s�g�?K�?��j����{V�g��8��o*jp8L���"W}������ �^�jj0٧���B!�ٔ����M� =�T��&�S�U�s����S�? |w�I8��v�ޮ�C(Hw”��i�>��"�t{H �t�."��րd����0�W� �蒟N�� ��r*�A}D�[�v]�.�[�ဤ�� Zy�DTru?���G�P0�����;�H�H �y���;�����{0h�l�z�DŽ�ue��:�7@w���H�)w�j�t:k��jA ��.C�s 9z���� ~ µC�=�t��k�"d����,:�=���:{� �7<��{4�.�¡�N���vK�c�
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