Dear Fellow Emeriti, Each month Ruth Nostrant must give to the O.U. Inn a minimum number of how many emeriti will be at our monthly lunch. This is based on a percentage of the “always” list and those who have let her know they were coming. In November a significantly large number of emeriti who had indicated they would be at the lunch never showed up. We still had to pay the O.U. Inn for the minimum number which Ruth had given them. If you were on Ruth’s list but did not let her know you were not coming please expect to receive an e-mail from me next week asking you to pay. Please remember: if you have told Ruth that you would be at the lunch, either as part of the “always” list or letting her know separately, but find that you cannot come, you must let Ruth ( nostrant at ) know no later than the Monday of the lunch week. (We have enough flexibility with the O.U. Inn to cover the lunch if an emergency happens to you on Tuesday, Wednesday, or even Thursday morning which prevents your attendance.) Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Ed acting in his role as treasurer of the O.U. Emeriti Association and guardian of our monies.
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