[Itech] Fwd: Democracy & Education, Safe and Caring Schools issue available

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 8 20:47:54 EDT 2008

Please see the call for papers below from Dr. Hutchinson.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaylynne Hutchinson < hutchinj at ohio.edu 
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Democracy & Education, Safe and Caring Schools issue available
To: Teresa Franklin < franklit at ohio.edu 
>, David Richard Moore < moored3 at ohio.edu 
>, Sandy Turner < turners at ohio.edu 

Hi Teresa and David and Sandy,

This is an announcement and call for various issues of the upcoming D&E
journal. I thought of all of you when I saw the last "Call for Papers" on
Technology and Democracy. Feel free to share with any former or current
students who may have an interest in writing re. this. Thanks. --Jaylynne

Democracy & Education at Lewis & Clark wrote:

>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdpjtmlc8OlKxRdiUYUHdK7pJjKsU3-nT5idlSGR1m7kut-XQyN5m08F3OV1LAHzkYZQlbhb8I6Idqlt1qUf1T8OJh492_ES5X7jUpEx1ASi3d512g0ePFqeQyVGS4VFOvs= 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Alternative strategies for building physically and emotionally "safe" 
> spaces for learning 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Dear Educator: 
> On February 14, 2008, six students were killed on the campus of Northern 
> Illinois University in a highly publicized shooting. Maylan Dunn-Kenny was 
> instructing a class of soon-to-be teachers when the shooting happened. In 
> the months that followed, her students, many of whom had come of age against 
> a backdrop of high-profile school shootings, grappled with the meaning of 
> the violence. In a reflection included in this issue of Democracy & 
> Education, she comments, "While I had been seeing schools as 'innocent 
> bystanders,' affected by the random violence that existed in society at 
> large, my students seemed to see schools as a target of violence. . . . My 
> students seemed convinced that schools were potentially violent places, and 
> yet they had made the commitment to teach." 
> Americans in particular have a strong notion that schools should be almost 
> pastoral islands of safety in a chaotic world. Yet, even disregarding 
> violent crimes like shootings, which are less frequent but well publicized, 
> schools rarely live up to this idealized notion-for example, bullying and 
> taunting are ever-present. Simply declaring that schools are supposed to be 
> safe isn't enough. 
> What are schools and teachers to do? As Michael Hills and Stephen Woolworth 
> note in their essay, "Many schools continue to be marked by policies, 
> procedures, and technologies that suggest order and control are the 
> preeminent educational values of the day. [A] culture of enforcement 
> pervades many schools and districts." 
> The authors in this issue offer alternative strategies for building 
> physically and emotionally "safe" spaces for learning that encourage caring 
> and kindness. The physical safety of students remains, and will remain, a 
> priority for administrators and the public. But for many students, an 
> equally practical reality is the reassurance that they will not be 
> judged-they're free to ask questions, be themselves, and mount challenges to 
> received wisdom. 
> For information on purchasing the "Creating Safe and Caring Learning 
> Communities" issue or a yearly subscription, please see below or visit our 
> website < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdpjtmlc8OlKxRdiUYUHdK7pJjKsU3-nT5idlSGR1m7kut-XQyN5m08F3OV1LAHzkYZQlbhb8I6Idqlt1qUf1T8OJh492_ES5X7jUpEx1ASi3d512g0ePFqeQyVGS4VFOvs= 
> >. 
> Regards, 
> Hanna Neuschwander 
> Editorial Director 
> *Ordering the Current Issue* 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdrcSNRMnU7gS27AwInwtZBJRwbYdSZDjH4vurwUS3AVWRmUo4RmoH-LURcLhEQcKX8_5Feo4lFW54CzVEgjejAr1-yiITqRciFQlqa6mx3P07ptCS5ucgR5Mro4WU21NVvmj9hU08FBmA== 
> issue of Democracy & Education focuses on how to create nurturing school 
> communities where students are safe to learn, explore, and challenge. 
> "Creating Safe and Caring Learning Communities" can be ordered by 
> subscribing to the journal ($40 associate rate, $70 institutional rate), or 
> purchased individually for $10. Bulk rates for classroom sets are available. 
> Alumni of Lewis & Clark can order subscriptions for $20. 
> To learn more about this issue, or to order copies, visit our website < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdpjtmlc8OlKxRdiUYUHdK7pJjKsU3-nT5idlSGR1m7kut-XQyN5m08F3OV1LAHzkYZQlbhb8I6Idqlt1qUf1T8OJh492_ES5X7jUpEx1ASi3d512g0ePFqeQyVGS4VFOvs= 
> Upc.oming Issues 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Teachers' Voices in Today's Schools-Why Are They Critical? 
> Deadline for manuscripts: October 15, 2008 
> We are seeking manuscripts that explore the role for teachers' voices in 
