[Itech] Fwd: Education 1.0 VS Education 2.0 VS Education 3.0

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Sat Nov 9 09:23:38 EST 2013
Hi Grads,

Gina is keeping us in the loop on education!  Thanks so much!

Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gina Bruce < gbruce111 at gmail.com 
Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 3:27 PM
Subject: Education 1.0 VS Education 2.0 VS Education 3.0
To: Aida Johnston < aidajohnston at gmail.com 
>, morrisc1 at ohio.edu 
, Adam Remnant
< adamremnant at gmail.com 
>, Audra Hilterbran < audra.hilterbran at gmail.com 
Beverly Kee < beverly.kee03 at gmail.com 
>, Caitlin Cahill < ccahill412 at gmail.com 
Chris Hawks < chris.hawks.mail at gmail.com 
>, Dhaifallah Alsuhaymi < dalsuhaymi at gmail.com 
>, DING MAO < maoding7738 at gmail.com 
>, " edishong at live.com 
< edishong at live.com 
>, Elena Gallagher < elena_aiello at hotmail.com 
>, Eric Clift
< clifte at ohio.edu 
>, Fatimah Albrahim < famyster at gmail.com 
>, Fauna Stout < fstout at cscc.edu 
>, foz alomar < lovelyfoz at gmail.com 
>, " franklit at ohio.edu 
" < franklinteresa at gmail.com 
>, " franklit at ohio.edu 
" < franklit at ohio.edu 
>, Gina
Bruce < gbruce111 at gmail.com 
>, heyam fouad < hasrar at gmail.com 
>, Jenny
Remington < jenny.e.remington at gmail.com 
>, Jody Monk < Jodymonk at gmail.com 
John Haupt < jhaupt2011 at gmail.com 
>, Martin Versluis < mgversluis at gmail.com 
Michael Donley < donleymohio at gmail.com 
>, Michael Roy < mikeroy909 at gmail.com 
Mohamad Al-Issa < ma187509 at gmail.com 
>, Mohammed Al Abdulatef < mfffna at gmail.com 
>, Nancy Cisneros < trainingnan at gmail.com 
>, Nasiha Arif < nasihaarif at gmail.com 
>, Patrick Mose < kaka.patro at gmail.com 
>, Sara Lorenz < sara.lorenz.89 at gmail.com 
>, Shaima Abloushi < sa099911 at gmail.com 
>, "Tweissi,
Adiy" < at373211 at ohio.edu 
> http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/11/a-must-see-chat-on-education10-vs.html 
Internet, as Barlow argues, is "the biggest technological event since the
the capture of fire in terms of what it will do to the basic look and feel
of being a human". This technological event has profoundly changed so many
taken-for-granted and heavily entrenched concepts including education.

The educational framework that was once designed to meet the burgeoning
demands of the industrial revolution was until recently the dominant
approach to instruction in our schools. This approach stood sturdy in the
face of the new learning theories that were mushrooming particularly in the
field of cognitive science and neuroscience starting from the early 40s of
last century.

Gina K. Bruce
Website: www.tech-savvy-educator.com
LinkedIN: http://linkd.in/YZvLGh 

*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams*Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Instructional Technology
313D McCracken Hall*, *Dept. Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-541-8847 (cell)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com 
*~~~~~~The best student-centered learning *experience in America~~~~
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