[CPN] Proposed changes in PhyloCode Article 11.9

George Sangster g.sangster at planet.nl
Fri Dec 21 17:59:10 EST 2018
Hi Phil,

Same here: OK by me.

George Sangster

Op 21-12-2018 om 22:58 schreef Richard G. Olmstead:
> Phil, 
> Reads okay to me. 
> Dick 
>> On Dec 21, 2018, at 12:22 PM, Cantino, Philip < cantino at ohio.edu 
>> <mailto: cantino at ohio.edu 
>> wrote: 
>> Dear CPN members, 
>> The attached second draft of the proposed changes in Art. 11.9 
>> incorporates the ideas expressed by Michel and others in our 
>> discussion this past week.  He, Nico and Kevin have already seen this 
>> draft and are comfortable with it.  In the absence of any other 
>> concerns having been raised by CPN members, Kevin and I will consider 
>> this change to be accepted by the CPN.  However, if you think a 
>> formal vote is needed, please let me know. 
>> I wish the best to everyone for the holidays! 
>> Phil 
>>> On Dec 18, 2018, at 8:54 PM, Max Langer < mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> <mailto: mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>> wrote: 
>>>   Hi all, 
>>>   I agree with Michel that sometimes it may be pointless to include 
>>> a image that is already broadly known, which will mostly be the case 
>>> of published images. 
>>>   So, my take on this is that we may allow referring to a existing 
>>> image, instead of providing an image, but only when this image is a 
>>> published one. 
>>>   The rest of the modifications is fine for me. 
>>>   max 
>>> Em ter, 18 de dez de 2018 às 15:11, Adl, Sina < sina.adl at usask.ca 
>>> <mailto: sina.adl at usask.ca 
>> escreveu: 
>>> Thank you Phil, 
>>> I think this type of question, and others we have not thought 
>>> of, and others we have not discussed, will continue to arise 
>>> from members and users. 
>>> It is probably a good time to start thinking about how to handle 
>>> queries and revisions after publication. A task for the 
>>> executive to forward proposals about committees to handle issues 
>>> after publication, for the next decades. We have a few very 
>>> different models in existing Codes. I don't think, having worked 
>>> closely with some of them, that any of them are effective for 
>>> the 21st century -- they were not effective at handling change 
>>> at the  end of the 20th. Sina 
>>>     Sina Adl     Professor 
>>>     Department of Soil Sciences 
>>>     College of Agriculture and Bioresources 
>>>     University of Saskatchewan 
>>>     (306) 966-6866 
>>> agbio.usask.ca < http://agbio.usask.ca/ 
>>> Editor-in-Chief, Rhizosphere 
>>>  http://www.journals.elsevier.com/rhizosphere/ 
>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>> From: CPN < cpn-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>> <mailto: cpn-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu 
>> On Behalf Of Cantino, Philip 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 10:31 
>>> To: Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature 
>>> < cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>> Cc: Max Langer < mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> <mailto: mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> Subject: Re: [CPN] Proposed changes in PhyloCode Article 11.9 
>>> Dear Colleagues, 
>>> I think the discussion may be getting overly broad.  Images are 
>>> not required in connection with the vast majority of 
>>> phylogenetic definitions.  The article we are considering 
>>> concerns a narrow situation—the use of specimens that are not 
>>> types as specifiers.  For the most part, this situation will 
>>> only arise when one is defining the names of clades within a 
>>> species or a small complex of species (see Art. 11.7).  
>>> Currently, Art. 11.9 requires an author to submit to RegNum a 
>>> description of a non-type specimen used as a specifier. We are 
>>> proposing to permit an image to be submitted instead of a 
>>> description if the author prefers.  However, a description will 
>>> still be an acceptable alternative.  In view of Kevin’s comments 
>>> about the availability of non-copyrighted images and the ease 
>>> with which permission would likely be granted to reuse images 
>>> from museum collections, inability to submit an image is likely 
>>> to be a rare event.  When it does occur, a description could be 
>>> submitted instead.  I therefore don’t think we need to permit 
>>> reference to an existing image to substitute for submitting the 
>>> image itself. 
>>> It would be good to hear from others if they have an opinion on 
>>> this. 
