[Eecs_msee] EECS seminar series with Dr. Nathaniel Szewczyk-Doing biology experiments on the Moon

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Tue Nov 9 09:06:23 EST 2021
Title: Doing biology experiments on the Moon

Abstract: Biomedical research has been enjoying a boom in activity since at least the 1980s, almost certainly linked to establisment and continuation of NIH funding. In contrast, the pace of discovery for biology experiments in space has lagged. Recently, NASA has established that Thriving in Deep Space (TIDES) will be its flagship program of biology research in space. The ultimate goal of this work is for life to thrive on other plantary bodies. The challenges of growing organisms on planet, for example on the Moon, are largely engineering and logsitical. These include limited mass, limited power, limited data downlink, and limited ability to control or retrive samples. Here I will discuss our ongoing efforts at automated experimentation on the genomic model organism C. elegans and how we are thinking about performing experiments beyond Low Earth Orbit.

Bio: Dr. Szewczyk recieved his PhD in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2002. He did a post-doc in Space Life Sciences at NASA Ames Research Center where notably he successfully recovered live C. elegans following the Columbia disaster. He joined OU in 2021 returning from the University of Nottingham in the UK where he worked as an academic for more than a dozen years. Dr. Szewczyk has led several international space biology experiments and currently serves as the co-chair of the European Space Agency (ESA) Space Biology post-2024 strategy roadmap and the NASA GeneLab Animal Analysis Working Group. Dr. Szewczyk is also a current member of the ESA Space -omics and Lunar Biology Topical Teams and the NASA Space Biology Beyond Low Earth Orbit Instrument and Science Series Scientific Working Group.

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