[Eecs_bscs] FW: Seminar - Austin Crabtree - "Space A New Cyber Frontier"

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Mon Mar 20 14:44:33 EDT 2023
EECS Research Seminar Talk
Austin Crabtree
Space: A New Cyber Frontier
Thursday, March 23, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Stocker (STKR) 103 and on Teams

Space is noted to be the final frontier. While that may be true for cybersecurity, it is also a new and growing frontier. As the field of Space Cybersecurity is growing there are considerations that need to be made for cybersecurity professionals to be able to understand the operational landscape of Space. Some include: how satellites and satellite constellations may or may not operate differently from the LAN and WANs that terrestrial cyber operations are already familiar with; the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) that cyber actors may use against space assets; and the components of the Space Architecture that a cyber professional my need to concern themselves with? This talk will be targeted at cyber professionals and students to give them a high level understand of space and space architecture along with showing some of the answers of the above considerations.

Austin Crabtree is a graduate of Ohio University with a bachelor's in computer science. He has worked for the Department of Defense for over 4 years in various roles: Software Support and Development for Heavy Lift Helicopter Avionics, Electronic Attack Effectiveness Test and Evaluation Engineer and Space Cyber Research Scientist. In his latest role he works on research topics that strive to create a safe operation landscape for all space vehicles.

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