>>> Best regards, 
>>> Phil 
>>> > On Dec 17, 2018, at 3:03 PM, Michel LAURIN 
>>> < michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
<mailto: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
>> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > Dear colleagues, 
>>> > 
>>> > Following Phil's and Kevin's messages, with which I agree, I 
>>> wish to clarify that my intention is not to suggest that 
>>> reference to just any image anywhere on the Internet or in any 
>>> publication is as good as having the image uploaded into Regnum 
>>> and published properly. However, note that many journals, even 
>>> prominent ones like Nature and Systematic Biology have an 
>>> abysmal record of maintaining supplements (they now decline 
>>> responsibility and expect authors to submit these on external 
>>> repositories like Dryad, but even there, the guarantee is that 
>>> the supplements will be maintained 50 years, which is not that 
>>> long for biological nomenclature). So, perhaps it would be worth 
>>> stating somewhere that such images should be in the body of the 
>>> paper, rather than in supplements, if that is not implied by 
>>> other articles of the code. 
>>> > 
>>> > Back to the main point, I think that publication images of 
>>> specimens should be strongly encouraged, perhaps by a 
>>> recommendation. But if an author does not wish to, or cannot 
>>> produce an image of the specimen, he should at least reference 
>>> existing images, if some are available. That is better than 
>>> nothing. The text could be developed to clarify this, I suppose. 
>>> I tried to keep it short and simple, but perhaps it was too 
>>> short and too simple. 
>>> > 
>>> > Best wishes, 
>>> > 
>>> > Michel 
>>> > 
>>> > ----- Mail d’origine ----- 
>>> > De: de Queiroz, Kevin < deQueirozK at si.edu 
>>> <mailto: deQueirozK at si.edu 
>>> > À: Cantino, Philip < cantino at ohio.edu 
>>> <mailto: cantino at ohio.edu 
>>, Michel LAURIN < michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
>>> <mailto: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
>>> > Cc: Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature 
>>> < cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>, Max 
>>> Langer < mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
<mailto: mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> > Envoyé: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:05:42 +0100 (CET) 
>>> > Objet: Re: [CPN] Proposed changes in PhyloCode Article 11.9 
>>> > 
>>> > For images in the Wikimedia Commons, it seems that they may be 
>>> freely reused, so perhaps they could simply be copied and 
>>> uploaded to Regnum. 
>>> > 
>>> > In the case of images associated with museum collections, 
>>> permission could likely be obtained to reuse the image, although 
>>> such images will be rare for specimens that are not types. 
>>> > 
>>> > In the case of images in publications, if the publication is 
>>> open access, the image could perhaps be uploaded to RegNum.  If 
>>> it is not open access, I think it would be acceptable to cite 
>>> the publication with the relevant figure reference. 
>>> > 
>>> > Kevin 
>>> > 
>>> > On 12/17/18, 11:59 AM, "CPN on behalf of Cantino, Philip" 
>>> < cpn-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>> <mailto: cpn-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu 
> on behalf of 
>>>  cantino at ohio.edu 
<mailto: cantino at ohio.edu 
>> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> >    Dear Michel (and other CPN members), 
>>> > 
>>> >    I initially liked Michel’s suggestion, but as I thought 
>>> more about it, I became concerned about the longevity of the 
>>> public repository.  Do we want to rely on the continued 
>>> existence of a repository that we have no control over?  In 
>>> contrast, the longevity of an image that resides in the RegNum 
>>> database is fully under the control of the ISPN.  I am not 
>>> firmly opposed to Michel’s suggestion, but I would like to know 
>>> what others think. 