> today's schools and classrooms, and as part of the larger conversation about 
> education policy, democracy, and student achievement. Often teachers find 
> themselves in a contradictory position of having knowledgeable "teacher 
> voices" with their students, but having little say in other aspects of 
> education. Manuscripts might address themes captured in the following 
> questions: 
> * What does it mean to be an activist teacher in a democratic 
> tradition? 
> * How are school cultures set up to encourage (or discourage) 
> teachers' voices? Is there a cost associated with using your 
> "teacher voice" outside the classroom? 
> * With national, state, and district mandates, where is there room 
> for the teacher's voice? What are examples of innovative ways 
> that teachers have ensured their voices are heard? 
> Read the full call for papers < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdrCErBFAnFVeLZrnPFZHpDKw7jHN7_VlsNyLl1kQUkVVdi-tbvFRadAFS4SR8zca37I5UAmySe4PDk3u4ofyNF00QacxDpOU5py-1zLXq_8k805idj8CB0wODo-BvZ0GsL816jk6lujCg== 
> >. 
> Technology and Democracy 
> Deadline for manuscripts: January 15, 2009 
> Technology has been called "the great equalizer"-if information is power, 
> technology has the capacity to level the playing field, providing students 
> and educators with more and better information, and getting it to them 
> faster. But technology can be expensive and difficult to use or understand. 
> In practice, it is often distributed unevenly, which can exacerbate unequal 
> access to powerful democratizing tools. We are seeking manuscripts that 
> explore the benefits and barriers presented by technology, addressing themes 
> captured in the following questions: 
> * How have the technological advances of the last 20 years opened 
> up our understanding of democracy, voice, and participation in 
> schools? 
> * How might technology be used to empower students-to give them 
> confidence, access to information and new perspectives, and 
> outlets to explore the world they live in? 
> * With many students spending so much time alone with their 
> computers, televisions, or portable electronics, how will 
> educators ensure these students are prepared with the essential 
> collaborative skills necessary in a democracy? How might 
> technology be part of that learning experience? 
> Read the full call for papers < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdofBn0FAwmFTBV8iyKxpiEI7u70wOpVeRRdwhP6NBDYgzEkVJhruOdw_R7EMP-nl6v2euMcIsJkvop5GVM5QpF571AMExMYJA0EUWTWk_ASIBEZp2fNpz_sY-01d4DXL6c7QBS61JomQQ== 
> >. 
> To submit a manuscript, email journal at lclark.edu. 
Be sure to read our 
> submission guidelines < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdosIyJ7_Z6q2gz2M-tztWgm5VH713A6ZvWKfL3MrbflydB35rzx9r4Q33aAY7aZWgXT2hx-SNz6m6ycu68bc7LJxA8ptjSy9U5ixw3HiUd1g1nk92HdXZi_G5BBJVrCkT4hFDloX_kzdg== 
> *About Democracy & Education* 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Democracy & Education is a journal about the classroom; it focuses on 
> sustaining and developing democratic teaching practices that value the 
> voices of students and teachers. It is a community colloquium bringing to 
> light the success and struggles of educators as they work to merge 
> democratic teachings and principles with real-world practices. We are 
> committed to capturing the good practices of the worldwide teaching 
> community, empowering the young to play articulate roles in the public 
> space, supporting diverse perspectives, and encouraging caring, equitable, 
> just, and inclusive teaching. 
> If you would like to receive calls for papers for future issues, please 
> email Hanna Neuschwander using the contact information provided below. 
> *Quick Links...* 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Our Website < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdpjtmlc8OlKxRdiUYUHdK7pJjKsU3-nT5idlSGR1m7kut-XQyN5m08F3OV1LAHzkYZQlbhb8I6Idqlt1qUf1T8OJh492_ES5X7jUpEx1ASi3d512g0ePFqeQyVGS4VFOvs= 
> > 
> Subscribe < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdqZc9TzcP1jYE9cuCakZlcUIZwWcgwgfJV2nhHCSa9PYHZV10JUf7runVW7SBfpemd5ThYMYNSk8msMHfh8LnJWPwB46tHUnqeJFMcFDbVb4PfJNvTSNSZMeEprdL7e_9_xiYBzzSq-3A== 
> > 
> Submission Guidelines < 
>  http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001gRIgqEBJVdosIyJ7_Z6q2gz2M-tztWgm5VH713A6ZvWKfL3MrbflydB35rzx9r4Q33aAY7aZWgXT2hx-SNz6m6ycu68bc7LJxA8ptjSy9U5ixw3HiUd1g1nk92HdXZi_G5BBJVrCkT4hFDloX_kzdg== 
> > 
> *Contact Information* 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Hanna Neuschwander, Editorial Director 
> phone: (503) 768-6054 
> email: journal at lclark.edu 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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> Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling | 0615 SW 
> Palatine Hill Road | Portland | OR | 97219 
Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477 franklit at ohio.edu 
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