[Itech] Fwd: SALT Jobs Update

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Sat Nov 16 05:12:43 EST 2013
Hi Graduates,

New jobs!

Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Society for Applied Learning Technology < saltmail at ltimail.org 
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 7:28 PM
Subject: SALT Jobs Update
To: EdListA < Aggregate at ltimail.org 

*Society for Applied Learning Technologywww.salt.org < http://www.salt.org 

SALT Jobs Update
Friday, November 15, 2013 Listed below are the most recent Job Postings
that have been added to the SALT Web Site (www.salt.org).

1. Instructional Design & Support Specialist
Charlottesville, VA
UVa's School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) seeks applicants
for The Instructional Design and Support Specialist position

2. Software Architect - Senior
Fort Eustis area, Virginia
Ability to design and develop new distance learning (DL) content packages
or perform major enhancements to existing DL packages. Capable of leading a
development team in the design of highly complex DL systems. Ability to
perform as the highest-level technical expert, addressing problems of
systems integration and compatibility across multiple platforms. Capable of
assessing feasibility on potential future projects. MANDATORY REQUIREMENT:
Candidate must be a US Citizen in order to obtain and maintain an interim
and final security clearance

3. Systems Engineer - Senior/Site Chief
Fort Eustis, Virginia
Capable of performing high-level systems analysis, evaluation, design,
integration, documentation, and implementation of very complex distance
learning (DL) applications and related systems that require a thorough
knowledge of administrative and technical skills. Ability to direct and
participate in all phases of system development with emphasis on planning,
analysis, evaluation, integration, testing and acceptance phases (IV&V and

[image: bar]

To read the full job descriptions on the web site click
here< http://www.salt.org/index.htm?salt.asp?pn=joblistall 

Post a Job
If your organization has a position they would like to post on the SALT Web
Site, click on the following link to learn how you can reach qualified
individuals involved in e-Learning, instructional design, and technology
based systems for training, education and job performance improvement.

How to Post < http://www.salt.org/index.htm?salt.asp?pn=jobhowto 

[image: Conference]< http://www.salt.org/index.htm?fl/orlandop.asp?pn=orlando 

For more information on the 2014 New Learning Technologies Conference click
here < http://www.salt.org/index.htm?fl/orlandop.asp?pn=orlando 

[image: bar]

[image: Advertise]

To list your company's logo in SALT email distributions or on the SALT Web
Site, click here < http://www.salt.org/index.htm?salt.asp?pn=advertise 

[image: bar]

Society for Applied Learning Technology
50 Culpeper Street
Warrenton, Va 20186
Ph: (540) 347-0055 Fax: (540) 349-3169 Web: http://www.salt.org 
You are receiving this because SALT believes that you will benefit from
this information. If you want to be removed from this list click
here< http://www.salt.org/index.htm?salt.asp?pn=unsub 
>to go to our web
site and enter your email address.

You can also unsubscribe by sending an email to Unsubscribe at ltimail.org. 
you are sending from a different email address be sure to reference the
email address that you would like to have us unsubscribe.

For other questions, contact SALT at 50 Culpeper Street, Warrenton VA
20186. SALT can be reached by telephone at (540) 347-0055.


*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams*Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Instructional Technology
313D McCracken Hall*, *Dept. Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-541-8847 (cell)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com 
*~~~~~~The best student-centered learning *experience in America~~~~
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