>>> > 
>>> >    Phil 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> >> On Dec 14, 2018, at 4:37 AM, Michel LAURIN 
>>> < michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
<mailto: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
>> wrote: 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Dear colleagues, 
>>> >> 
>>> >> I agree with the proposed revision. However, I think that we 
>>> could perhaps improve it a little by adding something like this, 
>>> after this sentence "When a specimen that is not a type is used 
>>> as a specifier in a phylogenetic definition, either a brief 
>>> description or an image of the specimen must be provided, 
>>> sufficient to convey a mental image to a non-specialist and 
>>> distinguish the specimen from organisms with which it might be 
>>> confused. " 
>>> >> 
>>> >> I suggest that we add something like: "If no image is 
>>> provided but if such an image has been published or is available 
>>> in public repositories (such as Wikimedia Commons), a reference 
>>> to such an image, with all the information necessary to retrieve 
>>> it and identify it unambiguously, must be provided."  The idea 
>>> is that in some cases, systematists may not feel compelled to 
>>> provide a new image of the specimen if one exists, but the 
>>> existence of that image may not be widely known, especially if 
>>> it is in a small, local publication. I think that if such an 
>>> image exists, the minimal requirement would be to mention it. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Best wishes, 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Michel 
>>> >> 
>>> >> ----- Mail d’origine ----- 
>>> >> De: Cantino, Philip < cantino at ohio.edu 
<mailto: cantino at ohio.edu 
>>> >> À: Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature 
>>> < cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: cpn at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>> >> Cc: Max Langer < mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> <mailto: mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br 
>>> >> Envoyé: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 02:53:23 +0100 (CET) 
>>> >> Objet: [CPN] Proposed changes in PhyloCode Article 11.9 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Dear CPN members, 
>>> >> 
>>> >> When I sent you version 6 of the code last month, I thought 
>>> it would be the final draft unless the CPN calls for changes.  
>>> However, in the process of revising Appendix A (which in itself 
>>> does not require CPN approval) a concern arose, which our 
>>> proposed revision of Article 11.9 is intended to address. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> The attached document also includes two relevant articles in 
>>> which no changes are proposed (11.7 and 11.8).  For context, it 
>>> is important to read both of them before considering the 
>>> proposed changes in Art. 11.9. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Please look this over soon and send your comments by next 
>>> Friday (Dec. 21) by replying to this message (reply to all).  I 
>>> don’t think this will take anyone more than five minutes, so a 
>>> week seems more than sufficient, but the deadline can be 
>>> extended if some of you are away from email due to travel. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Thank you. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Phil 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> -- 
>>> >> Michel Laurin 
>>> >> CR2P, UMR 7207 
>>> >> Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 
>>> >> Bâtiment de Géologie 
>>> >> Case postale 48 
>>> >> 43 rue Buffon 
>>> >> F-75231 Paris cedex 05 
>>> >> FRANCE 
>>> >> http://www2.mnhn.fr/hdt203/info/laurin.php 
>>> < http://www2.mnhn.fr/hdt203/info/laurin.php 
>>> >> E-mail: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
<mailto: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > _______________________________________________ 
>>> >    CPN mailing list 
>>> > CPN at listserv.ohio.edu 
<mailto: CPN at listserv.ohio.edu 
>>> > http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/cpn 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > -- 
>>> > Michel Laurin 
>>> > CR2P, UMR 7207 
>>> > Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 
>>> > Bâtiment de Géologie 
>>> > Case postale 48 
>>> > 43 rue Buffon 
>>> > F-75231 Paris cedex 05 
>>> > FRANCE 
>>> > http://www2.mnhn.fr/hdt203/info/laurin.php 
>>> < http://www2.mnhn.fr/hdt203/info/laurin.php 
>>> > E-mail: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
<mailto: michel.laurin at mnhn.fr 
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>>> CPN mailing list >>> CPN at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto: CPN at listserv.ohio.edu > >>> http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/cpn >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Max Cardoso Langer Ph.D. (Bristol, UK) >>> Departamento de Biologia >>> Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de Ribeirao Preto >>> Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) >>> Av. Bandeirantes  3900 >>> 14040-901     Ribeirao Preto,  SP,  BRAZIL >>> >>> Phone: +55 16 3315 3844 >>> FAX: +55 16 3315 4886 >>> http://sites.ffclrp.usp.br/paleo/ >>> >>> // >>> / >>> / >>> / >>> >>> / >>> / >>> / >>> // >>> / >>> A *semântica* é o último refúgio dos canalhas >>> / >>> // >>> / >>> / >>> / >>> . >>> / >>> / >>> / >>> // >>> >> >> >> <Article 11.9_proposed changes_draft >> 2.docx>_______________________________________________ >> CPN mailing list >> CPN at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto: CPN at listserv.ohio.edu > >> http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/cpn > > >
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