[Itech] Fwd: [Fwd: Budget Cuts: Faculty and Student Meeting on Friday, 2:00-4:00, Walter Hall 135]

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Thu Jan 28 21:04:42 EST 2010
Dear Graduates,

Budget cuts impact you, the college and the tuition you pay.  You may wish
to attend the meeting noted below to discuss these issues.

Dr. Franklin

OU community to discuss the university’'s mission and future on January 29

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Ohio University anticipates cuts to its annual budget over the next two
years of at least $30M, an amount equivalent to the cumulative annual
budgets of the Departments of English, Math, Chemistry, Physics,
Political Science, History, and Economics; or, if you prefer, cuts
equivalent to the combined annual budgets of the Colleges of Engineering
and Communication.  If these cuts are merely distributed across the
board as has been done in the past, they will cripple our already
threadbare academic units and may plunge the university into a spiral of
declining quality and declining enrollment.

It would be easy for us to cynically assume that there is nothing
faculty can do to defend our core mission, but that is not true.
Students, faculty, administrative personnel, and other staff can unite
to reassert the centrality of the academic mission and insist that the
budget be reframed to protect that mission

To that end, we invite you to a candid and constructive public
discussion THIS FRIDAY 2:00-4:00 in Walter 135.  This event is being
organized by a variety of faculty members and students and formally
sponsored by Faculty Senate, AAUP, Student Senate, and FutureOU.  The
discussion will be moderated by Geoff Buckley of Geography and Robert
Leary, Student Senate President.  We expect to fill Walter 135 and
perhaps to open a second room in Walter for overflow audience.

Please clear your schedule and come.  Please email your colleagues and
urge them to join you.   Please announce the meeting in your classes and
email your students, urging them to attend.  It’s that important.  If we
don’t very quickly develop consensus support for our core mission, we
will spend the rest of our careers wishing we had.

For further information about the event and to RSVP, please click the
following link to the event as posted for faculty on
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=261427801558&index=1 
< http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=261427801558&index=1 

On the Facebook page, particularly note the following: 1) A ten-minute
video previewing the introduction to the meeting by Steve Hays (Classics
and World Relgions). The video will give you a sense of the tone and
purpose of the meeting. 2) The RSVP section in the right margin.  Please
indicate whether or not you plan to attend.  Come even if you don’t
RSVP, but we’d like some sense of how many people to expect.

The Student Senate has set up a separate Facebook page to announce the
event to
students: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=449745845053&index=1 
< http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=449745845053&index=1 

Already over 100 students have indicated their intention to
attend.  *You can copy this link and include it in an email to your
students*.  It contains most of the same information the faculty page does.

Please don’t surrender to cynicism.  Good thinking and principled
resolution have changed things in the past, and they still can.  Other
people did it in the past for us.  Now it’s up to us.  Let’s make future
generations of OU students and faculty proud of us.

See you Friday at 2:00,

Steve Hays, Classics and World Religions

*_Attached to this message_* are the following:

1) an advertising flyer that you can print out and distribute to friends
and colleagues as you urge them to attend; and 2) a letter to the editor
from Bernhard Debatin (Journalism) that should appear in tomorrow’s
A-News, announcing and explaining the event.


Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477 franklit at ohio.edu 
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